I think this movie is going to be fantastic. Batman in all its morbid and dark glory. But yes, that's exactly what I like about the whole Batman universe: the fact that everything's so dark and awfully depressing.
I think its very spooky to see Heath Ledger in the trailer. Knowing that he's no longer with us and yet, seeing him as the diabolical maniac that is the Joker makes everything seem so... eerily creepy. And by the looks of it, his final swan song could just be his greatest role yet. Its not easy reprising a role so splendidly portrayed by Jack Nicholson more that twenty years ago and while you can still catch a glimpse of Nicholson-inspired-Joker in the trailer, it appears that Ledger managed to play the master criminal in his own rather subtly deranged manner. Yes, that's the difference: Nicholson's Joker was so darn over the top; Ledger's Joker appears to be more sinister and subtle, not so exuberant but still incredibly creepy.
Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean typical geminian free-thinker moody & eccentric thinks far too much for his own good med student (be afraid. be very afraid!) demon45_6f@hotmail.com
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge) day-dreaming drawing & photography animals (sheep!) chocolate and tea! seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds over-possessive, insecure, whiny people two-faced hypocrites housework and homework being called 'rich' rushing to do stuff crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!) a dog my own condo apartment a driving license and my own four wheel drive my own comic line someone to hug