I've just got an excellent idea for a costume! I could go down as a virus; either HIV or Influenza or Ebola! Imagine the spikes I have to put around my face to get the gp120/gp41 glycoprotein appearance if I were to go to the party as HIV! How amusing!
What Your Halloween Habits Say About You
You are an outgoing person who's a bit of a showoff. It's likely that you dress up for Halloween every year.
You often feel invisible when you're in public. And it's a shame, because you're really quite a character.
Your inner child is curious, brainy, and maybe even a little gross.
You fear people taking advantage for you. You are always worried about protecting your own interests.
You're prone to be quite emotional and over dramatic. Deep down, you enjoy being scared out of your mind... even if you don't admit it.
You are a traditionalist with most aspects of your life. You like your Halloween costume to be basic, well made, and conventional enough to wear another year.
You Are a Ghost
Mysterious, independent, and often unseen - you always do things your own way.
You are introverted, shy, and even a little secretive.
People are dying to know you better, but you're a difficult person to know.
A lot of your contributions to the world are left invisible and unfelt.
Your greatest power: Blending in really well
Your greatest weakness: Being too passive
You play well with: Witches
Halloween Horoscope for Gemini
Halloween is a huge party for you, except you're never really sure what to go as.
No matter what, your costume will make people's eyes pop out of their heads.
Costume suggestions: A sexy cop or a gruesome animal
Signature Halloween candy: Twizzlers
Scary movie you should celebrate Halloween with: Scream
I LOOOVVVEEE Halloween! =D I'm so happy 71's planning a Halloween party on the 17th. I know its going to be damn close to the CAs and I'm probably screwing myself left, right, centre by going to the party, but I can't wait. Its going to be so much fun, plus its great to meet 71 again. Now to think of a costume and what food to bring, because I don't really want to go there as Harry Potter again. Maybe I'll be a Death Eater or Voldemort this time round, that'll be cool.
CAs are coming! My goodness!Labels: horoscope, photos, quiz |