let's see how far we've come
Friday 21 November 2008
'it is also a lie.'

I miss Harry Potter. Sigh.


posted by voldemort33 @ 23:37   0 comments
Wednesday 5 November 2008
the time for change has come

Barack Obama has won the US elections, and will become the 44th President of the United States of America. In doing so, he will be the first African-American President to be sworn into office. What an awesome feeling it is, to be watching right before our eyes as history is being made!

I think that its amazing how he has staged this amazing path to victory, from being a junior senator that everyone hardly knew, to become the man that he is today, the man that is the President-elect of the USA, the man that everyone wants to know more about. From his arduous fight against Hilary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, to the final duel with John McCain for the Presidency, Obama has never failed to impress me.

There was something different about him, something that both Clinton and McCain lacked. Maybe it was the steady way he spoke, maybe it was the way he carefully ponders and chooses his words, maybe it was calm, soothing nature of his voice, but Barack Obama gave me a sense of confidence, a sense of hope, a sense that something good can and WILL be done to the World, that there was something out there worth fighting for. I felt that he was able to connect with him, to inspire me and that he knew what he was fighting for, that he strongly believed in the ideals he believed in. Most importantly, he restored my sense of hope! He restored my belief in the way we individuals can make a difference, he gave me a pride for the collective spirit of the human world; he reminded me of what it feels like to dare to dream and reinvigorated my view of the future with hope. I have never felt this excited and expectant of the better days to come!

Watching Obama's victory speech made the victory especially sweet. Its a very different speech from that which he made at the Democratic National Convention a few months back. The previous speech was just inspiring. This speech was noticeably more subdued, but not without strength; the mood was somber but not sullen. This was a man who was humbly accepting the enormous responsibility that his country had placed upon on him, this was a man who was expressing gratitude to the millions of people who placed their hopes and dreams into his hands. This was a man who knew that, not just his nation, but the entire world was counting on him to show the leadership needed to lead humanity out of a dark and despairing time. And it is by no means going to be an easy task.

8 years of policies under the Bush administration has left behind an America so divided, so weak and weary that it has now started to drag the world along with it as well. The economy is in shambles, the 2 wars unsettled, the outlook is bleak and depressing. Dark clouds loom within everyone's minds. Obama has to pick up the pieces of a nation (and a world) frustrated and disgusted with the way America has devolved into a nation so troubled and inconsistent. He has to clean up Bush's huge stinking mess. He has to restore pride and honor to the United States, and to reignite America's leadership of the world. While it is highly unlikely that he will succeed in resolving every single problem that Bush has left behind (IT is a rather BIG mess!), I have no doubt that Obama will do everything he can within his power to bring about the change that we sorely need. It really is the time for America, for the rest of the world to change, not in the way and direction that George W.Bush has misguided us for the past 8 years, but to truly change for the better.

The time for change has finally, come.


posted by voldemort33 @ 20:05   0 comments
Saturday 1 November 2008
Grey's is back!
Grey's Anatomy is back, and its back to its former glory!

The latest season has so far been great! All the episodes were darn enjoyable! Fantastic! =)

It feels like the writers have finally gotten the formula right again. With fascinating new couplings and classical old ones, the show is on its track to greatness again. And I'm extremely happy for that!



posted by voldemort33 @ 00:32   1 comments
yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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