let's see how far we've come
Saturday 31 May 2008
its the holidays!
In a blink of an eye, a 7 week course has come and gone. Yup. The Clinical Skills Foundation Course is finally over. I guess we are supposed to come out of it feeling like we are indeed on the right path of becoming a good doctor, but unfortunately, today's OSCE assessment made me realise that I'm far from being a competent doctor, let alone a good one. Yup. I'm now feeling like I just came out of a tiring 7 weeks without learning anything at all.

Nonetheless, its the official end of M2, and the start of M3 beckons in just 3 weeks time. M2 has been a blur. All I remember about it was loads of tests and mugging, loads of inter-personal traumas, loads of tiring days and nights trying to settle things that shouldn't and didn't actually need settling. Life could have been better, but now that I've lived through one of the worse years in Medical school, I feel like life, has been splendidly okay. But then again, if you ask me if I feel more prepared to be a doctor after two years in medicine, I'll tell you that 'no, I do not feel more prepared to be a doctor.' I'm still in a total haze about what is right and wrong, what is expected and not expected of us, what is happening and what is not. Its still a long long way before any of us become someone confident enough to stand out there and BE a doctor. Its still a long way indeed.

Today was spent rotting outside. We watched a beautiful movie called 'Accuracy of Death', starring Takeshi Kaneshiro, in which he was a Shinigami tasked with the job of judging if a person gets to die now or not. It is a brilliant movie about the importance of life and death and makes you think about what the important things in life are. What is your purpose, and have you achieved it? I think its something we should all ponder before death comes to claim us.

And Takeshi Kaneshiro is really bloody delectable. I have no idea why the OG girls prefer Takuya Kimura over him. I think Takeshi is the Asian version of Johnny Depp, and he acts with a kind of nonchalance and flamboyance. He was surprisingly good in this film as the rather innocent and naive Shinigami, who has a strong liking for music and a complete misunderstanding about humans. He was funny when it mattered, and delightful morose when the occasion calls for some serious emo-ing. All in all, he acted really well and it was a marvelous performance.

It was a good movie, the first movie I've watched in ages. My kind of movie because it was thought provoking and rather deep. All in all, definitely a movie I'll recommend, but I suggest you don't watch it if you can't stand slow movies.

After that, it was long time spent slacking around, eating and just chatting. Its been ages since I had a good chat with anyone, let alone so many different people from the OG. I think we had a great time together, exploring so many interesting topics. The greatest surprise of the day was Darryl, who turned out to be a love guru of sorts. Highly, highly shocking. I think we got so high from the chatting that we sort of lost track of the time because we only left Junction 8 at 2330. But still, it was a good day well spent.

Tomorrow's the big day. I'm feeling slightly sianified over all the stuff I have to do and slightly pissed with myself for taking on this undertaking, seeing as to how I hate administrative stuff, but oh well. I have to just suck it up and just live through it and try to be happy about it. Afterall, tomorrow's supposed to be my day.

And yes, the conclusion I got from today is that I may have gotten so used to being single that I don't really want to look for a relationship anymore, and I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Yeah.

Quote of the day: 'What do you think about death?'

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:13   0 comments
Wednesday 28 May 2008
prior commitments
In the season 2 finale of 'Brothers & Sisters', we witness a Gay wedding, a kiss between two ex-siblings and the revelation that while the Walkers do not have a half-sister, they might have a half-brother instead!

I think 'Brothers & Sisters' works because of its solid cast, and its incredibly funny family dynamics. I am however, quite sad that Rebecca is no longer a Walker. But I do like the fact that there are signs that the writers are going to work on a Justin/Rebecca relationship, because hell, these two are most certainly made for each other. Like Ross&Rachel, Derek&Meredith, Doug&Carole, Justin & Rebecca are on their way to become another of those fairy-tale couples on TV-dom. But I think they have great chemistry together, and really, by ruling out Rebecca as a non-Walker, it simply makes it all possible for them to be a real couple. They look good together, they have an amazing bond going on between them, it'll be a total waste of existing storyline if they do not get together.

And what's up with the existence of this Ryan guy, who could now end up as the youngest brother of the Walker clan? Its like the writers decided that Rebecca and Justin should really get together and laboured to remove the only obstacle preventing them from doing so: which is the ex-fact that they were half-siblings. And to remove this icky factor from the love equation, they just decided to introduce another guy that could be the real Walker half-sibling instead. Its like a endless cycle that becomes kinda old and stale after time. But then again, Rebecca and Justin are gonna get together so I suppose that more than makes up for the lack of realism in it.

In case you didn't know, I LOOOOOVVVEEE Rebecca! Emily Vancamp (the actress who plays Rebecca) is so stunningly beautiful, I fell in love with her when she was in 'Everwood'. SHE IS SO DARN BEAUTIFUL! Her long flowing hair, her amazing eyes, her cute nose, her startling smile! ARGH. But Justin's the funniest and most adorable guy of the Walker family clan and I heard rumours that Emily and Dave (the actor who plays Justin) are dating in real life, so I guess I'll live with them getting together.

Oh and yes, Kevin and Scotty got married. I can't stand Scotty, so needless to say, I think this is quite a sad point. Why did Kevin choose Scotty over Jason, I will never know. And Holly Harper is still the conniving bitch that she is, and now that she is the CEO/chairman of the newly merged Ohaj and Walker winery, we can foresee at least another season of business politicking and bitching. Let's hope she and Nora has another big food fight soon!

So here's the end of the American TV season. Here's to the return of the next season this fall! I can hardly wait!


posted by voldemort33 @ 11:02   0 comments
Sunday 25 May 2008
come to a place where insanity is good
I was thinking of something smart to blog about today when I realized that this week's gonna be the last week that I'll ever spend as a juvenile delinquent. Wow. Its kinda eerily quirky that my last week as a 20 year old coincides with my last week of the Clinical Skills Foundation Course. So with the start of M3, I'm going to approach my life as an adult: no more shirking of responsibilities and duties, and do do everything with the maturity of an adult. I will not be so immature and childish anymore.

My last week as a 20 year old. Let's hope it'll be a good one.

Today was spent at Xiaoyan's little get together. The irony of it all is that Xiaoyan's actual birthday falls on the 3rd of June, which is in fact just 2 days after MY VERY OWN actual birthday, so while I am older than her by two days, she gets to have her party BEFORE my own party, which is all so weird and quirky in a chaotic kind of way. Anyway, it was nice seeing some members of 71 that I have not seen in ages, people like Yihan, Sharleen Han, Charleen Soh, people from 71 whom I was considerably less close to (which is saying ALOT because I'm hardly not close with ANYONE in 71.) And it was fun seeing Xiaoyan again! Its always great to see your fellow Gemini and prankster, because when she's around, I can relax and cut back on the sarcastic jibes and nonsense. We can both share the workload when we are both around. Haha.

Let me pause to say that while I'm very proud of the fact that my brain seems to have no jurisdiction over the the confines of normality, the quirky things I do sometimes really annoys me. There are times when I wish my brain wasn't so unorthodox and that I could do things that normal people would do, like arrive at a party on time and not one hour before hand and find yourself horribly horrible alone, so much so that you decide to walk around to do away with the extra time and just stop yourself from feeling like a complete bodoh. But yeah, sometimes I do things that even I don't really understand. Its a curse that will never go away, as true insanity is really just true genius that is not understood.

I sincerely swear that I am up to nooooooo good.

Oh and seeing how we were able to create so much havoc today really makes me quite worried about the amount of chaos that 71 would bring to my own birthday party. Not that I mind the chaos, because a little bit of chaos here and there is really kinda, fun, and 71-chaos, is HELL LOTS of fun. But seriously, if the people present today could already create such a substantial amount of chaos (though, I have to admit that I do have a part to play in the chaos created), I shudder to think of the amount of madness they will create when a larger number of them appears during my party. Let's hope I managed to retain my sanity after the 31st, and ACTUALLY live to see my actual birthday.

I sincerely swear that they are all up to nooooooo good.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 21:14   0 comments
Friday 23 May 2008

Another season of 'Grey's Anatomy' has come and gone. This season ended with a bang and I must say I felt it was a more satisfying conclusion than the previous season finale, which we all know, was the infamous episode where silly old Burke left Cristina at the altar.

Season 4 of 'Grey's Anatomy' was NOT a great season, but it was a season rescued from the possibility of being the worst ever. It was a season that lost its way initially, but somehow or another, managed to find its way around the many loopholes and pitfalls it created. It was a season saved by a writers' strike, which ironically gave the writers the necessary vacation to help refresh their minds and thus ultimately salvage a season that featured lacklustre episodes. The post-strike episodes were some of the best from 'Grey's' in a long long time. However, the show still lacks something that it had in season 2, something that was momentarily restored when Addison came back for one episode then. I guess, the show now lacks a kind of easy going humour and class that Addison used to provide. She indeed, would be sorely missed. Sigh.

The two hour season finale entitled 'Freedom' was a great finale for several reasons.
Firstly, we finally see some of the characters attempting to fix their screwed up lives.
We see Bailey making the first step in the long compromise that is marriage, finally acknowledging that she has taken on too much than she can handle, and now, she is doing something to make it all manageable again.
We see the Chief going back to his wife. We see George acting like a man and asking the Chief for a second chance to do his intern test. We see Cristina standing up to Hahn, and in a really cool way to boot. We see Alex finally opening up to someone, finally showing a reason to be the screwed up guy that he is. We see Callie admitting that she has the hots for Hahn and even initiating a kiss with her.
And of course, Meredith. Meredith, Meredith, Meredith. Did I mention that I love Meredith? Finally, after four contorted seasons of hem-hawing, she finally makes a stand, she finally figures out her own life, she finally makes a move, she finally does something unbelievably sappy and silly, but the point is, she finally understands what is it that her mom really wanted and couldn't get and thus, what she really wants. Which is extraordinary love. SHE WANTS DEREK. And she gathers the courage to tell him, once again that SHE WANTS HIM. And they do make it back, because their romance, is, the stuff the legends are made of. And so Derek and Meredith are hopefully together, for good.

Another thing I loved about the finale was the fact that it featured two separate teenage couples, and thus two very different forms of young teenage love. We had the totally sweet couple who both had brain tumours and were both in for a radical new treatment method as part of a clinical trial, and the other rather unfortunate couple where the poor boy has to lie in cement to impress his bitch of a crush, and thus ended up almost dying due to his incredibly daft lapse of judgement.

Let's talk about the sweet brain tumour couple, who unfortunately failed to get their fairytale ending, because the boy dies during his surgery. I know its sad, because hey, these two just lost their virginities to each other a few hours before they would be parted forever, and they really were so unbelievably sweet and happy, you kinda hoped they would go on to have lots of hot sex and cute babies, but hey, as unrealistic as it sounds, TV can sometimes be like the real world, where people DO die in surgery and no one gets their friggin' happy ending! Then again, if you think about it, the boy's death actually lead indirectly to the girl's surgery being successful. If he didn't die, Mer and Der wouldn't have gotten the viral cocktail right and tumour-girl wouldn't have had a shot at living. So really, isn't that the sweetest thing a boy can give the girl he loves? Freedom. Yup, freedom. He gave her freedom. Freedom from the tumour, freedom from hemiparalysis, heck, he gave her freedom from death! So really, its quite a poetic end for this young couple.

Then there's the other couple, where the boy jumps into a pile of cement just to impress the girl who loves him but thinks its embarrassing to acknowledge that she really likes him. Okay, I must admit that while this was an interesting case (from a medical point of view), the whole storyline of a boy who jumps into cement to proof his love for a lover that's not even ready to acknowledge that they have such a connection just reeks of desperation and unfortunate idiocy. I'm surprised Bailey doesn't scold him for idiocy, instead, she establishes a bond with him and promises to get him out of that pile of rock alive, which is a very very Bailey thing to do. And who knew that Bailey loved Starwars like I do? Geeks rule man! Thank god the girl came to her senses, and finally acknowledge her feelings for the poor boy. But seriously, cement-boy's idea of a gift to bitch-girl cannot be compared in terms of value with tumour-boy's gift to tumour-girl. So boys out there trying to get girls, please consider exchanging your life so that the girl might live. I betcha that she'll always always remember you for the rest of her guilt-ridden life.

In summary, season 4's finale brings to a close many many past hauntings and also opens up many many new possibilities!
Will Callie and Erica become the first ever hot lesbian couple to sashay down the halls of Seattle Grace? Will Mark ever find love and will he be able to live out his hot threesome fantasies?
Will Izzie get back with Alex in his desperate time of need? Will Alex reveal more of his vulnerable nature?
Will Bailey fix everything in her overly hectic life?
Will George pass his second attempt at that intern test? And will Lexie do the unmistakable and try to seduce I-always-sleep-with-my-female-best-friends!-George?
Will Cristina ever get over Burke and become a good teacher to Lexie?
Will the Chief and Adele ever make their second chance at marriage work?
And will Derek and Meredith really get back together for good? Will they really build that house of theirs on that cliff side? And will look-at-me-I'm-a-horse!-Rose really leave the show? (I sincerely hope so!)
We can only wait til season 5 to find out.

In the mean time, enjoy your hard earned freedom.


posted by voldemort33 @ 21:05   0 comments
Monday 19 May 2008
it doesn't have to exist
Today, while being surrounded by the most lavish of designer kitchenware, I came to a sudden realisation:

You can have the most lavish house in the country, the coolest car on earth, the largest paycheck across the planet, the most meaningful and successful career ever and the craziest bunch of friends in the whole universe...
And still feel like the loneliest loser that ever lived.

I think humans are too eager to be happy. Why can't we be completely unemotional and unfeeling, and just enjoy the emptiness of NOT feeling anything at all? I think that many of us, in an effort to be happy, seek out the company of others, the fun in activities, the intoxication of substances, but more often than not, we end up discovering that the high we so often sought for, isn't as great as we had hoped it to be. And than we come crashing down and desperately seeking to eat the humble pie and to lick our wounds.

I think to reach a state of nirvana is to accept the fact that you don't have to be happy all the time. Sometimes it takes so much bloody hard work to achieve happiness, its actually much easier and, ironically, happier to not try at all. Perhaps its just better to feel like... nothing at all. I'm not happy, I'm not sad; I've given up on being angry or depressed, I'm just feeling... nothing. Maybe that's the key to being... free! Yes. To be free.

Its a matter of finding and defining what it means to be happy. Very often, its all about finding a state that's neither here nor there: and being in limbo is strangely the state that brings you the most peace and contentment.

And its Vesak day, the perfect day to meditate and attain enlightenment.
What wonderful symmetry.


posted by voldemort33 @ 20:52   0 comments
Sunday 18 May 2008

'神秘嘉宾' - 林宥嘉


posted by voldemort33 @ 21:04   0 comments
Saturday 17 May 2008
Masterful Mendelssohn
“Don’t wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don’t. In the face of all we can lose in a day, in an instant, wonder what the hell it is that makes us hold it together.” - Meredith Grey

Watched the 'Masterful Mendelssohn' concert by SSO today. My first ever SSO concert! I wouldn't even watch it if it wasn't for David, who suddenly called me on Wednesday asking if I wanted to watch it with him because he now had free tickets left over by her crazy sister (who wanted to mug for some GP TEST! PREPOSTEROUS!) Though highly suspicious as to why he didn't invite a girl with him instead, I was free anyway and decided that it'll be a nice, classy change to a Saturday evening that would otherwise be spent stoning at my grandma's again, so I took the arrow and flew along with it.

I've learnt from past experience that Symphony concerts can be... erm... sleep inducing. While I've never ever slept in a concert before (due to my incredible ability to let my mind wander when I am bored), I know that Symphony concerts are somewhat of a blind shot: if you are lucky and you attend one that features songs that you are familiar with, then you are probably in for a threat. But then again, if you end up in one with songs that you are completely unfamiliar with, you are entirely at the mercy of the orchestra's interpretation of the songs - you either get it, or you don't. So in what was an incredibly courageous move on my part, I decided to watch a concert which did not even feature a single song that I am familiar with. But what the heck, its always fun to take risks anyway.

Had dinner with David and later, the two of us met up with Woochiao who was, by a total stroke of good luck and coincidence, watching a Malay musical next door! I seriously wonder if Woochiao got anything out of it! He must have felt so strange to be the only Chinese member of the audience! Anyway, we had a nice time chatting and catching up before both our respective performances started. Boy, I missed dear old Woochiao and his wisecracks. I think the most important thing though was that David and I came up with conclusions that sigh, are unfortunately true.

I must say that David has good taste in music. He correctly predicted that the first half of the concert was going to be exciting, while the second half was something that we could just entirely skip. He was so bloody right. The first half of the concert had an amazing symphony by this composer called Prokofiev, who according to David, was this eccentric man who composed new aged styles in a classical way (whatever that means!) But the symphony was fantastic. It was exciting, exuberant, and very very eclectic! And then came Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor, which according to David, was sort of a basic piece that all violinist had to play. It was also a very nice piece, with extremely delightful melodies. I felt like the night wasn't a total waste after all!

Then came the second half of the concert, which featured a 38 minutes symphony by Sibelius. Oh my god, it was a horror to sit through. I nearly died. I kept myself occupied half the time by staring at the ceiling and imagining scenes of carnage and fear if a phantom ala the Phantom of the Opera was to appear in the middle of the concert and bring down the giant ceiling lights onto the audience. The symphony was just noise. I think we should have listened to David's suggestion and left during the intermission.

The last piece left me exhausted and caused me to crawl my way back home. After a quick shower and lots of other administrative work, I finally blogged this entry and went to bed. A wonderful night of class and culture well spent.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:59   0 comments
Thursday 15 May 2008
even manure doesn't taste this bad
Today feels like shit.

Several reasons why today's a bad day:
1. I didn't accomplish my aim of performing a full respiratory and abdominal exam today.
2. I feel like I shouldn't interfere in the personal lives of friends, but then again, I interfered anyway.
3. I have a feeling that the Japan trip will most likely evaporate to dust.
4. My mom told me that the doctors in charge of my Great-Grandmother informed the family to 'be prepared for the worst'.
5. I am bloody exhausted from all the walking and talking and swallowing of frustration and anger.
6. I am very very troubled over my birthday party and extremely irritated with the whole business of people not giving me a clear cut answer as to whether they can attend it or not, oh and feeling guilty over not inviting whole groups of people when I only know a few people out of the group.
7. I miss some of my friends who are currently attached in other hospitals and others who are enjoying their holidays.
8. I feel like a bad person every single day.
9. I really think the quote 'I love mankind; its the people I hate.' really runs true.
10. I hate the ever changing weather. One moment thunderstorm, one moment sweltering heat. Argh.

The only reason to cheer: no tutorials tomorrow and a long weekend. Yeah. That's about it.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 20:55   0 comments
Tuesday 13 May 2008
'and here we... go!'

I think this movie is going to be fantastic. Batman in all its morbid and dark glory. But yes, that's exactly what I like about the whole Batman universe: the fact that everything's so dark and awfully depressing.

I think its very spooky to see Heath Ledger in the trailer. Knowing that he's no longer with us and yet, seeing him as the diabolical maniac that is the Joker makes everything seem so... eerily creepy. And by the looks of it, his final swan song could just be his greatest role yet. Its not easy reprising a role so splendidly portrayed by Jack Nicholson more that twenty years ago and while you can still catch a glimpse of Nicholson-inspired-Joker in the trailer, it appears that Ledger managed to play the master criminal in his own rather subtly deranged manner. Yes, that's the difference: Nicholson's Joker was so darn over the top; Ledger's Joker appears to be more sinister and subtle, not so exuberant but still incredibly creepy.

Like I always say, villains get all the fun.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:17   0 comments
Sunday 11 May 2008
king or kingmaker?
Would you rather be the King, or the Kingmaker?

I was doing my share of research on Tokyo for the upcoming trip and I started reading about the Japanese Imperial Family and how their lives were controlled by the Imperial Household Agency. It must be real ironic, to be part of the Imperial family of the world's 2nd largest economy and yet, have absolutely no freedom at all; to have almost every aspect of their lives being subjected to the control and manipulation of a group of rather sinister people. Which got me thinking: would I rather be the King or the Kingmaker?

Now everyone knows what a King is. A King (or Queen) is the ruling monarch of a dynasty. He (or she) rules over a country, over a state, over a people; he (or she) lives in luxury, basks in the glow of lavishness, enjoys the fruits of his (or her) people's labour. The monarch has it all. So really, who on earth wouldn't die to be part of Royalty?

What then is a Kingmaker? Well, according to wikipedia, '"Kingmaker" is a term originally applied to the activities of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick during the Wars of the Roses in England. The term has come to be applied more generally to a person or group that has great influence in a royal or political succession, without being a viable candidate. Kingmakers may use political, monetary, religious, and/or military means to interfere in the succession.' So in short, Kingmakers are the evil eunuchs who bitch behind the monarch's back, or the pissy butlers who slip poison into the wines of princes they hate, or the two faced politicians who publicly support a prince but secretly offers to back the claims of another.

So who wields the real power? The King or the Kingmaker? Nevermind that most modern day monarchies have to teeth: they are just figure-heads, dependent on taxpayers' money for a living, dependent on present day politicians for a backbone, dependent on public sentiment and support for survival. In today's modern context, it pays to be the Kingmaker more than the King, because power no longer lies in the person who sits on the coveted throne, power lies in the shadow that holds the leash of the person who bears the crown. He who lurks in the shadow controls the light.

Then again, the concept of how real authority and power lies in not the King, but the shadow behind him might not be such a new concept after all. Throughout history, even in the good old days where monarchs had absolute power and could demand the decapitation of any single person without a reason, there have been numerous examples where people who are able to influence the thoughts of the monarch have come up tops in the ever ending race to maintain survival. Get in the good books of the present monarch, and you'll will have your own personal god-sent assassin to kill your rivals. Attaining the favour of the monarch is thus a one way ticket to riches and glory. The converse is also true, whereby offending the monarch is a one way ticket to losing your head and testicles. So being the Kingmaker like any form of investment, has its fair share of risks. The higher the risk, the greater the possible dividends and losses. Its all just a matter of whether you've backed the winning (or luckier) side really.

I think the perfect situation is to be the Kingmaker to a perfectly ineffectual King who cannot go against you, or to be a Kingmaker to a succession of Kings. Raise the Crown Prince to treat you as his rightful father, not the bloody useless man-whore who currently sits his fat arse on the throne! So when the time comes and the King starts to resist your malevolent control, you initiate a coup and install your lovely god-son to the throne, and tada! You have a new King that is loyal to you and a former King who is drowning in the lake behind the palace.

Then again, to be a King with absolute power and actually have the brains to use it, is much better to be than a Kingmaker. Alas, no one in history has been able to be become such a perfect King. We had our fair shares of successful Kingmakers, but not successful absolute monarchs.

If you push aside the whole literal meaning of Kings and Kingmakers, such concepts can also be applied to real life. Do you wish to be the King, the 'best', the top dog in whatever you are seeking to do, or to be the Kingmaker, the person who provides the solid foundation to your supremacy, the one without whom, all would not be possible. To be honest, I'll rather be the Kingmaker: the one person who who lacks sufficient resources or position to win at a given game, but possesses enough remaining resources to decide which of the remaining viable players will eventually win. Everyone would be dying to get my support, to get my endorsement, to be in my good books, so much so, I'll feel like a king as well. All the pampering, none of the stress of being King. Now that, is really what it is to be King.

Perhaps there is no difference between being the King or the Kingmaker. Perhaps to be the Kingmaker, is to be the King.


posted by voldemort33 @ 21:15   0 comments
Saturday 10 May 2008
we all rush to lay the tracks
I think its scary that time seems to be flitting pass too quickly.
And its even scarier when you realize that you have lots of things on your plate to settle before time catches up with you.

With just another 3 more weeks, we would come to the month of June and I will turn 21.
This heralds the end of CSFC and the start of M3, which means I have approximately 3 more weeks to get my history taking and physical examination skills up to scratch.
It also means that I have 3 more weeks to settle everything for my birthday party, which is another chore because, even up til now, the guest list isn't confirmed because there are still people who have not replied to my invites. And now, with the fact that I'm also going on a trip to Japan in June, I have to start planning and researching on what to see, where to go and what to do in the Land of the Rising Sun. So yeah, 3 weeks to do everything. Should be hell lots of fun.

Its the weekend! Time to try cramping in loads of reading.
Now for a shower and lunch, and then I shall attempt to do some reading before dinner tonight.

I wish I could be cryptic about some stuff, but I seem to have lost the ability to use my words subtly and properly. So I think I should just shut up and stop typing before I shoot myself in the foot or bite myself in the tongue. I think its a good thing I'm less emo these days, because I've sorta gotten over the fact that fatigue and exhaustion are just going to be loyal companions of mine for the rest of my dear life. And I swore to myself that I shall complain less and be more proactive. I can do this, I will steer the course of my own life with my own bare hands.

"There is no darkness but ignorance!" - Anon

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posted by voldemort33 @ 12:25   0 comments
Monday 5 May 2008
because i was tagged
Okay, I got tagged by Geraldine. Argh. So here goes.

How to Play
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. No cheating.
4. With the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5. Tag 5 people.

How are you feeling today?
Shut Your Eyes - Snow Patrol
'Just close your eyes until, you can imagine this place, yeah, our secret space at will'
I actually like this song. I guess its a song about shutting your eyes and sinking into dreams and fantasies. Quite apt considering that I've been feeling this desire to escape reality throughout the course of the day.

Will you get far in life?
The Uruk Hai - Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers OST
Seriously. I dunno how to interpret this. I guess I will get as far in life as an Uruk Hai, which honestly, won't be very far because most of them got their heads chopped off by Aragorn or something.

How do your friends see you?
Untitled Hidden Track - Joss Stone
Hmmm. So my friends see me as something hidden? An enigma? Something untitled? Actually the song's rather depressing. Haha. Depressing mystery.

Will you get married?
Big Yellow Taxi - The Counting Crows
'Now don't it always seem to go, That you don't know what you got till it's gone. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot'
Oh my god, is that a NO???? I guess the song's telling me not to be so picky huh, and appreciate whatever is already given to me or something. Gosh, better not take things for granted man.

What is your best friend’s theme song?
Cosy in the Rocket - Psapp
Incidentally, this used to be the theme song for Grey's Anatomy. So the image I have in my mind is that of Meredith sleeping with Derek after a night of tequila. Which describes some of my bestest friends pretty aptly, if you get what I mean! =P

What is the story of your life?
High Speed - Coldplay
'We've been living life inside a bubble
We've been living life inside a bubble
Confidence in you
Is confidence in me
Is confidence in high speed'

JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT! Both the part about living inside a bubble and the whole high speed thing! Hyper speed, in there quickly and out in a jiffy. This either means my life will be SUPER faced pace (hint hint: life in the ER!) or I will die relatively young (hint hint: like next few years or something!).

What was high school like?
People Need Love - Abba
HAHA. OH yeah, all the desperate and horny TCHS boys being released upon the girls in HCJC. SO damn amusing! Quite apt actually. HAHA. =]

What’s in store for this weekend?
Tactics - The Yellow Monkey
Japanese song. Does this mean I am up for a weekend of heavy politicking? Argh. I hate politics. Makes me use my previous time that could be well spent on studying, reading or slacking. Bleah.

How’s your life going?
无尽的爱 - 刘明峰
Seriously? I must be well loved man. How come I'm not feeling the love right now! I feel like there are many invisible people standing between me and the goals I want to achieve right now, and many people are making me feel unloved. But then again, I also know that there are people who genuinely care about me and I guess I'm really blessed then.

How can you get ahead in life?
你的微笑 - FIR
I guess this means I should smile and use my wit to beg for favors more often? Then again, I really smile too little lah. Increasing the frequency of smiles on my face should make my life much much more easier.

What’s the best thing about your friends?
夜曲 - 周杰伦
Erh. Well, I guess they are nice like the song. Then again, this is one of my favorite Jay Chou songs and I absolutely love it for its ethereal and emo quality. Maybe that's the best thing about my friends - that we are a bunch that can emo together.

What song will they play at your funeral?
星空 - NYCO
HAHAHAHA. Perfect insult man. Of all the CO songs they could choose to play, they chose one played by NYCO! The irony of it ALL! Then again, this is a nice song to pass on peacefully. Very soothing and calm.

How does the world see you?
New York State of Mind - Joanna 王若琳
"I've seen all the movie stars in their fancy cars and their limousines,
Been high in the rockies under the evergreens,
But I know what I'm needing and I don't want to waste more time-
I'm in a New York state of mind."

I supposed this means I've achieved a Western version of Zen. But yes, its sounds like me. My kind of song actually.

Will you have a happy life?
Old Devil Moon - Jamie Cullum
"I looked at you and suddenly
Something in your eyes I see
Soon begins bewitching me
It's that old devil moon
That you stole from the sky
It's that old devil moon in your eyes"

I would think that that is a yes. In fact, I would be happily bewitched by some lovely girl! Wow!

Do people secretly lust after you?
我不难过 - 孙燕姿
Haha. I suppose that that is a NO. Haha. But yeah, 我不难过!

How can you make yourself happy?
Nobody's Fool - Avril Lavigne
WOW, this is damn accurate. Yes, I can make myself happy by being nobody's fool, and living a life of freedom! Woohoo!

What should you do with your life?
横颜 - Ken Hirai
Japanese song. Don't really know what the title actually means... I guess it means I should achieve some sort of balance in life or something!

Will you ever have children?
May It Be - Enya
This sounds like some sort of prayer, and it seems to be saying that I would have children. Argh.

What song would you strip to?
Jet Lag - Joss Stone
This is actually quite a good song to strip to actually. Very soulful.

What does your mum think of you?
Toss the Feathers - The Corrs
I think my mom thinks that I should be tossed out of the house, like the feathers. Haha.

What is your deep, dark secret?
Strawberry Sex - Ken Hirai
Oh my! Really! How embarrassing! *Blushes* Well, apparently, my deepest darkest secret is that I love engaging in Strawberry sex, but unfortunately, the last time I checked, my little brother dangling there hasn't had any fun of that sort at all. =(

What is your mortal enemy’s theme song?
Fly Away - 梁静茹
Sounds like a song that my mortal enemy would LOVE! =D

What’s your personality like?
Shepherd's Moon - Enya
A soothing song that flows. Just like me. I don't just move, I flow. And I'm a sheep, hence the link with shepherd!

What song will be played at your wedding?
Fall to Pieces - Avril Lavigne
"And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just wanna sit and stare at you.
I don't wanna talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just wanna cry in front of you.
I don't wanna talk about it
'Cause I'm in love with you."

For an Avril song, this is surprisingly apt for a wedding!!!

OMG, its freaking late and I have clinicals in the morning. I'm not tagging people! But then again, I had fun with this! I must say I missed doing such personality list things!


posted by voldemort33 @ 23:39   0 comments
Sunday 4 May 2008
how to host a perfect dinner party

Anthony's 21st dinner party was held at Au Petit Salut, a posh French restaurant in the Dempsey Hill area. As one of his JC classmates who was invited, I must say that I feel extremely honored and flattered: today was probably the first time I've ever attended such a posh and classy dinner party.

Here's some tips I picked up during the dinner on how to host a perfect dinner party:
1. Book a private function room.
2. Hire a private French chef and his assistant.
3. Have your own waiting staff.
4. Serve champagne. Lots and lots of it.
5. Serve finger food. Lots and lots of it.
6. Serve a 6 course meal of exquisite French cuisine.
7. Make sure one of your closest friends get drunk. (but make sure he doesn't puke at the dinner table!)
8. Invite some of your closest friends to engage in some fine dining!
9. Keep the atmosphere light and casual.
10. Be a gracious host.

All in all, Anthony's dinner party was a blast. The food was absolutely delicious, the atmosphere superb, the company priceless. It was fun dinning with some of the 71ians, as we struggled to hide our lack of etiquette and attempt to look civilized and cultured. But then again, 71 being 71, we ended up doing and saying utterly stupid and childish things. I dunno why we never seem to be able to grow up. We are all gradually turning 21 this year but it seems that we'll never be able to lose that child-like spirit of ours completely. Maybe its a good thing though because it makes our memories of the class so much more memorable.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 01:26   0 comments
Friday 2 May 2008
can you hear me chuckling?
Another week has come and gone, and we make our way into the month of May. Its amazing how fast time flies.

Today was a good day. School was unbelievably short, with a single 2 hour tutorial scheduled at 0830 and time to clerk patients after, I was out of school at around 12 for a lunch session with the whole of the CG at Vivocity. And then I was back home at around 3. The earliest I've been home in ages.

The latest episode of 'Grey's Anatomy' was brilliant. I like the fact that the episodes are of better quality now. I think the Writers' strike was in a sense a good development because it gave the writers time to think and map out the remaining story lines in a proper, tight, coherent manner, so the post strike episodes are so far so darn good.
This week's episode had a guest appearance by Addison, and I think all the fans would agree with me on this, that we really miss her and this week's episode just highlighted just how much more interesting and funny the show would be if she were still around.
Addison's cool. I like the way she has established relationships with quite a number of the characters, relationships that are unique: there's the whole Mer-Der-Addy love triangle, the Addy-Sloan flirtation, the Alex-Addy sexual tension, the Izzie-Addy student/mentor thing, Addy-Callie girl pals vibe, Chief-Addy father/daughter bond and Addy-Bailey mutual respect feeling.
It really was extremely intelligent of the writers to bring her back and capitalize on these relationships that Addison has with these other characters. Smooth move.

'Brothers & Sisters' was also good this week. I like the fact that the show has some of the best lines ever, even better than 'Grey's'. I mean, 'Grey's' has some seriously funny lines, but 'Brothers & Sisters' has like funny lines ALL OVER! The show doesn't have a single moment where I'm not impressed with the stuff the writers come up with. And the actors' delivery of the lines in 'Brothers' is just fantastic. They deliver it in a spitfire fashion that's so quick and smooth I'm amazed that its not all real. Solid acting by a solid cast.

Leaving the world of television behind, I am happy because other people are unlucky and ended up in their own private mess or nightmare. Okay, so I'm a mean mean person who builds his happiness on others' misfortune. But hey, its schadenfreude! Such things happen all the time, and we really just can't help it. At least I'm honest enough to admit it. Hehe.

Oh and I'll like to announce that there will be a drastic decrease in the quality & quantity of posts over the next few weeks (probably even years). As I start to get use to the regularity of clinical life, I'm getting less inspiration to blog. Heck, I don't even bother to proof read my entries anymore, so I'm not surprised if the entries these days are filled with grammatical and spelling errors! So I'll be very happy if I can squeeze out up to 3 entries of substantial quality per week. So really, don't waste too much time here. Not like you have been getting much from here before anyway!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 22:29   0 comments
yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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