let's see how far we've come
Monday 26 February 2007
monday smoosh
Its monday, and another "back to school" day!
Oh, forced myself out of bed this morning when the alarm rang. But kept grumbling and grumbling in the process of doing so. It was quite unglam really, cause my face was flat on my bed, and the grumbling was right into it. Mouth full of fabric and stuff.
Definitely unglam.

CA2 is just 2 weeks away. My thoughts about it? Hah!
I dunno. It looks like its gonna be another mad rush again to just reach the finish line. I'm just gonna do my best, and whether a not its enough to get me a decent pass for all 3 tracks... who knows?
There's still my 1st professionals roughly 1 month after the CAs. Now that's the one that I gotta really worry and pull all the tricks that I've got. That's the really really BIG one. The now or never, do or die thing. But that's still a considerable time away, so lets just concentrate on the impending CA shall we?

I've actually got a favour to ask from you guys.
Erm... my blog's been having problems. A kind of a delayed update problem.
My latest entries don't show on my main page until after probably 6 hours to the time I blogged, but it shows immediately on my archives. Anyone knows what's the deal with that? Gets on my nerves sometimes.
So if you have any idea as to how to solve this, drop me a tag or something. Much appreciated.

I've just gotten 吴尊 real life personal blog add from Xinhui. Haha.
I'm damn amused lah. Dunno how she found it or whatever, but since she insists he posts very good entries, just decided to read it. And they are pretty good! He has a surprisingly good command of mandarin, and while his blog entries are pretty ordinary, you know, updates on his life and stuff, they really are quite genuine.
Its quite amusing to see so many females going gaga over him. But oh well. He is quite handsome and all, pretty boy looks, tall and well-built. He probably deserves the attention lah.

I'll try not to grumble to my bed again tomorrow morning. Hah!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:42   0 comments
Sunday 25 February 2007
some kind of miracle
"At the end of a day like this, when so many prayers are answered and so many aren’t, we take our miracles where we find them. We reach across the gap and sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we touch." - Meredith Grey

Oh my. I just caught the latest episode of Grey's season 3 and I feel like a total wreck now.
Not that it was as devastating as the promos claimed to be, because trust me, it turned out the way any Grey's fan would hope for, but because Grey's have a way of just making you feel like a total wreck. Which is just amazing. It just touches you, makes you think.
Which is the whole point of watching it in the first place. Amazing TV.

Peishan keeps concluding that Grey's is a very sad show. Which is so so true.
I can't help but think that there wasn't a single episode where all the characters were ever happy. Yes, there are always down right hilarious moments in the episodes, those kind of LOL moments in the show... but most of the time, the characters aren't happy.
They are all so so flawed, that even if they are happy, they are happy at the expense of others. (ahaha) I mean just look at them. How can they be happy?
But the thing is, even though its such a sad show, it makes it so addictive and realistic, because sometimes, our own sad sorry lives are reflected in it. Which is why so many people just keep going back for more and more of Grey's.

And the fascinating part of the episodes is the way so much emotion is always packed in the last 5 minutes of every single episode.
I love the endings of Grey's episodes. Its like, the whole point of watching the episode, is in the last 5 minutes, where some amazing song starts playing, where Mer's voice over starts concluding, where different scenes of individual characters start showing; its like a collage that is finally being pieced together. And everytime it happens, I get this rush of emotions that makes it hard to function once it all ends. Always happens. Without fail. Guaranteed plus chop. (OMG. Coffee shop singlish!)

Anyway, here's another song from the ending of a Grey's Anatomy episode.I heart the Grey's Anatomy soundtrack. Shonda Rhimes and Betsy Beers are geniuses for 1.creating Grey's Anatomy and 2. for being able to, time and time again, choose the right songs to use as the ending pieces, songs that match the scenes that are being screen to a tee.
I have the second soundtrack, but not the first. Tried to buy the first, but they have for only from import, and its freaking ex! like over 50 dollars or something! =/
Anyway, the song being featured today... Its called Swan by Unkle Bob, an Indie Band based in Glasgow (which, for some of my Geography-challenged friends, is in Scotland).
A very short song, but I dunno packed with emotion.You should watch it in the context of the episode, just note that this song is being played in an amazing, and oh so heart-wrenching sequence where Izzie and Denny encounter each other again.
YES, you read me right. Grey's fans who have watched up to season 2, Izzie and Denny encountered each other again, can't tell you how, and can't tell you why, but its just amazing.

I realised my taste in english music these days is very melancholic. I dunno, I have little patience for over the top singing these days. You know, those screaming lungs kind of thing, that Mariah, Whitney, and the likes love to do.
But the english music I listen to these days, are all those quiet, loungey-jazz, folksy, emo type soft rock and stuff. Which tends to become very depressing sometimes. I can't stand big band, old style screaming anymore. (which is why I'm not watching Dreamgirls and American Idol.)
Is it me, or have I become seriously old? =/

I am so dark and twisty. =)

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posted by voldemort33 @ 11:06   0 comments
Friday 23 February 2007

"每一次从爱里离开 就像是心被切一块 切一块 下次再也不敢放胆爱
谁知道主歌才一半 桥段都还没唱出来 就突然 你的出现爆破了悲哀

难道 我又我又初恋了 不可能 我又我又初恋了
可是 真的真的初恋了 这一种feel 我又 真的真的初恋了

我爱你 你爱我 我们再也找不到藉口
就像是 第一次 一起飞著爱情的自由
我爱你 你爱我 我们再也不需要藉口
又一次 初恋了 就算降讲有一点荒谬 谁在乎喔" - 我又初恋了,五月天

The MV is damn funny! Hahaha.


posted by voldemort33 @ 16:18   0 comments
where it all begin

Ha. I was supposed to go watch "Letters of Iwo Jima" today, but I decided to trade it with "盛夏光年" instead. Yup, finally watched it.

Lots of things in our life, start out when we least expected.
I remember being an extremely studious student in primary school. I was one of those annoyingly angelic students: teachers' pet, polite, quiet, studious.
I was the class monitor for several years. And "Most Courteous Boy" for several years as well.
YES, we actually had that title, and every year, each class would select a representative for that award. We even had a badge for it: a yellow smiley face with a green bow tie.
It was horrendous, and embarassing to be crowned as the "Courteous Boy" but back then, I didn't care that much.
Well. Come to think of it, I was most probably a horrible suckup. I dunno.
But I remember being very snappish with peers though, because I was so high strung with trivial matters like keeping quiet when standing in line, not talking when the teacher was talking etc. (I must admit that the current me thinks that I was a real pain in the ass then.)

Which probably explains why teachers like to put naughtier students next to me in seating arrangements. Yeah. I was (and maybe still am) a 康正行.
I was the kind of boy that teachers hope would tame the wild, ruly ones.
The interesting thing here is that the meaning of 'Damian' in Latin is 'to tame'. Kinda cool, but back then, I didn't know what to think of it. (I thought back then that the name "Damian" simply meant the son of the Devil, and only realised that was because of the stupid 'Omen' movies)

Lots of the friends I had in Primary school (at least from P1 to P4) were not friends that I willingly took up.
They were students that were in general thought by my teachers to be incorrigible, and probably had not much normal friends.
So I was their friend, maybe even their life bouy even.I would share my books with them (cause they always forgot to bring them), I would shush them when they started talking too loudly, I would teach them what little I knew that they didn't (although I was extremely impatient and was quite exasperated with them for being such slow learners)
And I guess some part of me loved that fact that I was making (whether it was significant or not) some sort of impact in their lives, and that I had some degree of influence in others.

Which makes me wonder if I actually took this with me when I grew up.
The friends I personally made as my own... did I become friends with them because I genuinely wanted to be friends with them, or merely because I felt a need to be friends with them, because in some ways or another, I felt they were being marginalised?

I was never someone who embraced being part of the majority. Maybe it was just me being rebellious, but I never placed myself in the position of being part of the crowd.
I dunno, I always felt a need to be with the uncool crowd, even if it meant being more lonely, or more isolated or whatever.
But the more you get into this quagmire of wanting to make a difference in someone's life, wanting to be that special someone that can change their lives, wanting to be that person that makes that special difference, the more difficult it is to get out of it, especially when it starts to hurt you.

Its complicated.

他们俩的感情, 是友情或爱情 ,自己也可能一辈子都想不清吧.
而两人中间又出现了一个惠嘉, 一个好无恶意的女生, 一个不小心, 就把所有的一切变得更加复杂,变得更加杂乱.
总有一天, 你还是得勇敢的面对现实, 还是得将一切说清楚.
后果会是这么样,总比活在谎言里,来得宽敞, 来得舒服, 来得自在, 来得简单.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 13:29   0 comments
Wednesday 21 February 2007

Ha. I guess that's how a chromosome of my DNA is supposed to look like.
First quiz of this new blog. And the results make me look like I'm Gandhi or something. *Flattered*


posted by voldemort33 @ 22:30   0 comments
Tuesday 20 February 2007

"怎么办 感觉甜又酸
偷偷爱 你快乐又孤单
怎么办 爱却不能讲
你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙

你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳
甚至比我 还要更好看
我虽然无力抵挡 但是日子还长
- 怎么办, SHE

Hoho, I think this song is damn cute. And "花样少年少女" is damn funny. Why can't chinese high be like 樱开男校, with a compulsory hostel system and all, and of course a girl hidden among our midst to makefun/bully/fallinlove/irritate and stuff?
Anyway, I always feel that the drama happens in schools with compulsory hostel systems. Cause the students become lonely and have no one to depend on and thus, start forming stronger friendships (or from another angle, weird, sorbid relationships. HAHA)

Ella really looks like a 小弟弟!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 11:08   0 comments
the evil old sheep and the young innocent animals
"The Evil Old Sheep and The Young Innocent Animals"!

Heading to a cinema near you! =p

One of my cousins has this amusing 'serious' accent. The pesky young'uns were playing some sort of trivial quiz game, and she wanted to be the quiz master.
I wasn't really allowed to play because 1. I was TOO OLD (humph!) and 2. I knew most of the answers and would have probably kicked their asses anyway. (=p)
So I just sat there listening and watching them play, and dropping occasional cryptic hints to questions which they didn't have a single clue about.
Kept laughing and laughing because my quizmaster cousin was obviously trying her best to be professional and to pronounce words that no primary three student would know... but she was so earnest in her role that it hurt.
Nevermind that none of the other cousins playing understood most of the questions. It was just priceless to hear Kym speak. Hahahaha. =>

I've now been officially labelled as the "evil old sheep" by those pesky kids. Hahaha. Which is so true, so true.

Another day of visiting tomorrow. And I haven't gotten all the angpows I'm expected to get yet. Let the dole keep running in. Hehehe.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 02:15   0 comments
Sunday 18 February 2007
pigs can fly!
Hello me mateys!
(Are you ready kids? =p)

Happy happy happy new year to all of you! Its the year of the pig! The last year of a whole zodiac cycle! Where everything is supposed to be oinky and pink and dirty, and unfortunately for you weight-concious gals out there... FAT!
So here's to a FAT and glorious and juicy new year to all of you! (So forget your diet plans! Its a given to gain weight in this year of the pig!)

Hohoho. Okay... wrong festival to do that, but its all in the spirit of goodwill. Haha.
Its another year of hong baos, mandarin oranges, overnight (and very exhausting) gambling sessions, ba kwa, sore throats, awkward visits to nosey relatives, and maybe even temporary insanity!
But I love it! But may have started to dislike it now. I mean, there's just so much chaos and disorder and nosey relatives that you can stand now that you are approaching 20 and starting to really live a grown up life.
But still, the lunar new year will always be one of those things that you always look forward to in the year. And this year isn't any different.

There's less visiting to do this year, because of erm... recent bereavements in the whole extended family. Not that its a bad thing... I mean, there's less awkward family moments and stuff...
But with less visits, comes less income! And I love getting hong bao money! It makes the whole sitting around with a forced smile worthed it! (That and the amazing gossips that you occasionally dig up! The best form of drama, really comes from your family!)
But yes... I love my hong bao money, and this year, the need to get a larger share is more pressing so as to cover some of the expenses for my Europe trip in May/June.

Something very hilarious happened just now though.
My dad and I were buying "Aladin" playing cards at 7-11 just now.
And my dad did something hilarious.
He promptly went up to the counter and asked the two malay shop-attendants if they still had "Adidas" Cards.
(needless to say, the store didn't have "Adidas" cards)

My cousins (the whole noisy bunch) are currently beside me playing some game involving huge piles of coins.
Its the first day of the Lunar New Year, and as always, my whole maternal family is here, at our house, gambling, eating, and basically making merriment.
Its quite amusing to see they make noise over losing like 50 cent coins each round.
The sound effects from them, really spendid. Oh well. But its tradition lah. Feels different if no one comes over to my house on the first day and tear it in down. Yup. Something constant in this crazy world.

Oh shit. They whole bunch of them just decided to crash my room.
I've got to control the whole mad bunch of them! LEAVE MY MOORE ALONE!!!

Gotta run! =p

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posted by voldemort33 @ 20:30   0 comments
Thursday 15 February 2007
Falling Awake

Falling Awake - Gary Jules
Eagle in the dark
Feathers in the pages.
Monkeys in my heart
Are rattling their cages.

Found a way to blue
And another ghost to follow
Said "it's only up to you"
And that's the hardest pill to swallow.

You never get to choose
You live on what they sent you
And you know they're gonna use
The things you love against you

One foot in the grave
One foot in the shower
There's never time to save
You're paying by the hour

And that's just the way it goes
Falling awake
And that's just the way it goes

Slipping through the bars
Aware of the danger
Of riding in the cars
Taking candy from strangers

And it's never out of hand
Never out of pocket
I'm supersonic man
Do you wanna buy a rocket?

Well that’s just the way it goes
Falling awake
Falling awake
And that’s just the way it goes
Falling awake
Falling awake

Eagle in the dark
Feathers in the pages
Monkeys in my heart
Are rattling their cages

I could learn to play the game
Learn to run the hustle
If I only had the brains
The money or the muscle

You never get to choose / You live on what they sent you
And you know they're gonna use / The things you love against you

One foot in the grave / One foot in the shower
There's never time to save / You're paying by the hour

And that's just the way it goes / Falling awake
And that's just the way it goes

Amazing song, as featured in the Episode "Six Days: Part II" of the third season of Grey's Anatomy.

You never get to choose the way life plays out for you, and there's only so much you can do with the roads that are presented to you.
You may live on whatever they have given to you, try to make the most out of it all, but in the end, you'll still know, that they will take away what is most important to you, because that's just way it goes.

We all live lives that are straddling between the thin line of what's right and what's wrong. Between a thin, almost invisible, but most definitely real line between truth and lies, death and life, good and evil.
And life isn't like a computer game, where you can save it up and replay it all over again. You can't do that because living is an expensive business. Just to move on and wake up to another day... any idea how much that costs you? Every fibre of your soul, every thread of your body, every ounce of your strength and spirit.
And can we do anything about it? No we can't.

Because that's just the way it goes.

To quote Dr. McDreamy himself:
"Just for the record, I am your prince in shining whatever."
So don't keep pushing me away. Don't make me run away from it all. Don't let me walk this earth alone.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 22:10   0 comments
Sunday 11 February 2007
holy macoroni!
I am going to talk about something I usually avoid today...
And that is the topic of - Religion.

"Wooaha! He's gonna talk about religion?"
Yup, you heard (or rather read) me right.
I am gonna talk about the sticky issue of religion. Sticky icky icky issue! So sticky, it even bites. (*snap*)

But rest assured people, I'm no biggot and I don't see myself becoming one in the next century or so, so no, I'm not going to flame anybody, or anyone, or any religious school of thought for that matter.
If I'm gonna flame anyone, its gonna be me. Yes, I'm gonna burn myself in the butt, for not having a religion.

I bet all of you are laughing big time right now, because I'm sure everyone out there feels that Damian and Religion, don't mix. Given my propensity to believe in anything ranging from Astrology, to the Occult, from Buddhism to Islam, the very idea of me, subscribing to just one religion, and devoting the rest of my life to it, is really, quite alarming. (or amusing, depending on how you look at it.)
But yes. I was wondering on the way home just now, in a horribly long bus ride, jam packed with Filipino maids, that maybe its a shame I don't have a religion to believe in. And that maybe, just maybe, if I did have a religion, I would have more meaning in my life, such that I wouldn't be so screwed up, trying to find more meaning in life in the first place!
(which means the maids are actually superior to me in terms of spiritual enlightenment, cause we all know they are Roman Catholics. Can you imagine me? Inferior to them? Okay, that was mean, but while I'm no biggot, I must admit that I tend to be a bit class conscious.)

Its an interesting thought, this whole tricky business of religion. And truth be told, its been a topic that has been discussed quite earnestly in medical school last week.
Huipei and I kept talking about it... because we discovered that alot of our fellow anatomy group-mates were actually extremely (in Huipei's words) "Holy" people. So holy! But yes, I'm not used to having devotees among friends... except maybe Esmonde and Isaac and Yuan Kang way back in Secondary School.
I remember always getting dragged to their, I dunno, (was it confession or sharing?) sessions, and just watching them engage in their daily (which gradually became weekly) talking sessions, where I guess they tried to communicate with God. (I observed, mostly with amusement, because it really was quite amusing to me...)
But yes, the whole point that Huipei and I were trying to make was that we both came from Catholic Schools, just like Gerard and Matthew, yet we ended up being so unreligious, both of us having no religion and all, and they being so involved in their religion ... Kinda strange really.
But ultimately, we figured its because of the fact that our families are non-religious, and due to the whole nuture over nature thing, we have become non-religious as well.

Come to think of it, maybe its not so bad having a religion.
I guess its just the whole sense of finding meaning in your life, finding some form of direction, even finding some form of family outside your biological family. You get a sort of spiritual family as well.
And I've seen so many people who find so much joy, meaning and delight in having a religion. The obvious case of Esmonde and Isaac and Co. comes to mind. My aunt and her family living in Australia. Sebast and his new found direction in life. And now medicine friends.
Maybe if I did have a religion, maybe if I made up my mind so many years ago on whether I should even bother or not, I would have so much more meaningful weekends spent with another group of people who share my same beliefs, instead of worrying incessantly if the latest episode of Grey's or Heroes is going to be deleted from its online source.

Ha. But its too late now. I'm too deeply entrenched in my own unique interpretation of spirituality that I can never ever force myself to be discipline enough to adopt a religion.
Come to think of it, I don't really know what I believe in. I know that I believe thst there is something up there, some kind of force, something much larger that us, who control our fate and destiny. But what it may be, I do not know. I do not know if there's one God, or many Gods, or no God/Gods at all, but at least I know, I am not an Atheist.
But as to the specifics of what I believe in, I guess I would say its a mix-n-match, a hotchpotch of different ideals from different religions... and to me it makes no difference.
Cause afterall, all religions, teach you one thing, which is how to be a better person.
So really, what difference does it make if you believe in God, Allah, Buddha or Shiva, when in the end, all will help you to be just simply, a better person?

One thing though: I totally dig the whole Papacy thing with regards to Roman Catholicism.
All the pomp, and bureaucracy, and conspiracy, and history! So cool. So damn cool. =p

But yes. Wouldn't it be nice to once in awhile, get some slice of that religious pie?

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posted by voldemort33 @ 20:48   0 comments
Saturday 10 February 2007
Love Will Come Through

"Well I stand at the crossroads/Of highroads and lowroads
And I got a feeling it's right
If it's real what I'm feeling/There's no makebelieving
The sound of the wings of the flight"
- Love Will Come True, Travis

There are just days where all the exhaustion of the previous days come crumbling, stacking and crashing down on you.
Where you just want to do nothing but stay in bed all day, mope around doing nothing, be sullen and angsty and to pick fights with your sometimes overbearing mother.
Where you feel the need to do some drinking, the need to lock yourself in a room somewhere and be alone, or the need to take flight.

And well, today just happens to be one of those days.

Amazing song to listen to when you are feeling like what I am feeling today. (like crap)
Amazing song to listen to when its... one of those days.
Here's to a better day for all of you guys.


posted by voldemort33 @ 18:13   0 comments
The week's been pretty rough, and just when I thought I would have the whole weekend for mindless tv entertainment, every online-video scavenger's worst nightmare has come true. Argh.

The "Heroes" links aren't working anymore! Or rather, they aren't public anymore! Which means I couldn't continue my marathorn today! Not without requesting to be a friend of the person who posted the video anyway... (and of course, him accepting my request and sending me the episodes)...
But the good news is, peekvid seems to be coming out of beta soon... and I'm hoping when it does come out of beta, I'll be able to watch "Heroes" on it as well.
God damn it! It sucks when you are in the middle of something filled with suspense and mystery, and just when you thought that you can finally get some answers and stuff, you find out that you are now stuck at where you are and can't continue on with it. Oh the torture.

Just in case you were wondering though, I did request to be the owner's friend. Wrote a whole sob request, saying how it isn't shown in Asia and all, and how much I love it and need to watch it.
Yes I know, sounds desperate and needy, but heh, I need my episodes of "Heroes". You can't expect me to just rely on the eps shown on cable, not when I've gone so far into the storyline, and when cable is showing eps so slowly. The anticipation and the need to get the answers to all those questions is just too much to bear.
I hope he accepts my request. Or else I'm really screwed. I could seriously go all "Niki Sanders" and start ripping random people apart.

Oh yeah, another thing. I didn't go to Chinatown last night. Was supposed to go with my extended family as a sort of tradition thing, but I decided I didn't want to go in the end (No prizes for guessing what I chose to do with the time made available though)
Not that I minded not going. I was never really a big fan of it, considering the fact that I hate crowds and stuffy places. All the claustrophobia and all.
But of course, I got into a big fight with my mom over it, and boy, she did say some dirty things that made me extremely fired up. Threatened to not allow me to go on holiday to Europe and stuff.
Which obviously served to do nothing but get me all riled up. Still am pretty mad at her. I hate it when she turns all COD on me. Like she expects to run my life for the rest of my life or something.
Ah well. Just have to ignore her prissy fits and just move on. Don't really need her approval in every aspect of my life anyway.

Nothing else to add.
Just waiting for my "Heroes" to be delivered.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 15:59   0 comments
Thursday 8 February 2007
Okay, due to people complaining (grumble.) I have added a tagboard.

You guys owe me 5 minutes of your life for making me do this. I could have spent it on more meaningful stuff...
Like watching "Heroes". Damn.
(better make use of it... if not, I'll be pretty unhappy!)

Let the (-ve/+ve) feedback, begin.


posted by voldemort33 @ 22:07   0 comments
so should all of you!
Thanks to Matthew, I now have the whole season of "Heroes" at my fingertips.
What a way to fight an addiction man. Feed it with greater dosage of the drug itself, til death from overdosage kills me. Cheers!

On to more serious stuff about friendships and all.
I think I've grown into a phase whereby I'm used to the whole notion of never finding anything as close to the bonds forged in JC anymore. But then, I'm convinced that I can still find good friends in University, in work and in adult life.
I guess everything about growing up, is getting used to the fact that most things in life, aren't for eternity, and that one day, we'll end up alone, end up facing the challenges of life (and death) alone. Cause, really, we came into this world alone, we are going to leave it alone.
And I think, last semester taught me that, really really well. I came into University with too idealistic a view about the friendships I had from the past, that they'll become stronger in the University, but of course I was proven woefully wrong.
People place different emphasis or different degree of importance to different things: your idea of how importance a certain friendship is, could be vastly different from how others view it as well. (you never know, can you?) and there's nothing wrong with that.

So yes, I'm never going to develop bonds as close to those in JC. And neither am I going to believe that existing bonds will last forever. Old bonds will fade, and eventually break, while new ones will be forged. Its just a matter of time, a matter of how long it last, a matter of how desperate you try to maintain them and get them fixed in its existing state.
But one day, close friends just become friends. Cause you'll never ever get to see them everyday, time spent together fades, and you'll end up having to spend more time with other people you'll eventually meet.
And am I going to keep grumbling about not being able to find close friends in this bunch of new faces I meet, keep reminiscing about the past that can never be brought back? If the answer is yes, then I'm gonna be living such an unfulfilling life indeed.
Bonds do break. Not because someone chooses to break them or not, but because its something that comes along with nature. They dissipate. Its just a matter of time.

But that is not to say that I am never ever going to find good friends down the road.
If anything, starting this new semester with a fresh perspective, and a reduced reliance of certain friends, have made me realise that I wasn't that alone in the first place.
While I was grumbling about the fact that friends I have grown to rely on where being clique-ish, I myself was being clique-ish, by not going out to embrace new friendships.

And the new semester has taught me a valuable lesson, that I have a bunch of new friends that I get along very well with. And I'm very thankful for that, that my PBL/anatomy/physio group has managed to bond quite well. (Or at least, a core group of us anyway.)
In someways, this group of people who I keep seeing in tutorials over and over again, has sort of brought back some of the old feelings of closeness you see in classes of the past. And its probably what I have been looking so desperately for in the previous semester. That degree of closeness when you realise that you can't rely on your adoptive OG or your old friends for it.
(And it helps that a bunch of my anat-mates live near me... so it basically means I never have lonely rides home anymore, and there's always someone on the train to gossip and rant to.)

And while you may argue that the friendships forged now, may not be as close as those you have in JC, the fact is they are still strong enough to give me that sense of closeness.
Because I believe closeness comes only after being friends first. And it takes time to develop that closeness, and at least, I do see some semblance of that being formed.
And you might argue that old friendships are less pretentious, more real. And while that may be true, its not fair to just limit yourself from forming new bonds just because you think its all a pretence. And pretence will never last: if you manage to become friends, you just become friends; if you don't, then the tiring nature of having to keep it all up, will just fade away, and you'll just drop it all and move on. Its a form of natural selection.
But if you limit yourself from it all, then you miss the chance to find what could be a new beginning, a new set of great friends, and a new bedrock of amazing bonds.

In some ways, I feel thankful that I don't have a large bunch of 71-ians that are in medicine, or in NUS. Cause I don't have to feel troubled about hanging out with new friends with the fear of not being seen as part of the old gang.
(unlike some other people I know! *ack ack*)
Not that its a bad thing to have lots of old classmates around in uni all the time (better put this in lest some people I know think I'm attacking them!), because I'm sure the class gatherings everyday and stuff are fun and helps you reminiscent about the good old glory days and stuff. But at least I don't have to feel so torn or hypocritical or damaged.
And I can't believe I was jealous (maybe even angry with) of them last semester. Wow. Feels like I've grown older and matured. Tsk. =p

And the good thing about not seeing 71-ians all the time, is that it makes the few opportunities to get to see all my fellow 71-ians even more memorable, and probably makes me cherish the times I had with them.
And because I have learnt to let go and move on, even when the time comes for us to be alone and go our separate ways, at least I've dealt with that... and that I know that even though I don't have all these old close bonds to rely on, I have a new group of good friends to fall back on and cover my back.
And when the time comes when I have to move on another phase in life, I will keep having new people to rely on... and old people to treasure. Yup.

I've moved on. =)

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posted by voldemort33 @ 15:32   1 comments
Wednesday 7 February 2007
a little bit of ER and Heroes
Hoho! Life just got more interesting today!

I just discovered that cable's still showing the first few seasons of "ER" at 8pm every weekday! And I'm so hooked!
Looks like I'm never ever going to get much work done anymore. "ER"'s so addictive, and its literally a medical student's fantasy. It has so much exciting medical cases, so much cool scenes of gore and blood, floating organs, fascinating surgeries... its probably one of the most technical medical dramas out there (even more so than "Grey's")
I guess "Grey's" is more of the human, emotional and ethical drama between doctors, whereas while "ER" also has its fair share of these tantalizing bits, it tends to be more focused on the medicine behind it. The heck, both are amazing serials anyway.
Looks like my 8 o'clocks will never be free again. =p

Its interesting to note that I first caught "ER" when I was upper primary, in an attempt to be sophisticated. Of course I didn't understand anything that was going on or being said in it: all the technical jargon just sounded like gibberish crap. But I still watched on anyway, because it would have been so embarrassing to give up halfway and watch some low grade cartoon instead.
However, when I watch it now, everything just clicks! (the jargon makes sense, the procedures are not so ailen, the situations so realistic cause... well, you are studying about it every single day!) And everything that happens in the show, serves to excite me.
And the strange thing was, I remember being freaked out by the scenes of blood and gore then, and that "ER" was the series that convinced a ten year old me, that I will never ever be a doctor. And look where I am now? Look at what happened to me over ten years.
I have choosen to be in a profession that I had, just a decade ago, sworn to avoid for the rest of my life. And instead of being freaked out by bloody, messy scenes of injuries and surgeries, I get a kick out of seeing them.
Times have changed indeed.

And if you thought that I would have been satisfied with rediscovering an old addiction , I shall also take the opportuntiy to officially announce that I'm addicted to 'Heroes' as well.
Damn. I caught the first episode last week, and boy was it a bore. But the second episode that aired just a few hours ago was so thrilling and intriguing, that I immediately got hooked.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that it features, like any brilliant medical drama, scenes of extreme gore as well (victims of a serial killer with their skull caps cut, bodies in various states of decomposition), I dunno, but it sure is great entertainment. Another series to go wild and obsessive over.
With "Grey's", "ER" and now "Heroes", I have loads of keeping up to do. And ff this goes on any longer, I might have to get a shrink. (or I could just wish that I had Hiro-san's power to manipulate the space time continuum, and teleport "like star-treku"! Then I'll just keep re-visiting certain days and keep watching them over and over again.)

So many amazing shows, so little time.
Such, is the greatness, of American Televison.


posted by voldemort33 @ 22:06   0 comments
Not Too Late

i've been a fan of Norah Jones since her 2002 debut.
it was the album "Come Away With Me", an album filled with sultry, soothing, nocturnal, piano-heavy tunes. brimming in its jazz and lounge influence, it was a charming, delightful record - and the recording world loved it. it went on to win a historic 8 Grammys for Norah Jones, the highest record ever for a solo artiste.

her second album "Feels Like Home" was released 2 years later, and it explored a radically different genre of music - the banjo filled tunes of country music.
while "Come Away With Me" was like the silent, still, winter night, "Feels Like Home" was like a bright, sunny, summer day. it was such a joyous record, with a kind of 'can-do' homely feeling to it. it wasn't what i had expected, considering that i was crazily in love with the melancholy of the previous album. but I guess, it was a pleasant surprise.
if "Come Away" was the winter night, and "Feels Like Home" was the summer day, then Norah Jones' latest album "Not Too Late" is probably best described as a tranquil autumn evening. this time, the artistic direction has moved back towards the heavy jazz influence seen in the 2002 debut. but that is not to say the album is filled entirely with nocturnal-esque tracks.
it has its fair share of experimental music as well... kind of like a healthy mix of slightly more hopeful songs, with slightly more depressing ones. its soothing, inspiring, even cynical at times. which is quite an achievement, because i never really imagined that Norah Jones could ever be cynical in her music. but well, she has proven me wrong.

not as fascinating as her first, not as fresh as her second, but this third effort by the talented singer-songwriter is still enough to make me marvel at the amount of emotions that a simple tune can bring out of you. and if anything, Norah's raw, smokey and penetrating voice makes this record a worthwhile purchase. so go listen to it!
cause its never too late to fall in love with this amazing nightingale of jazz.


posted by voldemort33 @ 00:07   0 comments
Monday 5 February 2007
back from the dead
well. this is it.
i'm back from the dead.

it feels weird to be back though. feels as if i'd been on a long holiday that ended too fast, too soon.
but yes, this blog is back, up and running, all rearing to go again, 2 weeks premature, but thankfully, still healthy and viable.

can't believe i took the whole night just to get this template up and running though. the links took forever! and i'm not even done with it yet. goodness knows why i have so many links to put up.
i should seriously cut back on internet time. half my time is spent just surfing around without any purpose, when i should be just focused on downloading shows and music and movies and what not. (tsk tsk)
but anyway, yeah. i really ought to be reading up for physio, and doing my anat tutorials. but i suppose they can wait. *snicker*

i don't really have much to put up here in this first entry. haha.
but the 5 weeks without a blog really made me miss blogging. made me realise that i can't really live without a blog.
there's always this itch that needs to be scratched. this need to pen a thought down, so much so that without a blog, you can't find the outlet to achieve that.

anyway, i have great ambitions for this blog. hoping to develop a style that's radically different from the previous incarnations...
who knows how it'll turn out! we'll see.

yup. feels great to be back. =p


posted by voldemort33 @ 20:42   0 comments
yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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