let's see how far we've come
Sunday 13 January 2008
who'll race with me?
I've been watching season 2 of "The Amazing Race - Asia" on and off now. I love "The Amazing Race", its such a fabulous concept, and it really tests team's ability to work together - how they communicate, how they pluck up the guts to do crazy stunts, how they encourage each other, how they push their bodies to their physical limits and beyond. Plus you get to see different places and do things that you'll never ever do. Makes me wonder what it'll be like to go on the race too.

I've many fantasies and daydreams, and one of them is to go on the race, and I've always wondered who I'll pick to go on the race with me. Will it be a friend or a family member? If its a family member, it'll definitely be my brother, so he'll be in charge of most of the physical stuff and I'll be in charge of more on the general knowledge and information part. But I highly doubt he'll want to go on the race with me. Haha.
If its a friend, I have a problem regarding who to pick. All my friends that I consider close enough to go on the race with me seem to have quirks that make them unsuitable for the race. And maybe that's the point exactly - that I know them too well to know that our team dynamics would end up quite screwed. Haha.
But the thing is, I know myself too well and I know that I'm not easy to work with in stressful situations - I can be very enthusiastic about stuff when I'm in a good mood, but can become very unco-operative when I'm in a bad mood.

Come to think of it, I would probably be quite a bad team-mate. I don't really have any good qualities that would help in the race, apart from my extensive knowledge about world cultures and world geography, which could be useful in certain circumstances, a tad bit articulate, and alert for strange stuff, and at my very best, can come up with multiple ideas that may or may not work. Oh the fact that I have guts to eat strange stuff - like live octopi and squids, worms and what not. And I can drive, both manual and auto! But other than that, I don't really have any other good qualities to help in the race - I'm not physically fit, I don't have a photographic memory, I am not that street smart, and I'm not ambitious and driven to win. Maybe the best quality about me is that I'm very easy going, so if my teammate is the ambitious and outspoken kind, he can push me along as well and I won't lose my temper or what not. I'll just go along as best as I can. Makes me sound more like a burden than an asset really.

Alternatively, it'll be cool to be the host of the amazing race. You don't have to do all the crazy stuff, and yet, you can just go along for the ride. My kind of holiday. Perfect.


posted by voldemort33 @ 12:00  
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yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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