let's see how far we've come
Thursday 29 March 2007
take your pick potterites!
The cover art for "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows" is out! And there are 3 different versions to choose from!

UK adult version: Slytherin's locket in the flesh!

UK version: Is that a treasure trove filled with Horcruxes?

US version: Harry VS Voldie!
So take your pick potterites! My favourite is the UK adult version... but I think the US version is quite cool too. Probably a foreshadowing of the final battle between Potter and Voldemort. Can hardly wait!

The UK editions have summaries; the inside flap reads:

"Harry has been burdened with a dark, dangerous and seemingly impossible task: that of locating and destroying Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes. Never has Harry felt so alone, or faced a future so full of shadows. But Harry must somehow find within himself the strength to complete the task he has been given. He must leave the warmth, safety , and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him…

In this final, seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling unveils in spectactular fashion the answers to the many questions that have been so eagerly awaited. The spellbinding, richly woven narrative, which plunges, twists and turns at a breathtaking pace, confirms the author as a mistress of storytelling, whose books will be read, reread and read again."

And on the back of the adult edition:

"Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldemort and his supporters knowing – if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him with?"

Credits go to the-leaky-cauldron, one of the best potter-news sites on the planet.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 19:27   0 comments
Wednesday 28 March 2007

我怀念的 - 孙燕姿
我问为什么, 那女孩传简讯给我
而你为什么 ,不解释低着头沉默
我该相信你很爱我 不愿意敷衍我
还是明白 你已不想挽回什么

想问为什么 , 我不再是你的快乐
可是为什么, 却苦笑说我都懂了
自尊常常将人拖着 把爱都走曲折
假装了解是怕 真相太赤裸裸

我怀念的是无话不说, 我怀念的是一起作梦
我怀念的是争吵以后, 还是想要爱你的冲动
我记得那年生日, 也记得那一首歌
记得那片星空, 最紧的右手 最暖的胸口
谁记得, 谁忘了

想问为什么, 我不再是你的快乐
可是为什么, 却苦笑说我都懂了
自尊常常将人拖着 把爱都走曲折
假装了解是怕 真相太赤裸裸

我怀念的是无话不说, 我怀念的是一起作梦
我怀念的是争吵以后, 还是想要爱你的冲动
我记得那年生日, 也记得那一首歌
记得那片星空, 最紧的右手 最暖的胸口

我怀念的是无言感动, 我怀念的是绝对炽热
我怀念的是你很激动, 求我原谅抱得我都痛
我记得你在背后 也记得我颤抖着
记得感觉汹涌, 最美的烟火 最长的相拥

谁爱得太自由, 谁过头太远了
谁要走我的心, 谁忘了那就是承诺
谁自顾自地走, 谁忘了看着我
谁让爱变沉重, 谁忘了要给你温柔

我记得那年生日, 也记得那一首歌
记得那片星空, 最紧的右手 最暖的胸口



I dunno what to say. Listening to this song always erm... makes me sad.

Mistakes. That's what they all were. Making mistakes, isn't that how we all learn? How we all learn to pick ourselves up? How we all learn to grow up? How we all learn to handle ourselves, and others better?
But why do I feel as if I can never ever learn from them? Especially those made in forging/maintaining/keeping a relationship?

I sometimes wonder if everything that happened, was entirely my fault. If I didn't make those decisions, things would probably be in less complicated state today.
But then, we all know it takes 2 hands to clap. So if the other refuses to co-operate, nothing will ever come out of it. We'll be better off doing stuff on our own.

Is it wrong to cover up a relationship that wasn't even stable? Is it wrong to hide something that isn't even there? I dunno.
But girls can be so... fickle and complicated. You give in to their every wimp and fancy, and they get tired and sick of you. You stand your ground and they accuse you of being chauvinistic and insensitive. All I can say is, I've tried my best, but its obvious that my best isn't enough to meet your demands.
And maybe its better if nothing even happened and we just revert to what we were from the very start. (anyway, I'm good at the 'reverting to just being friends thing' considering that I've been doing that for almost 3 years now.)

Maybe I'm just not cut out to be in a relationship at all. I just can't stand it when things turn into the constant need to assure someone and give in to someone.
Insecurity in people just... irks me and the problem with so many girls these days is that they always give in to their insecurities.
I need someone who is strong, confident and independent, who doesn't need constant saving. But also someone who is kind, gentle, and respectful of my views and opinions. Someone... like oh Addison or Meredith!
And I guess, I just haven't found or met someone like that yet.

"谁爱得太自由, 谁过头太远了
谁要走我的心, 谁忘了那就是承诺
谁自顾自地走, 谁忘了看着我
谁让爱变沉重, 谁忘了要给你温柔"

I like this particular stanza.
I'm a flawed, flawed person. I know that. I know that I'm always preoccupied with other stuff, stuff like work, stuff like friends, stuff like family, stuff like living my own life, doing my own things.
But honestly, haven't you been busy with your life as well? Was it wrong to give you your own space? You didn't want to rush into things, neither did I. And when I decided to slow down, you start accusing people of not being there, not being interested anymore.
Seriously. What can I say?
See, this is the sort of thing that I find so troublesome about girls and relationships. You want something, but you also want the exact opposite. The thing is, it infuriates guys.

I honestly don't think I'm suited for the whole marriage, settling down thing. I find it so bordersome. Aren't I a jerk for thinking that way?
Its just weird. I can be responsible for the lives and problems of others, but when it comes to my own life, I just don't see the need to make it right. Where's the responsibility in it?

You don't read this anyway, so really, I don't think there's much point in writing anymore stuff.
Sigh. We'll see how it goes. I've got more pressing issues ahead anyway.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 12:38   0 comments
Monday 26 March 2007
afterhours (and getting your way)
I watched "Afterhours" which aired just 30 mins ago. On hindsight, I kinda regret watching it, because it has left me in an extremely unproductive mood right now.
If I didn't watch it, I probably would have maintained to discipline to actually do some revision on DNA, and not erm, be here typing this.

"Afterhours" is funny. Okay... so its not "Friends" funny, or "Scrubs" funny, or even "Seinfield" funny... but nonetheless, its funny for a local production.
Seriously. I think local sitcoms are so... hopeless. I mean PCK was horrible. I had no idea why it managed to last so many seasons. I think Channel 5 should have stopped making sitcoms so long ago and should start making dramedies instead - which incidentally, is the trend of American TV these days.

Its been ages since some local dramedy was actually made. I love local dramedies by the way. I used to watch stuff like 'Spin' and 'Chase' and 'Chemistry'. Though 'Spin' quickly devolved into some teeny soap opera, 'Chemistry' had a really bad storyline that just became rubbish, and 'Chase'... was actually quite good. Haha.
And since 'Afterhours' is a continuation of 'Chase' I decided to catch it anyway.

What can I say? Typical storyline, typical characters, typical lines.
But still watchable. The acting's okay. Not horrible, but not Oscar worthy as well.
But if there's anything I wanna complain about the show, its the fact that the show lasts for too short a time. I mean... half an hour isn't even enough for adequate exploration of the issues that are brought up.
The show does have potential to become much better, and I think, making half hour episodes only serves to bury that potential. Make the episodes an hour each! Do it, do it, do it! Otherwise... the show just seems too short.

ANYWAY. Watching 'Afterhours' reminded me of this Jamie Cullum song:

"So what game shall we play today?
How about the one where you don't get your way?
But even if you do,
That's okay."
- "Get Your Way", Jamie Cullum

Flirty lyrics! I heart flirty lyrics!
Its been ages since I listened to my Jamie Cullum albums!
But anyway, yes, 'Afterhours' reminded me of that song. Nothing like a smooth, jazzy number to put you in the mood for love eh? *smirk*

Am loathing the idea of logging off to read about DNA. Argh sigh.
Shall listen to the itsy bitsy voice, belonging to my conscience, whispering in my head, and go do some reading now.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:01   0 comments
oh for the lack of entertainment
I can't believe that I spent the last... hour and a half blog surfing. Just scrolling through various people's archives... not because I wanted to read about their lives (which, I am sure would be very interesting, but now's not the time, especially when I have my books and notes on the table right in front of me, staring at me as if they were breathing down my necks...) but looking for those good old blog quizzes/lists/thingies.

You know... those blasted lists of questions? Which people circulate via e-mail and stuff, and then start tagging each other to do?
Those blasted lists of tons and tons of never-ending, often infuriating, meaningless questions? That once started, is gonna waste like at least an hour of your time, answering and answering questions... while you struggle to come up with interesting answers when your mind is already quite dead.

Yeah. I was looking for those kind of stuff. I must be crazy, because, I know that once I start doing one of those lists, I'm gonna take forever and then, my books will really kill me.
But I dunno, it just hit me that I've not touched a blog list, or quiz for that matter, for quite sometime now. There used to be a time when my blog was filled with such things. Nowadays, you hardly find them on people's blogs, its like they went extinct or something.

Needless to say, I failed quite miserably in finding a quiz/list to do. So yes, in conclusion, I wasted an hour or so, trying to find something for me to waste time doing. Not bad, not bad.

I don't feel like doing any studying today because of the intense amount of work I did yesterday. I covered the whole of upper limb in one freaking day, and I'm quite traumatized by that. Accomplished, yes, but traumatized as well.
And today, I'm supposed to finish Blood and start a little on DNA. But I just feel like resting, and that's the problem about such schedules. You created them, and you just have to stick to them. Or else... well. It'll be like, pointless that you created one in the first place.

Oh oh! I was watching ER yesterday when one of the attendings at the hospital, Dr Mark Greene asked a bunch of medical students, while handling a patient who had a fractured wrist, about the anatomical snuff box.
He asked 'anyone can tell me what bones make up the floor of the anatomical snuff box?' and the students didn't know the answer! And guess what? I DID! So I became damn high and started shouting the answer.
But then the funny thing happened, Dr Greene said 'don't know the answer? its the navicular bone.' To which I went, "NOOOOOOO!" BECAUSE EVERY FREAKING M1 student who has lived through the past 8 months of medical school would know that the answer to his question is THE SCAPHOID and TRAPEZIUM bones! NOT THE NAVICULAR! Because you know why? BECAUSE THE NAVICULAR BONE IS FOUND IN THE FOOT! NOT IN THE WRIST!
WOO-HOO! I KNEW MY ANATOMY! AND THE HEAD OF THE ER IN COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL DIDN'T! WOO-HOO! (which left me feeling very pleased about myself, but then he went on to treat some other patients in a state of cardiac arrest and then said some load of jibberish, so much so I immediately felt quite stupid again.)

But anyway, its just a little anecdote ( I think it would qualify as one...no?) for all my medical school friends out there. There's actually some point in all this mugging. Some level of it has managed to sink in and stay in our brains. We are getting better and smarter at this.
The day will come where we'll be the ones scaring future med students with all the strange talk about 'saline' and 'dopamine' and 'CT scans, blood gas, portable X-rays STAT'.


I still have the urge to do some quizzes and blog lists. Anyone with stuff like that, please recommend me. Will probably do it tomorrow or tonight, as long as I at least manage to finish my revision on Blood.

Oh and I've gotten back to my old habit of watching tons and tons of MTV in the morning. I remember my study break days in secondary school and JC, was all about watching the MTV channel in the morning. Haha.
Brainless entertainment. All the music videos, some of them so bad and just can't watch it. Hahahahah. All the expletives and violence, all the (sometimes) bad singing and rapping. All the senseless punk rock bands (there are JUST so many of them these days. I can't stand them! Whatever happened to all the soft rock/emo rock/non-punk rock bands?)
Bet you guys didn't know one of my former fantasies was to be an MTV VJ? But I bet I'm too short to even qualify for auditions. Muahahahahhaha.

I better leave now. That's already quite a lot of time wasted.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 13:50   0 comments
Saturday 24 March 2007
All I Ask Of You

"No more talk of darkness, forget these wide eyed fears,
I’m here, nothing can harm you,
My words will warm and calm you,

Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears,
I’m here, with you, beside you,
To guard you and to guide you

All I ask is every waking moment,
Turn my head with talk of summertime,
Say you need me with you now and always,
Promise me, that all you say is true,
That’s all I ask of you.

Let me be your shelter, let me be your light,
You’re safe, no one will find you,
Your fears are far behind you.

All we need is freedom, a world that’s warm and bright
And you, always beside me,
To hold me and to hide me.

Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime,
Let me lead you from your solitude,
Say you need me with you here beside you,
Anywhere, you go let me go too
That’s all I ask of you

Say the word and I will follow you
Share each day with me each night each morning
Say you feel the way I do
That’s all I ask of you

Anywhere you go let me go too
Love me, that’s all I ask of you"
- 'All I Ask Of You', from The Phantom of the Opera

I went with my mom, godmother and cousin to watch the Phantom of the Opera at the Esplanade today!
"Phantom" is one of the most beloved musicals ever produced, and watching it today, its easy to see why. It has to be one of the best musicals I've ever watched, on par with "Miss Saigon" and just a little better than "The Lion King"... and much much better than the rest.

It has AMAZING sets. They were so damn impressive: Huge movable chandelier, amazing underground dungeons, huge airy halls of an opera house, fake stream with hundreds and hundreds of twinkling candle lights. Oh fantastic. The moment it started, you were really transported into 19th century France still obsessed with Opera.

It has really good costumes, and quite a stunning cast. The cast can really sing, unlike some other casts of other musicals... this cast really have the vocal prowess, really impressive singing.
Important too because of the fact that 'Phantom' has got to be the musical with the BEST SCORE. It was just such a pleasure to hear the cast belting out tune after tune of the most delightful music pieces ever... songs like 'Angel of Music', 'Phantom of the Opera', my favourite 'Music of The Night', 'Masquerade' and of course the duet above 'All I Ask Of You'.

I decided to post the duet here instead of 'Music of The Night'. Which is kinda weird because I've been obsessed with the later for a long time now; it was and still is, my favourite song from the musical... such a beautiful piece of music, haunting, tragic, seductive.
But 'All I Ask Of You' stood out for me today. When I was watching the muscial, this particular piece really struck a cord in me.
'Love me, that's all I ask of you'. So true, so true.

Before the show started, my mom kept asking me if 'Phantom' was supposed to be a tragedy. I guess it depends really... on who's point of view you were speaking from.
Considering the fact that our supposedly hero and heroine managed to live 'happily ever after' in the end, I guess you can hardly consider it a tragedy.
But, if you are someone (like me) who tends to root for the villain/underdog/tragic misfit, which in this case would be the Phantom, then yes, the show is most definitely a tragedy.
I heart misfits and villains. I really do. There's a reason why I'm so obsessed over them, people like Lord Voldemort, people like Gollum and Saruman, people like the Joker, Doctor Octopus, Lex Luthor, people like Hannibal Lector, people like the Phantom. I guess its just the whole 'rooting for the underdog, hoping they win and fight the oppression from society thing.'
I've always had a desire to fight for those who were not necessary accepted by society. I always had a desire to make a difference to their lives, to try to help them even if they may not want my help, to try and understand them and let them know, they really aren't alone in their solitude, their darkness.

Maybe that's why I'm drawn to psychiatry. Because I want to help people who are associated with the stigma of being mad.

Oh well. That's just me being a tad bit idealistic. But its important to hold that ideal with me as I fight on to make it as a doctor. To believe in the ideals of what medicine can do... to just do more than save lives, but also to change lives. Oh Bailey, I'll have you as my resident anytime. =p

Great day today people. Pity I didn't really get down to the studying I was supposed to do. But I guess, I'll still be able to manage it. Stay sane folks! =)

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posted by voldemort33 @ 21:26   0 comments
Thursday 22 March 2007
逆光 - Against The Light
"Let's wake up in the mornings / Let's go to bed at night
Let's make hay in the big sunshine / Yea we'll make hay in the light
Let's bury all our hatchets / Let us get along
Let's hold hands and save the world! / Let's not..."
- 'GugiGugi 咕叽咕叽,孙燕姿'

Oooooo, damian is a happy boy today, because he has finally gotten his hands on his most favouritest idol's latest album! And he is happy, because he has been waiting for it since the beginning of this year! Hohohohohohoho!

After listening to the album continuously for around 5 hours, damian concludes that his favouritest tracks from the latest album include '逆光 Against the Light' , '梦游 Sleep Walk', '咕叽咕叽 GugiGugi' , '我怀念的 Unforgettable', '飘著 Float' and '需要你 I Need You'. That is not to say that damian dislikes the other tracks... because from experience, damian knows that many of yanzi's songs are an acquired taste - they tend to grow on you only after repeated listenings.

'我怀念的 Unforgettable' in particular is damian's absolute recommendation, because damian was shocked to find tears welling in his eyes after listening to it; he thinks its an amazingly touching song, very heart-wrenching, with a melodious tune and meaningful lyrics. One day damian might even place the song right here! But not today, because damian is still busy listening to the album for the 16th time.

Considering the fact that damian has all of yanzi's albums (except one), damian feels that he grew up listening to her music. He remembers his first time listening to her sing in secondary one, and remembers how he became hooked and became her loyal fan(atic). He is happy to add yanzi's tenth album to his growing collection of yanzi-related merchandise! And feels that this new album is quite good and worth his 19 bucks, but then damian is biased and his views may be horribly skewed in yanzi's favour, so its better you make you own decisions and develop your own opinions. Muahahaha.

Oh, and don't cha think that the lyrics up there are so amusing? Because damian adores the whole stanza there. He thinks its very very neurotic. And he likes neurotic stuff because... he tends to be quite neurotic at times. Hehe.

Damian now feels inspired to keep surviving through the rest of the study break! Weeeee~!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:11   0 comments
Tuesday 20 March 2007
and paragraphs
Okay, so I'm back...

Anyway, I had really bad night last night. Couldn't sleep AT ALL, or rather, kept drifting in and out of sleep. It was very sickening, and everytime I gave up trying to sleep, and started to read my book of the moment (Nick Hornby's The Complete Polysyllabic Spree) my eyelids start closing again and I just have to give up and try to go back to sleep.
And then when I start lying on my bed, I don't tired anymore and instead, feel wide awake. Argh. Extremely sickening.

Plus I had a really WEIRD dream. Think it involved Eugene Chan and Woon Keat calling me and telling me that I was supposed to meet them for dinner tomorrow because it was an anniversary. And I was like 'what anniversary?' and I think it was Woon Keat who said 'anniversary of the day the music died'.
And I went 'wait... isn't that a line from the song 'American Pie'?' And they ignored me and kept going on about how we had to meet at 11pm for dinner and that everyone else was going.
But then I felt that they couldn't have arranged to meet at 11pm on a weeknight, because, HEY LET'S FACE IT, all of them, with the exception of 2 of us, are STILL STUCK IN NS! So I went 'Erm, 11pm? On a tuesday night? Are you guys missing something? Don't you guys have things like booking in or guard duty and stuff?'
And then there was silence... and Eugene said 'Oh. Yah hor.' And then the phone went *click* and the stupid dream was over.

Strange that I was having difficulty sleeping, because just a few hours ago, my anat group mates were telling me stories of how they couldn't sleep last night due to news that the results for our Anatomy CA was going to be released.
My mind must have subconsciously programmed itself to NOT be able to sleep after taking all that in. Arh, the power of the brain. The brain is really such a mysterious thing... who knows what it could have done or could do? Hmmmmm.

ANYWAY. As you guys would have probably found out if you saw the photos I posted up, my anat groupmates did come to my house yesterday to just, I dunno hang out.
They played Huipei's X-men board game, card games like Daidee and Indian Poker and also watched abit of my ROTK: EE. After that we went to eat @ J8. Lots of interesting stuff took place, but I think the girls Huipei and Peishan have more detailed and complete blog entries about the day, so if you wanna find out, head on down there to read about it. =p

Speaking of my house... Oh gosh, house-hunting is a ridiculously difficult thing to do. Its so damn sickening lah. I think we are never ever gonna find a house to live in.
Not that I mind living on the streets for a while, but where am I going to put my books? My med school textbooks are enough to kill already, let alone all my story books and novels. Can you imagine having to drag the books along everytime we marauder from one place to another.
But anyway, my mom's first choice was this terrace estate in the Yio Chu Kang area, and the houses looked pretty good! With attics and roof top gardens and stuff! But when we went to the open house on Sunday, they told us the whole damn estate was sold out, and that there isn't going to be any phases anymore. We were like, damn miffed by it. The stupid agents wouldn't even let us view the showflat somemore.
So now its back to the drawing board, searching and finding and stuff. Its gonna be some time before we find another house that we are actually very keen on buying.

Today's day 2 of my study break, and guess what? I just started completed my schedule for my revision. I thought I had like loads of time for revision, but oh well, could barely squeeze in everything into the month or so available.
But I think its still a rather lax schedule, considering the fact that my first week is really damn slack. With stuff like cytology and membranes and buffers on the list. I think it was on purpose, cause I don't really think I'm ready to mug full time yet. Haha. Who knows huh? As things progress, I might pick up the pace and try to bring my schedule forwards by a day or two.

Bought my notebooks for revision, and got my pre-order receipt for Yanzi's album due either tomorrow or thursday. Can't wait! (for the album, not the start of revision.)

Thats about all that I wanted to talk about really. Sigh. My schedule officially says that revision starts tomorrow. I feel like changing it such that I start on Saturday.... Hmmmmm.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 16:34  
I realised I haven't been uploading any pictures here since my blog was relaunched in Feb. That's mainly due to the mysterious disappearance of my digital camera. Can't seem to find it, but I'm sure its still around the house. Just as long as my brother hasn't brought it back to Australia, I'm pretty sure I'll eventually find it.

But anyway, I have photos to post up! These photos are brought to you be the nice people gerard, huipei and peishan. They are the ones with the cameras, though for the case of peishan, she has yet to send photos. (hint hint)

Here goes!

My PBL group with our PBL tutor! Prof Loke is probably one of the nicest tutors we can ever get, he makes PBL such a fun and relaxed thing, so much so our group got to bond alot from PBL. Plus he bakes stuff for us too! Like chocolate cookies and marble cakes.

Yus's birthday! We celebrate by having a cake and buying her a surprise gift! And I think gerard was right, as much as the girls try to deny it, the cake really looked like a placenta.

From left to right: yijing, yusrina, peishan, cindy, huipei, michelle, samantha, amanda, zhiyong, zhenwei, damian, jack skeleton, proj raj, gabriel, matthew, melvyn, bingcheng, gerard
Oh this is taken in the anatomy hall (the very same place where we have our practicals), with our Saviour for anatomy, Prof Raj and one of the skeletons there, on the very last day of anatomy tutorials!

Taken outside marche during our postspots outing. That's the 8 of us who stayed for dinner that day. There was supposed to be this stupid blockhead who stood behind us and ruined the shot, but I sorta smudged him out. Hope that he got smudged out in real life too! Haha. Sigh. I've been becoming too hot-tempered lately. =p

Oh the group of people who came over to my house yesterday! I dunno why the anat group likes to come to my house. Next time we should be adventurous and go to other people's house, like gabriel's! Its all the way in Loyang, and who knows? We might find crocodiles and pythons there!

That's about all I've got. I only posted up the group photos so yeah.
If there are anymore coming up, will post them as soon as I get them from my friends.

Got other things to talk about, but will update later. Right now I need to get my stomach fed. AM SO HUNGRY. Grrrrr.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 09:36   0 comments
Monday 19 March 2007
life outside and in
Kaiming left a rather amusing tag in response to my tag on his blog in which he said I was so cheerful compared to the rest on Friday.

I guess the only reason why I appeared more cheerful than the rest of them, was because I wasn't living a life in green. And for that moment in time, I had nothing to worry about; no upcoming tests, no school for a long time to come, plus the fact I was riding high on my post-CA euphoria probably served to elevate the cheerful perkiness as well.
Whereas they were facing an upcoming exercise in Taiwan, and other sorts of more pressing problems. So was it a given for me to appear more cheerful than them? I suppose that's a yes.

Despite the fact that I've already been out of the Army for at least 9 months now, I still get the 'what ifs' about not leaving the Green Mean Machine.
Listening to them talk about all the changes, all the unhappiness, all the difficulties and problems, sorta make you wonder if anything would be different if I had stayed.
How would I have reacted? How would I have faced the problems and difficulties and stuff? Would I have done what I think I would have done, which is stand by the side that I've always been closer too, or instead choose another side? Or would I have handled things radically different?

Its kind of sobering that the group of us who went in there together, couldn't come out of it together.
First there were 12 of us. Then I left for greener pastures. Then Jonah left for another unit due to his SAFSA commitments. And now there are only the 10 of them left. (granted 1 of them never really fitted in, but still, we started out as 12, and in an ideal world, all 12 of us would have stuck together til the bitter end)
And now, things have progressed to such a level that you know will never ever heal, or revert to how things have been in the past.
Kinda sad really. Such rifts from within are always the hardest to handle and heal, and now that I'm really out of it, I know that I have no business interfering or attempting to help. But still, I can't help but wish that everything will work out for you guys, and that if listening and providing an outsider's viewpoint on things is the only way I can help you all out, then I'll be glad to do the best I can.

Again, it makes me wonder if all this problems arose because of our departure. I really hope not, because if it did, in some way influence how things ended up in this state today, then it serves nothing to reduce the level of guilt I already have for deserting the pack of them just to go pursue my dreams.
But a part of me also knows that this is all not my doing. That it was bound to happen sooner or later. And I guess both Jonah's and my departure from the unit just served as the catalyst for it to happen. There were now less people, and with less people, there arose more friction, and with more friction, conflict was bound to happen.

Its kinda hard to find out about all that has happened, hear about certain people and their actions, because I left the unit at a time when everything was still okay. Not perfect, but still okay, where peace and harmony still ruled, where we were all still sticking together due to the fact that we were new there, and sticking together was the only way we could have survived.
So my impression of others, wasn't all that bad. But now, everything has changed. Like the guys like to tell me 'there have been loads of changes since you left'. People start becoming less polite, masks have been removed, claws and fangs have been barred. It ruins the whole image of the BN that I left. And it makes me sad that things couldn't have stayed the way it was just 9 months ago.

It feels like I'm really out of the loop now.
But once a signaler always a signaler. And I'm glad I got to chance to meet a bunch of army buddies that I've grown close to. A lot of peers I know, don't have close army friends, whereas I managed to find a small group of close army friends.
And I guess that's the difference between being a commander, and being in a unit. Its just a different level of interaction. In the unit, you really make friends, being a commander, its hard to make friends, and you tend to be alone... as so many of my command school friends would say.
Its been a privilege really, knowing my 2sigBN buddies, befriending them, working with them. And though its been a long time since I left the unit, they have always continually treated me as one of their own. And I really thank them for that.

Hope you guys have a successful exercise in Taiwan! Have fun and take care! And then we'll meet up again in a month's time! =)

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posted by voldemort33 @ 10:57   0 comments
Saturday 17 March 2007
scars and souvenirs
Warning: Spoilerific Entry Ahead!
Henceforth, Episode 18 of the third season of Grey's Anatomy will be dubbed as 'the incestuous episode'. Haha.

Oh my god. I'm so grossed out by the whole idea of George and Izzie naked, in bed together. So gross, so gross, so gross.
Whether or not they had sex together, we don't know, and I'm pretty thankful that we aren't treated to scenes of them all hot and heavy. I think the whole Mer-had-sex-with-George-and-then-started-crying nightmare was enough. And now this?
SO DAMN GROSS lah. I mean, George and Izzie are like brother and sister. How can two people as close as siblings end up sleeping together! SO DAMN GROSS RIGHT?

On a more light hearted note: the latest episode marks the first time that all 5 interns spent the night at Mer's huge house! A Grey's Anatomy milestone! =)
Ahuh, guess what? George is no longer Mer's roommate! Mer gave his room to Alex! Which is so cool. Finally, a chance to give Alex a chance to have greater screen time and more character development. Anyway, by a stroke of luck, the five interns all spent the night at Mer's at the same time.
Cristina had a big argument with Burke and decided to take refuge with Mer, Alex took up residence in George's room, and just across the corridor, Izzie and George may have had some pretty wild and rough 'best friends forever' action. OH GOD. SO GROSS.

I dunno why I got so high when I noticed that the 5 interns were all like, spending the night in the same house. Maybe its because it gives this sense of family - that finally, we see the whole family structure the 5 of them have coming to shape.
Its such a poignant moment, got me thinking about "Friends" too. But anyway, I'm happy, wee-hee. Except for the whole Izzie waking up to find, in abject horror, George naked beside her thing. OH GOD. GROSS.

Callie is gonna be so mad when she finds out about this. Hoho.

Sorry for the rather bimbotic entry. Wanted to write something more intellectual, but today's a Grey's viewing day, and that took priority!

Unbelievable. George and Izzie. Seriously?

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posted by voldemort33 @ 21:16   0 comments
letters from iwo jima
Okay, so my last entry was really dark and angsty. Re-reading it now makes me wonder what drug I ate on thursday night to make me so emo over going to sentosa.
But anyway, I still did go to sentosa yesterday, and tried to have as much fun as I could possibly have playing beach stuff. You know, the usual dirty and sweaty games like volleyball and a bit of frisbee and stuff. But I got tired so quickly I just couldn't stand it, and spent my last hour there or so just sitting down, playing cards and just stoning. But I love stoning at beaches, so really, no harm done. Haha.
Still had fun though, with my OG and all. It was CK's birthday yesterday, so we had cake and stuff, and the rest of the guys tried to throw him into the sea. Haha. I didn't bring extra stuff to change, plus I was having an outing later that day, so I wisely stood back to just watch the whole proceedings, taking the cake as an added protection. Hehe.

After that, went to meet my dear old 2nd SigBN army buddies again. Everytime I meet them for stuff, its always the usual few of us, plus a few other 'special guests' who change from time to time.
Anyway, apart from the usual peeps like wilson, xiaohui and vincent, there were jiayen and kaiming with his girlfriend as well! Was quite happy to see them, especially kaiming, cause he was one of the few people I was close to in signals, but also the only one that I haven't seen for the longest time! Haha. He is still as amusing as ever... reminds me of the Count from Sesame Street. Hahaha. Anyway, good to see him after such a long time.

So the whole bunch of us went to watch the movie 'Letters From Iwo Jima'. Oh man, I've been wanting to catch it after watching 'Flags of Our Fathers', finally caught it today!

I love war flicks, because they show us what the real face of humanity looks like. The true nature of humanity, always shows itself only in utmost times of adversity. Be it the ugly side of humanity, the brutal nature of it all; Or the beautiful side of it, the inspiring stories of camaraderie and brotherhood that are endless in times of war.
Lets face it, war is a horrible, horrible thing. We say that all the time, but the fact is none of us have ever lived long enough to even come remotely close to experiencing one in our lifetime.
But it is important that we read, we watch, we learn from the experiences of the past. Its important that we read, we watch, we experience the brutality of it. So that we can learn from it, learn from it all and do our utmost best to prevent it from ever happening again.

'Letters' is a tragic movie. Nothing is worse in war, then to know that the battle you are fighting, is one that is a hopeless cause, one that is destined for defeat. Yet to be faced with the prospect of having to fight on and on, to keep up the pretence of having to fight on for something so ludicrous as 'glory, honour and country', to just keep fighting an enemy that you know you can never defeat, has to be so tortuous on not only the body, but the mind and soul as well.
Its just saddening, just so tragic. It was tough watching the characters in the movie face the whole notion of death so differently.
Some just gave in to madness, and in an unbelievably brutal scene, committed suicide in an almost ritualistic fashion, blowing their own bodies apart with grenades. Others gave in to fear, and chose the path of surrender, only to be (in a scene that filled me with anger) nonchalantly murdered by two irresponsible Marines.
Others gave in to despair, and ultimately just gave up completely, allowing themselves to wallow in their tortured state of mind, unable to find the glorious death that they so zealously seek. Yet others gave in to fate and honour, and died what was ultimately, a tragic but fitting death; quiet heroics under tragic circumstances.

I think its important always to look at things from both sides of the coin. There are always two sides to everything, and I am glad that Clint Eastwood made 'Letters' as a complementary piece to 'Fathers'. Watching both movies, two remarkably different movies, on the same war, the same battle, the same historic event, but so different in the stories that they were trying to tell, yet so similar in the lessons they were trying to teach.
You learn things from both movies, that you can never learn just by watching one of them. You need to see the war from the American's perspective, and you need to see the war from the Japanese point-of-view.
Both were fighting a war for a reason that is neither right nor wrong. The Americans, to liberate the East from what they viewed as oppression. The Japanese, to defend their homeland against what they viewed as intrusion. Both thought that they were right.
And because of a clash of ideals and cultural misunderstandings, because of a lack of communication and understanding, small differences become huge obstacles to peace, and the path to war was taken instead. And 'til this day, its still the same thing really, nothing much has changed.

War is meaningless.
If only we could look pass our differences, if only we could come to a common understanding, things wouldn't have turned out the way it had been.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:32   0 comments
Friday 16 March 2007
All of a sudden, I've descended into a rather grumpy and anti-social mood.
I dunno why it happened. I dunno why I'm feeling this way. But I guess it has to do with deciding if I wanna go to Sentosa tomorrow. I hate Sentosa. I really do.

I mean, its okay if you ask me there to go relax, go enjoy the seabreeze, go drink at some beach side pub or something... but if you get me while I'm not in the right mood, drag me there to do beach sports and stuff, I can get cranky. I really do.

Just the idea of going all the way to an island and to do stuff that I hate, just to meet the demands of the majority... is making me feel so so exhausted and tired. I dunno what to say or do. I don't want to socialise just for the sake of socialising. I just want to go to some place and chill out. I don't want to run, swim, play ball, get dirty or anything. I just want to relax. And honestly, relaxation can come without the sweating and the dirtiness and the running about... Right?

I guess, deep down inside, I'm a city person. I don't enjoy beach resorts at all. Them and their fake ideal of tranquility. Give me cafes and pubs and music stores and modern technology over the sun, sand and sea anytime.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 01:01   0 comments
Thursday 15 March 2007
the ones that really mattered

Sam: It's me. It's your Sam. Don't you know your Sam?
Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.

Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end… because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing… this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you… that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going… because they were holding on to something.

Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?
Sam: That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.

I think its important that we keep finding a reason to live, to fight, to survive.
That indeed, there is something out there worth fighting for, worth protecting, worth defending, worth preserving, no matter the cost.

This scene is one of my favourites. It seriously deserves a standing ovation. Seriously.

Anyway. I'm so glad I had my Lord of the Rings marathon today. I'm feeling quite nostalgic and high now. All the usual sappy feelings that I get after watching Lord of the Rings are currently flowing through my body. I will never ever get sick of it. Truly my favourite movie trilogy of all time.


posted by voldemort33 @ 23:13   0 comments
Wednesday 14 March 2007
the end to the 2nd
Oh my 2nd CAs are over!
Right now, I'm feeling so so so relieved. Its like a major burden has finally been lifted off my shoulders. Away with the darkness, and say hello to the new world, the new sunshine, the new brightness!

Am feeling extremely shagged right now though. I'm afraid of lying on my bed cause I think I may just fall asleep. Not that falling asleep right now is bad or anything, considering the fact I have no official lessons anymore, and I deserve a good break after the horror that was CA2, but I wanna do so many things tonight!
I don't want the first night after CAs to be spent just by sleeping and sleeping. That's why I'm here. Trying to keep awake for awhile and maybe play some rounds of AOE3 again. Let's hope I last the night. =p

Anyway, CA2 was quite bad compared to CA1. I dunno, I think I'll definitely do better for CA1 than CA2, except for Anatomy. I hope I actually do DO better in Anatomy this time round, cause if I did any worse for Anat in CA2, it would mean that I failed the damn paper. And that'll be quite tragic and depressing.
However, I do think I deserve doing worse for CA2 though. I was definitely more prepared for CA1, at least for biochemistry and physiology anyway. And I guess the results are gonna show. But I still hope to pass with a decent mark, like ranging between 60 to 70. That'll be cool.
For anatomy, I felt that SPOTS this afternoon was passable. But if CA1 had taught me anything, was that anatomy can be decisively simple, and that its very easy to make lots of careless mistakes in it. And judging from my accidental discoveries just now, I've already made quite a handful of careless mistakes, which is SO sickening and demoralising. That's me, carelessness. I always turn careless when things are deceptively simple. Sigh.
Anyway, I still hope to pass all three tracks. But this time, I hope its not a just pass, but a decent pass. Especially for anatomy; I can't afford another bare passing mark if I want to avoid the possibility of pass/fail vivas. Not when my CA1 results are so screwed up. I need the marks for anatomy! Damn.

Went out with my dearest anatomy group after the SPOTS paper. We were the last batch though, and the wait was excruciating. But at least the SPOTS paper itself was over in a jiffy.
It was probably the most successful anatomy group outing though! 13 out of 16 of us when to have lunch at vivocity! Then Matthew went to spent time with his girlfriend, and the remaining 12 of us went to watch the movie 'The 300'.

Oh the movie rocks! Total dude-flick, with awesome graphics, awesome action sequence, extremely inspiring story to boot! Plus, it was based on real historical events, which is a plus point for a history buff like me!
Just give me a war flick with loads of history in it, and you'll have me all high and excited about it.
Was quite surprised that the girls were so willing to watch it, but I guess they were there for a totally different reason than the guys. We wanted the action, they were probably there for the flesh parade of guys in the movie, dressed skimpily, with their bulging muscles popping out of their bodies. Quite scary really.

But Leonidas is my King man. Though I think the Persians were stupid because they simply didn't know how to use their army properly. Thats not what I would have done to attack the Spartans though. I would have used more clever tactics instead of senseless head to head collisions with the Spartans.
I mean, NO ONE can defeat the Spartans in hand to hand combat! They're invincible in that field.
I would have used hit and run tactics instead. Thats what you get from playing so many different RTS games, like the AOE series, Starcraft, Warcraft etc. You just know what to do when it comes to good old fashioned war tactics.

After that, we went to just walk around. Bought a couple of packets of Sour Power green apple candy from Candy Empire. Then we split, some of us went home, while the rest of us continued on, the girls shopping, we guys following.
Eventually went to eat at Marche. I miss Marche at Heren's though. I think the Marche at Vivo is 1.too small and packed and crowded, 2.has too little a selection of food, 3. slightly more costly than the one at Orchard, 4. serve extremely small servings. I still think the original Marche at Heren's rocked. It was big and spacious, and it had sentimental value to me cause I had lots of gatherings there. But oh well. Its gone.
Then after that, we went home. Took our time to go home though, and as per normal, talked alot on the way home. My feet were aching already, but it was quite a nice ending to a rather wonderful day. Woo-hoo. I <3 my anatomy group! =)

(P.S: anyone from my anat group out there reading this! If you have photos, send to me okay! or send to everyone lah, we want them!)

I'm gonna have so much fun over the next feel days just rotting away. Woo-hoo.
Gonna sleep in tomorrow. Gonna have my long awaited LOTR marathon tomorrow! Haven't had one since the end of the A levels, and I think tomorrow's the perfect day for it again!
Then I have a busy day on friday. Sentosa in the morning/day?, dinner and movie with my Army buddies! Finally gonna watch 'Letters From Iwo Jima' then, I've been wanting to catch it for ages! Oh two historical war movies in two three days! I'm on a roll man!

And the weekends, probably gonna spend my time at my grandma's on Saturday. And for Sunday, will probably go house hunting! Time to really get down to putting some input into choosing the new house. We are really moving! Sigh. Never thought that this day would ever come, but oh well...
Hope we can find a nice house that isn't too expensive, plus that I get to decorate my room on my own! That'll be so cool! Designing my room from scratch! I plan to colonise attics and top floors! And create my own little apartment within the house!

Oh shit. I'm really tired. Think I shall go sleep and get a good, long, continuous, uninterrupted sleep!
I'll just leave my AOE3 for tomorrow or some other day. =p

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:25   0 comments
Tuesday 13 March 2007
its been swell
Physiology was traumatizing. *enter - evilmode* Curse you Mr Tongchai, whoever you are, I hope your lower limbs never get fixed! *exit - evilmode*

I don't understand how I get affected every year, just by going back to watch 黄城 again.
I would have thought that 2 years would be enough to make me forget and given me the closure needed to move on. But in march every single year, the same problem arises again.
Its always questions. Questions, and no answers. I think if I had done so many things differently, chosen to just seize the moment, and not be so indecisive and ham-haw my way through life, I would have gone down a totally different path and be living a totally different life right now.
Which is why I've been absent-mindedly becoming more and more impulsive and reckless these days. I think less before I say stuff and do stuff, which is good.
Because I never again want to look back and regret not doing this and that, not taking that chance because you were afraid that everything would be different, everything would change.

Its such a stupid excuse for cowardice. Not doing anything just because you are afraid that everything would be different, everything will change.
Maybe we need the stability to keep things going. The expectations to keep us alive. But its the unexpected, that truly changes our lives. For better or for worse.

Its official. Come the end of this year/early next year, I will be homeless.
Green Meadows, is history.
Its gonna be torn down and we'll be evicted.
Nevermind that we get money for that... The place I grew up in for the past 20 darn years of my life, is gonna be reduced to some play-world for the filthy rich.
I'll miss this worn down place that I call home.

I think the big fella up there is teaching me a lesson on speaking too fast. He's been making me eat my words over the past week or so. Its been rather frustrating.

First it was me commenting to my mom that I haven't had any ulcers for this particular stressful pre-CA season. Next thing I know, I'm having a massive, painful ulceration on my right lower lip. Argh.

Then it was me telling some of my friends on Sunday that we aren't moving anymore because the deal was not successful. And now what happens? Woke up this morning to my Dad flashing the documents in my face, saying we really have to move out. Argh.

Then there was me telling people that Genetics will never be tested in essays. And lo-and behold! It was tested as question 1 in the rather disastrous biochem paper as well. Argh.

For the remainder of the week, I shall not bet, swear to do something, or make any promises. They'll surely backfire on me.

I dunno what else to say anymore. Except karma's a bitch.

Update: Okay, the big fella up there is SERIOUSLY trying to tell me something here. I just found out from Gerard that Liang FY is in the papers! For discovering some gene that controls myelination in oligodendrocytes, and they just made him an A/P! OMG. SERIOUSLY? They made the man that screwed up the whole of trunk for my anatomy group an ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR?

What is wrong with this FREAKING world?

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posted by voldemort33 @ 12:34   0 comments
Monday 12 March 2007
its just another ordinary miracle today

Ordinary Miracle - Sarah McLachlan

It’s not that unusual when everything is beautiful
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

The sky knows when its time to snow
You don’t need to teach a seed to grow
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

Life is like a gift they say
Wrapped up for you everyday
Open up and find a way
To give some of your own

Isn’t it remarkable?
Like every time a raindrop falls
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

Birds in winter have their fling
And always make it home by spring
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

When you wake up everyday
Please don’t throw your dreams away
Hold them close to your heart
Cause we are all a part
Of the ordinary miracle

Ordinary miracle
Do you want to see a miracle?

Its seems so exceptional
Things just work out after all
It’s just another ordinary miracle today

The sun comes up and shines so bright
It disappears again at night
It’s just another ordinary miracle today
It’s just another ordinary miracle today


These days, its not often to find a song that is simple and elegant.
This is, however, one such song.
Simple, elegant, sweet. I like. =)


posted by voldemort33 @ 22:00   0 comments
that same old feeling again
For 16 dollars, I relived my life as a JC student.
For 16 dollars, I revisited the institution that took up one and a half years of my JC life.

And, like always, the best part was always the same old song sung at the end.

For a moment, I managed to escape the drudgery of life.
And then the curtains came down, the lights came on, the people filled out, and it was back to reality. And reality sucks.

Its back to being a mugger people. Sigh.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:31   0 comments
Sunday 11 March 2007
and let's get rollin'
Its the last day of my study break weekend. Woo-hoo. I'm supposed to have come out of this feeling more prepared for my CAs which start tomorrow, but somehow, I seem to have come out of this four days feeling more disillusioned and confused instead.
Nothing seems to make sense anymore. I don't really know what I doing and why I'm doing this. Doesn't seem worthed it at all.

But then you watch medical dramas like Grey's and ER and then you get it. You get what you are doing, you get why you are doing it, you get it all.
Its so simple. You are doing all this so that one day, you can do what the characters do on medical dramas; have a hell of an exciting, dirty, busy day, saving and making a difference to the lives of others.
So maybe thats why I insist on watching so many medical dramas these days - to constantly remind myself why I'm doing this. To remind myself that that kind of life, is what I'm working so hard to achieve and obtain. And that one day, no matter how tough or long the road may be, I'll still cross the finishing line.

I wish I could be less neurotic about so many different things in life.
I wish I could be one of those people, who could easily separate fun and work.
I wish I could be one of those people, who could be happy even when they are feeling sad, who could be calm even when they are feeling anxious, who can take every single punch thrown at them without flinching.
I wish I were a lot of things, but this world ain't perfect, and wishing is just about the only way I can ever come close to being things that I ain't meant to be.

So let's get it rollin'.
Its the last stretch people! Good luck and seeya all tomorrow!

Ah shit, I'm such a blog-whore.
A rather depressing song from Snow Patrol called 'Make This Go On Forever' once again featured in Grey's Anatomy.
I get so much of my music inspiration from Grey's that I don't know what would happen if I stop watching it. Absolutely no more source of emo/indie songs. Anyway, this was featured in season 3, episode 15 - Walk On Water. The ending is tragic, perfect for such a dark and depressing song.

"And I don't know where to look
My words just break and melt
Please just save me from this darkness
Please just save me from this darkness"

I think that totally suits my situation now.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 11:57   0 comments
Saturday 10 March 2007
weekend mornings are for wasting
Weekend mornings are just about the most non-existent times in the world.
Its just impossible to get anything done. For starters, you wake up late. Its like a natural reflex or something, the body JUST knows if its a weekend, and would then adjust its internal body clock to make you wake up at a much later time than when you would normally be up.
Then there's the amazing platter of TV shows on air on a weekend morning. There's cartoons, there are repeats of taiwanese variety shows, there's a whole ER marathon for BOTH Saturday and Sunday mornings. Its no wonder I don't actually get any work done on weekend mornings. Haha.

Anyway... I did what I swore to do yesterday, which was to play two extremely long rounds of AOE3. Two free-for-alls, two battles of me building huge powerful armies and pounding the opponents into mush. I love it when my cannons fire and hit some opponents army or (even better!) villagers; then they give a mighty big shriek and get thrown into the air and fly over like ten feet, before crashing down and that's it - they're dead.
Okay, I know the whole chunk up there sounded weird. But heh, that's how I unwind, either blog angry entires, listen to sad, melancholic music, or play video games where I get to, single-handedly slaughter whole civilisations with cannons and guns.

Watched ER this morning. Its up to season 3 already! Woo-hoo. Just another 9 more seasons to go before I manage to catch up with the latest season that's still airing on American TV right now. Haha.
Anyway, my favourite character, the medical student John Carter just graduated in one of the episodes! So he's now John Carter, M.D.! And that was the title for the finale of season 2.
It was kinda nice to see him finally being called as a Doctor. No more 'Mr.Carter', everyone calls him 'Dr. Carter' now. And his mentor gave him a labcoat with the words 'John Carter, M.D.' printed on it. His first lab-coat as a Doctor. Pretty neat huh.
But of course, his first day as an intern was a disaster. Haha. He had tons of blood splurting at him, and had to handle both the ICU and the ER. Makes me shudder thinking about my future as a clueless houseman. Sigh.

Oh I love this song by 五月天.
The tune isn't much, but I love the lyrics.

"世界纷纷扰扰喧喧闹闹 / 什麼是真实
为你跌跌撞撞傻傻笑笑 / 买一杯果汁
就算庸庸碌碌匆匆忙忙 / 活过一辈子
也要分分秒秒年年日日 / 全心守护你
- 最重要的小事 by 五月天
So erm, sweet right? Bittersweet maybe. But yeah, I think its very meaningful.

The MVs extremely draggy though, just skip the first and last min or so to get to the song proper.

Sigh. I think I shall stop and go do some studying now.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 13:22   0 comments
Friday 9 March 2007
on the brink of a meltdown
I don't know when and where did so many stuff required for revision suddenly popped out from.
Its madness really. There's just so much to do! So much crap to read through, so much to internalise, so much to assimilate, so much to LEARN and revise.
You complete one set and two to three sets just appear out of nowhere and you go 'shit, there's still more to this biochemistry crap?!?!??!!'

This is really going to take forever. Problem is I don't have 'forever' and honestly, I wouldn't even give my 'forever' to something so innately stupid, irritating and mind-numbingly dull like biochem.
Its so dry that a tiny spark could burn down the whole damn field of Biochemistry. I'm really quite distraught at the idea of having to spend another day imagining non-existent chemicals interacting with one another.
Some please give me a shot of I dunno, Novocaine or something and just let me sleep. Or I might really just pull all my hair out.

Just another 5 more days. Hang in there, hang in there, hang in there...

I just took a look at the notes for Purine and Pyrimidine metabolism, and just couldn't stand it anymore. So I came back here to escape from having to face that nightmare.

Oh god. Its so hard to study Biochemistry. Seriously. Its not like there's something remotely interesting to read about. I know Physio can be complex and Anatomy can be a hell lot of memory work, but at least those 2 tracks are interesting. Its like reading an extremely long novel that just wouldn't end, but at least you are having some amount of fun in the process.
Whereas studying for Biochemistry, is like reading some Coxster dictionary of Unnecessary information, its never-ending and oh so dull.

I think I will just get rid of nucleotide metabolism today, and just not touch any more biochemistry, and not touch those stupid chapters on proteins and enzymes and what not.
I've had it with biochemistry. I think I should play some AOE3 tonight. I need a break, and I think burning down villages with whole armies of British Redcoat Musketeers would be the perfect way to unwind.

Oh a brighter note, I'm gonna be eating home-cooked Japanese Soba today!
Japanese cold noodles! Gosh I love my Japanese food. I miss eating all those really expensive Japanese Teppanyaki buffet things, where I would just gorge myself on endless sashimi, Kobe beef slices, Pregnant fish, and oh delicious teapot soup.
Too bad Mom told me that the restaurant that she used to bring us to has already closed down quite some time ago, and I couldn't even go and eat some kind of a farewell meal. I think I shall go gorge myself with Japanese food during the 5 day fun fest immediately after CAs.

Oh yeah, my Dad's going nuts about finding some financial planner or some bank to invest his CPF in. Everyday, I have to endure him asking me questions about Profits and Dividends and Interest and stuff.
And when I keep reminding him that I'm in Medicine and no where near these kind of stuff now, he always reminds me about the fact that I used to take the Economics 'S' paper. And that always shuts me up.
Honestly, I sorta miss my Economics, especially all that has to do with Fiscal and Monetary policy. Hoho. Macroeconomics.

Its just that these days, we're all so caught up with being in medicine, so much so that it seems we have all been in this since forever.
When the truth is, we've only been in Medicine for less than 8 months or so. But we forget that there's a world around you that isn't built on Medicine, and that we used to be from that world.

I shall aim to complete Nucleotide metabolism ASAP and take a mighty long break before I decide what to do next.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 10:06   0 comments
Thursday 8 March 2007
Breathe (2AM)

Breathe (2AM) - Anna Nalick
"2am and she calls me cause I'm still awake
Can you help me unravel my latest mistake
I don't love him and winter just wasn't my season.
Yea we walk through the doors so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize
Hypocrites you're all here for the very same reason.

Cause you can't jump the track
We're like cars on a cable and life's like an hourglass glued to the table,
No one can find the rewind button girl
So just cradle your head in your hands.
And breathe, just breathe, whoa breathe just breathe

May he turned 21 on the base of Fort Bliss
Just today he sat down to the flask in his fist
Ain't been sober since maybe October of last year
Here in town you can tell he's been down for while
But my God it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
Wanna hold him but maybe I'll just sing about it

Cause you can't jump the track
We're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass glued to the table,
No one can find the rewind button boys so cradle your head in your hands
And breathe, just breathe, whoa breath just breathe

There's a light at the end of this tunnel you shout cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
And these mistakes you've made
You'll just make them again if you'll only try turnin' around

2am and I'm still awake writing this song
If i get it all down on paper it's no longer inside of me threaten' the life it belongs to.
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary screamin' out aloud
And I know that you'll use them however you want to.

But you can't jump the track
We're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass glued to the table,
No one can find the rewind button now
Sing it if you understand...yeah breath
Just breathe, oh ho breathe."


From episode 17 of season 2 - "As We Know it" a.k.a the one where Mer pulls out a bomb from a body cavity.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 13:25   0 comments
Its now 0837 on a weekday, and I'm not in school! =)
Yup, decided to skip the Biochem review lectures for today and tomorrow, and just have a self declared study break. Mom just woke me up 20 mins ago before she left for work, so here I am, typing away while I sip a nice cuppa good old strong english tea to prep myself for another unrelentless day of mugging. (sigh.)

I'm here because I wanna blog about yesterday. About what happened yesterday.
Yesterday was memorable! Memorable for all the wrong reasons! Hahaha. And I don't usually blog about my days in school in detail, but yesterday was just too memorable to not blog about it.
Anyway. Yesterday was the last day of official new lessons! We had our last ever lectures, and our last ever anatomy tutorial.
I'm gonna miss anatomy tutorials, especially those with Proj Raj and his unique style of teaching, the round table QnA format and 'playing with toys' initiatives. And of course, my anat + PBL + FRS + Physio groupmates. I'm glad I got to be in such a fun group, with all the other people ostracized by the Dean's office, because we have surnames starting with "WXYZ". =p
Honestly, I'll miss having lessons with them all. All the good-natured teasing, strange bets and dares, all the outings, all the mrt rides home together, all the squeezing in cars, all the last minute discussion for physio, oh and our check points upon leaving the rooms. It was a blast working and having fun with them all, and here's to working and having fun with all you in M2 again! Haha.
So yeah, we bought a card for Raj, took photos with him and a standing skeleton, and that was it! I was leaving the anat hall for the second last time!

We were schedules to have a clinical session at TTHS that afternoon, so all of us were dressed in nice shirts and pretty dresswear. And like the previous session, the group was split into 2 separate groups.
I was in the first group, and so we went there like 40 mins earlier after hitching a ride from Matthew. Ended up eating snacks at Mr Bean, which was a must for Amanda whenever she's at TTSH; she gets sorta 'tamed' after some Mr Bean snacks (and on hindsight, this was absolutely necessary considering the events that happened later!)
Walked around, doing the same usual stuff, like feeling embarrassed about Cindy and stuff!
When to get our attendance taken, took out our lab coats and stuff, all prepared to go see some patients, when Michelle gave our Dr. a call, and realised she was ON LEAVE! Hoho.

Now at this point of time, a chill went down my spine because Cindy and Amanda went sorta berserk. Cindy's face was totally black and sounded like she was on the verge of tears, while Amanda... man, lets just say she said things that would make her qualify for the fiercest 3SGT award (and probably win it hands down)... in the office of TTHS somemore!
Gerard and I were like... "Woah! Okay, that's seriously over reacting!". It was quite funny, the 3 girls were so agitated about it. Whereas the four of us guys were like just standing there, totally unfazed by the whole situation.
Gerard, Gab, Proj Wu and I just shifted to the corner, and just stood there, watching the girls getting agitated and trying to argue and complain and settle the whole thing. Anyway, turns out there was some miscommunication between the department and our Dr, and she didn't know that she had to cancel one day of leave or something to come back and take us...
The secretary came out and started to explain and apologise to us about the whole situation, and just to be safe, Gerard and I took precautions to hold back Amanda and Cindy just in case they decided to slap the secretary or something, which I'm sure if we guys weren't around to stop them, they would have gone up and just slaughtered the poor girl.

So we left the place, the girls in extremely low and angry moods. Tried comforting Cindy that what happened had already happened, and that she should just put it behind and just cheer up, when Gab said 'Yeah, its okay Cindy, you don't need the extra time to study for your vivas anyway!'
Which I guess was just about one of the most inappropriate things to say at the moment. Haha. Needless to say, Cindy wasn't plesaed!
Oh Gab... he always ends up with his foot in his mouth, with hilarious effects and consequences.

Afterthat, Michelle and Cindy left, whereas the 4 of us and Amanda went to have coffee.
It was a perfect 'Lets go have coffee' moment; after some major let down, you just go to some coffee place, plonk yourself down and order a cup of mocha to chill.
We decided to be nice and just shower Amanda with all the care and concern we could muster, offering to treat her to another round of Mr Bean snacks, or even Starbucks cakes and coffee, and I think she was quite happy that we were nice to her for a change! So her mood improved as she waited for her mom to come pick her up.
Then after she left, the 4 of us continued to stay there, and started to discuss what had happened earlier. I think Gerard's right, its just so amusing to see how differently the girls react from us guys. We just shrug and say we'll come back some other time, whereas the girls were all so agitated that it kinda turned scary.
There must be some kind of factors that testosterone gives us, and that the girls lack that makes us so damn different. Maybe someone should ask Denise Goh to research into that, think it has lots of potential. Hehe.
After that, we stayed on, to mug a little, and discuss renal physio, genetics and lots of spots questions.
As Bingcheng put it, it really felt like a scene from "Friends". A bunch of people just head down to a coffee place to chill and talk and stuff. Ah shit, I miss the days were I could just head down with people to just chill at some cafe without worrying about not passing stuff. Argh, oh well, Medicine can be such a lonely path sometimes.

But yeah, that was the end of it, and we'll have to go back for our lesson after Pros in April. I hope that there wouldn't be another 'miscommunication' then again, cause its quite unprofessional to keep doing that lah.
And even then, I don't think even us guys could stop the girls from going on a rampage to destroy TTSH.
Despite the major let down, I was actually pretty pleased with my afternoon. I think I had fun. Fun for the wrong reasons of course, but definitely fun. I was quite amused by the whole situation and left for home feeling quite saturated with endorphines. Haha.

However, my happy day was marred by finding out about something later that night.
I don't know what to say... I honestly don't know if I'm more disgusted or angry about all the things that was raised. I think its dishonest, immoral, and just downright disgusting to do that.
It just shows how deeply insecure some people can be, how little confidence they have in themselves, and that's something I can't stand in people, which is to underestimate yourself, especially when you obviously what it takes.
I am miffed. (and probably pissed) Its just downright two facedness, and though I don't expect any of my friends to be all pure and true, but even if you want to be dishonest and unloyal and stuff, I would pray that you don't let me find out about it, or else when I do discover it myself, I'll make you pay. Big time.

Maybe its better I found out so soon. Maybe its not.
But on hindsight, if you did what you wanted to do at the right place and right time, I'll probably not interfere and just step aside. I can't and won't stop you from doing what you want to do, even if it hurts me. And maybe that's why you are going on with this in the first place, taking my generosity for granted.
Seriously. Unbelievable. Utter utter disappointment.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 08:30   0 comments
Monday 5 March 2007
you're weird!
I just read some book which featured the top 5 horoscopes, which are known to have weirdo tendencies.
I was pretty pleased to see that Gemini was ranked quite high on the ranking, but at the same time, extremely miffed that we weren't ranked first!
Instead, it was some other star sign that took the crown, a star sign that I had long associated to be related to rigidity and tradition. Imagine my consternation when I found out that they were supposed to be the weirdest ones of all. Pffffffttttttttt...

Anyway. Here's the top 5 starsigns that produce weird people:

No. 5: Scorpio - insecure, mysterious, and sometimes overly sensitive and paranoid. but their passionate and never-say-die attitudes make them do things or undertake things that other won't want to do. Plus the fact that they are usually vengeful and filled with possibly violent tendencies does nothing to reduce the weirdness factor in them. They are the ones that can freak you out real bad!

No. 4: Taurus - these people are stubborn, steadfast and hardworking individuals, who on the surface, are what you consider to be normal people. But beneath their seemingly proper fronts, lies a heart that is addicted to luxury and life's richness. Taurans love their alcohol, their fair share of fun, their hobbies and passions; For their cause and ideals in life, they'll do anything to keep their hold on them, even if it meant breaking every single bone for it!

No. 3: Aquarius - independent, strongwilled and inventive, Aquarians are weird in a friendly, interesting sort of way. Always original in thought, they aren't afraid to think differently, and aren't afraid to express them as well. Plus the fact that they are very sensitive and imaginative people means that they'll change their degree of quirkiness in accordance to the crowd; serious when necessary, crazy when its time to let their inhibitions down.

No. 2: Gemini - Contradictory, versatile and witty, Geminians are people with two minds/hearts in a single body. They are witty, cunning and intellectual individuals who just love the frivolity of life, and never stops changing their mind about it. One moment they can be incredibly child-like and carefree, the next moment, they turn moody and depressed, and its not something that they can control. And this fickleness makes them the ultimate schizos in many eyes.

And the biggest shock of all!!!!

No.1: Capricorn - ambitious, prudent and disciplined, Capricornians are often people stuck in the rigidity of order and tradition. They are naturally reserved and fatalistic, often holding a pessimistic view of life. These quiet and reserved individuals however, possess a great degree of flippancy, and are often caught between wanting to walk out of their reserved natures and not wanting to throw away the systematic way of life that they once had. This inconsistency, leads many to view them as individuals that no one can understand. (i.e. weird!)

I never thought I'll live to a day where I'll see the cautious Capricorn beat the fickle Geminian in terms of weirdness. This is a sad day for all Geminians, to be defeated by such a stick-in-the-mud star sign! (the horror! the horror!)

Final note: Female Repro is so complicated, it has given me a migraine. Pffffttttttt!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 19:50   0 comments
the indie pie
the indie pie - thebigsheep
wha'ca doing? wha'ca looking? wha'ca thinking right now?
whatever it is, i hope its good/ laalaala lalalaala
don't page me, cause i'l be away/ stuffing myself with pudding and pie, til i sway dumdahdumdeedumdum

oh i love my pudding, i love my pie/ i love the fact that we get to throw it before it turns high!smash smash, dirty ol'mess! of mangoes, and apples and lime-filled pie!
the muck, the goo, the hideous mess/ makes all the troubles, the worries, an unnecessary test!

Oh dear pudding, dear pie! dear wonderful tasty treat of mine!
wait til you see, what i have inside - delightfulness, wonderfulness, happyness, tragediness, all kinds of rhymes!
so whatever you're reading, whatever you're eating, mugging or drinking?
embrace the indieness of pies, crap and life~!

I was bored waiting for gerard's and peishan's physio contributions when I got possessed by some mad spirit of a ruminant...
It was a while before I managed to shake him off... but after a long, ardous fight to wrestle for control over my body, I managed to show him who's boss. (and the king of sheep)
But not before he typed the above crap on my laptop.

Sick bastard of a sheep. Grrrrrrrr....

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:00   0 comments
Sunday 4 March 2007
against the light

逆光 - 孙燕姿
也许我一直害怕有答案 / 也许爱轻轻在风里打转
离开释怀 / 很短暂又重来
我不要困难把我们击散 / 我责备自己那么不勇敢
遗憾没有到达 / 拥抱过还是害怕

有一束光 / 那瞬间
你的视线 / 是谅解
为什么舍不得熄灭 / 我逆着光却看见
那是泪光 / 那力量
面对希望 / 逆着光
感觉爱存在的地方 / 一直就在我身旁

我不要困难把我们击散 / 我责备自己那么不勇敢
遗憾没有到达 / 拥抱过还是害怕

背对着你如此漆黑 / 忍住疲惫
睁开眼 打开窗

21st March. Can hardly wait!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 12:37   0 comments
Thursday 1 March 2007
3rd watch
Gosh, its march already.

I like to list down some things I hope to achieve or do during the 3rd month of the year. It'll be like a monthly resolution thing, seeing as to how New Year's Resolutions always fail, I've decided to go micro and make monthly resolutions instead!
That way, the probability of actually achieving something increases, and its easier to take stock of happenings and stuff.

1. I will not grumble when my parents wake me up to go to school or driving on saturdays. (because I subscribed to the daily torture of waking up early.)
2. I will not procrasinate when it comes to revision and studying.
3. I will not be distracted by the laptop when it comes to revision and studying.
4. I will actually start my revision and studying.
5. I will limit all forms of entertainment to just blogging, occasional rounds of AOE3 and TV shows.
6. I will pass all three CA2 tracks.
7. I will buy Yanzi's latest album when it is released on the 21st.
8. I will keep up my religious following of Grey's, Heroes and ER. (see resolution no. 5)
9. I will not blog for more than an hour (see resolution no. 5)
10. I will finally book a test date for me driving. (oh and get my PDL extended.)

That'll do for now. I check back on April Fools' to see if I actually achieved anything at all. That'll be interesting. Haha.

Poor Yanzi. I hope she gets all the rest needed and come out of this unfortunate event stronger than ever, all geared up for the launch of her new album. I've heard '逆光' like over 10 times already, and its really good.
Fits my taste for emo rock. When soft rockish, emo-haunting kind of song. Can't wait for the release of her album (which will signal the start of my temporary freedom due to the end of CAs. and of course the start of my impending doom due to pros.)

Now to sign off and start achieving resolutions 3,4,5.

Keep running from the light, and don't die.


posted by voldemort33 @ 14:59   0 comments
yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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