let's see how far we've come
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
pharmaco blues
I've always known that Pharmacology would be the main obstacle to my completion of medical school. Even before I entered Med, I've always anticipated that I would develop an everlasting hatred for Pharmacology. "Loathing, unadulterated loathing! I will be loathing you my whole life long!"

To me, drugs just don't make sense. I would rather be studying about random body parts, strange facts on microbes or how diseases come about then memorizing obscure facts about each particular type of drug. Pharmacology just doesn't make any sense at all. Why do we, future doctors, have to memorise facts and properties about so many god-damn drugs when we probably won't actually prescribe half of them in our future work? And why do we have to memorize facts when there are formularies for us to consult in the work place? I just think that all the cramping on drugs that we are doing right now is entirely redundant mugging and way too taxing for us to go through. We should just be allowed to concentrate on other more useful and important facts and not on properties of some stupid drug with utterly fanciful names that all sound or look the same.

I absolutely hate pharmacology. Even though Pharmacology pros isn't til next year, drugs such as immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, antibiotics etc are tested this time round as well. It is one thing to study about living microbes that are at least very fascinating and interesting. It is an entirely different matter to study about synthetic, non-living compounds that have properties such as bioavailability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, terms that are really as boring as their names suggest. Last night, I was attempting to study the notes on HIV therapy and antivirals: I stared at the page on mechanism of action for the drug Forscarnet for ages, but nothing went in. Even if you asked me today what Forscarnet does, I would probably just give you a smile and tell you that it 'f*cks you to death!' Okay, I know it does something to inhibit DNA and RNA polymerase, binding to some pyrophosphate bond or something, but my point is that Pharmaco is an utterly boring subject that I have absolutely no passion for and if it wasn't for the fact that I need to pass the subject to get my MBBS, I wouldn't be bothered with trying to memorizing these stupid facts at all.

If studying antiviral drugs was already such a pain the ass, just imagine the amount of work I have to go through for the stack of notes on antibiotics. I know that medical historians say that antibiotics are the saviours of mankind, but seriously, they should be renamed the killer-of-medical-students-who hate-pharmacology. I'm sorry Sir Alexander Fleming, but your discovery of Penicillin really makes me sad.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 10:20  
  • At 14 August 2008 at 01:26, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love the way you think. I'm a nurse and had to go through that lovely Pharmacology course. I was just doing an internet search on Foscarnet because I have a bi-lateral lung transplant patient who has developed CMV. I hope the Foscarnet works on him and doesn't "f@#$ him up"... he's been given a second lease on life and it's barely just begun! Hang in there in med school...

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Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
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