let's see how far we've come
Monday 30 July 2007

"思念是一种病" - 张震岳,蔡健雅






oh 思念是一种病
oh 思念是一种病一种病





posted by voldemort33 @ 11:37   0 comments
Saturday 28 July 2007
the sorting
Now that Potter mania has rightly descended upon the English speaking world, I feel that its time I settled a long standing desire of mine to write an entry about the Sorting.
Yes, the whole process of getting sorted by the Sorting Hat, that mysterious hat that talks and sings. The process that every student that enters Hogwarts has to go through, where they find their family away from home.

Ever since I became a fan of the books, I've always had a desire to get sorted. I've always wondered which house the Sorting hat would have decided to place me in, or rather, which house I would have desired to be placed in.
Would it be Gryffindor, 'where dwell the brave of heart'? Or Ravenclaw, 'where those of wit and learning will always find their kind'?
Would it be Hufflepuff, 'where they are just and loyal'? Or even Slytherin, surrounded by other 'cunning folks who use any means to achieve their ends'?
I think it speaks alot about your character based on the kind of House you identify yourself with, a sort of reflection of your character. Kind of like a personality test really, which I absolutely love doing.

I must say, in the very beginning, I've always desired to be placed in Slytherin. A house filled with power hungry people, children of great ambition, people of sharp and cunning minds. I felt a mysterious draw towards the house that produced so many dark wizards, people like Severus Snape, the Malfoys, Bellatrix and ultimately, Lord Voldemort himself.

But would I be suited to be in Slytherin? I have long fantasied that I could be someone who is evil, cruel and cold-hearted, who could detach his mind from his heart, someone ambitious, cunning, manipulative, someone purely concerned with his own self motive and self preservation.
But as I grew older, I find that I don't hold a single tread of the Slytherin system of beliefs in me, except that yes, I think I can be a little self centred at times and that I do experience that occasional stab of cruelty and malice to people of lower social class or intelligence, even race, especially when they annoy me. This is something that I liken to the way the majority of Slytherins are prejudiced against wizards of non-pure blood births.

I readily admit that I see things in a very class conscious way. My first impressions of people are often tainted by my own thoughts about their upbringing, their social status etc, which I know, is a very despicable act, but I can't help it because of the way I was brought up in a constant upper middle class environment. I think I'm too spoilt and used to the world being educated, informed and reasoned, so much so that I view people of a lower class upbringing to be less worthy or intelligent.
BUT, in my own defence, I'm like Professor Slughorn. Though I may have initial doubts about someone's character based on his or her social class etc, I will readily change my views if that person impresses me. I guess I'm more of a meritocrat. I like people who impress me, who are successful or possess something in their personality that endears me to him/her.
So even though I may have a little subconscious prejudice against others of different social status, race etc, I have no trouble liking them if they do something that impresses me. Still rather despicable, but I guess I'm just like that.

Of all the four houses, I deem Hufflepuff the one house that I will NEVER ever be sorted (or choose to be sorted) into. NEVER EVER.

Hufflepuff is the house of do-gooders, the house which values hard work, loyalty, patience, friendship and fair play above all else. While I place utmost value on hard work and also loyalty in friendship, I feel that I am most unsuited for life in Hufflepuff because I value my personal freedom and identity too greatly.
Hufflepuffs, to put it simply, strike me as the kind of people who sacrifice bits and pieces of their personality, desires and wants to fit the demands of the majority, the fit in with the rest of the crowd. I think they are the ultimately social creatures, they feel out out of place if they aren't together as a group, they feel out of place if they are forced to think and act on their own accord.
I need room to be myself, to think as an individual. I need my own personal space, my own thought window and world that I can sink into without intrusion. I cannot survive in an environment where I'm forced to live, work and exist together with a group of people 24/7, having to be patient with others all the time, having to compromise my own personality and self to meet the general consensus of people. Absolutely not.
Ask me to work with others from time to time, and I would be happy to. Ask me to work with others in an environment where everyone is good-natured and happy 24/7, I think will turn mad and would start ripping your guts out to feed the crows flying about.
And personally, if you ask me, I think I do my best magic when I work alone.

Oh and having to be good all the time would drive me mad - can you imagine? Playing fair, being hundred percent loyal, putting in hard work every single day of your school life? Sounds so dull and boring. I prefer some opportunity to, once in awhile, do something rebellious, reckless even evil.
Hufflepuff just sounds so boring.

Ah Gryffindor. The house that receives so much attention in the books, simply because majority of the characters on the side of good are from this noble house.
This is the house which values courage, chivalry and boldness above all else. Here 'dwells the brave at heart, where daring, nerve and chivalry, set Gryffindors apart'.

But I think Gryffindors have something more in them than just a unlimited source of courage and bravery, I think Gryffindors are also inculcated with the value of being self sacrificial, being noble, always doing things 'for the Greater Good'. Their courage comes from being able to stand up, not only for themselves, but for other people as well.
And also that they have a streak of idealism in them; they are very idealistic people, very driven and passionate about how they want to live their lives, how they want to change their lives, how they want to help and change OTHERS' lives as well.

Am I a Gryffindor? At the very least, I think I am more a Gryffindor than a Hufflepuff. I don't think I am a very courageous person, but I am definitely very very idealistic.
I am someone who is very caught up with the 'Grand Notions of Life', caught up with the nobility of being able to 'Change the World', living a life with 'illusions of Grandeur'. When I was younger, I remember finding it horrifying that the world can be so different from the idealistic, perfect world that I'm used to living or being in, that things can so be different out there, and people can be so different from what you expect them to be (and maybe, to a certain extent I still feel that way right now).
I used to have grand dreams about liberating the world, making a difference, changing the way people live, think, feel. Being a leader of a revolution, being someone who revolutionizes the world, who makes it a better place. Being someone important.
As much as they try to deny it, I think Gryffindors love feeling that they are important people, and I do too. But whether or not I am courageous enough to make the effort, to take the steps to achieve all these grand desires and put forth all these grand notions is another matter altogether.

I think courage comes in all sorts of packages. While I'm not one of those few who dare to do courageous feats like jump across buildings or climb Mount Everest or save a child from a burning building, I think my courage comes from believing in what is right and taking a stand and not backing down. Even if the stand I'm taking isn't the most popular or supported option, once I've made my stand, I won't back down.
I guess that's where my courage is. I believe strongly in what I think, I dare to say what I have to say, I dare to type what I want to and have to type. Nothing much, but it means alot to me.

And now Ravenclaw. This is honestly, the house where I feel, I would be most at home. And that yes, I would definitely ask the Sorting Hat to put me there.
Ravenclaw is the house where those possessing intelligence, wit and knowledge go to. Ravenclaw is the place where people who love to think, love intellectual challenge find their place in Hogwarts. I'm not being vain here, but I think (see, I love to think!) I'm sufficiently intelligent enough to be warranted a place here.

Unfortunately, we don't really get to see lots of Ravenclaws in action in the books. The most notable of Ravenclaws would be Luna Lovegood, the adorable, slightly dotty blonde who has such a crazy belief system that she believes almost everything and anything under the sun.
And I guess the fact that someone as flippant as Luna can be sorted in Ravenclaw says something about Ravenclaws in general, that its not merely being intelligent that counts here, its about being open to intellectual ideas and thoughts. Its the thought process that counts, not what is produced by it.

I guess I'm alot like Luna. I like to keep my options and beliefs open, so much so I very readily change my views and opinions concerning matters if something logical and convincing has been put across to me.
Its all about being mentally malleable and flexible. Never let your mind be stuck in a rut, always think and come up with new interesting ideas, new fantastic connections, always reason with your thoughts, wrestle with your emotions, and then you'll achieve wonders from it.
Afterall, 'Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure!'
Another thing about Ravenclaws is that they are probably the only house that values independent thinking and individual freedom of thought. Yes, that's another thing that I value so much. Individual identity - its all about having your own beliefs, your own thoughts, your own way of thinking, viewing life. Freedom of self thought leads to freedom of self identity.
And where else but in Ravenclaw, the house which encourages you to think freely, to 'use your brain!' would you be able to develop your own personal notion of self?
Its here that I feel that I would be able to daydream all there, be able to be caught up in my own world of personal thoughts, conclusions and dreams, and enjoy the personal space and solitude that I so fiercely protect and desperately seek.

In the end, being a Ravenclaw, is all about being yourself. Being able to look yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself that you are who you are, being proud of your own beliefs, being proud that you are able to think so differently, so uniquely, so introspectively, so readily. Because really, its the thought that counts.

In conclusion:
I'm abit of everything.
Prejudice and a degree of self-importance from Slytherin.
Hard work and loyalty to friendship from Hufflepuff.
Idealism and a dash of courage from Gryffindor.
But mostly the love of individual and intellectual freedom, from Ravenclaw.

I guess it all boils down to which house you'll choose to be in. And I have no doubt as to which house that will be.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 11:14   0 comments
Friday 27 July 2007
sudden realisation
I was in NUS yesterday to do some stuff for rag and dnd and medicamp and then I decided to make my way down to Pasir Ris from school to give tuition.
And as I was waiting at the usual Science bus stop, a sudden realisation that school was starting just struck.
I can't believe that my holiday of 3 to 4 months is almost over, and that I'll be embarking on the next step of my medical-career in just another 2 weeks time. Its so shocking.
Whatever happened to all the stuff that I had planned to do and achieve since the start of my holidays in April? I think I hardly got about addressing them.
And now, I'm facing the start of my second year at Hogwarts Med School and I have absolutely zero knowledge of what life's gonna be like, cause even though its the same school, same group of people, so much has happened over the past few months that things just seem so utterly different.

That said, I seriously can't imagine myself stepping into school, all ready to learn stuff when the 13th of August comes.
I think it'll take some time before I get used to living a busy life mugging again; I've grown rather fond of the care-free, flexible and totally slacker-like lifestyle that I've adopted over the pass 3 months, so much so that I think it'll be such a waste to depart from it.

Weird. Feeling utterly flummoxed right now.
Am I really going to start M2 in just approximately 2 weeks time? =/


posted by voldemort33 @ 00:22   0 comments
Monday 23 July 2007
the seagull
I just came back from my trip to the Esplanade, where I caught the Royal Shakespeare Company's (RSC) performance of 'The Seagull', a rather famous tragic comedy written by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov.
With tickets costing 172 dollars each, this was probably the most expensive play that I have ever paid for with my own savings. I usually go for the 80-90 dollar tickets, but unfortunately, they were sold out.

Accompanying me on my trip where Eileen and Xinhui. I think I speak for the 3 of us when I say that neither of us are avid theatre fans. Its true that I have watched my fair share of musicals and concerts and stuff, but I never really got the opportunity to watch much theatre.
So I'm glad I made the effort (and shoulder the cost!) to go watch 'The Seagull', though I must admit, the whole draw of the play wasn't that I knew about the play or whatever, but it was more to watch Sir Ian McKellen acting in it.

For those who don't know who Sir Ian McKellen is, he starred as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Magneto in the X-men Trilogy. When he isn't filming movies, Sir Ian's real passion is in theatre, especially Shakespearean theatre.
He's here in S'pore from 19th to 22nd July, to star in 'King Lear' and to play a supporting role in 'The Seagull'.
We wanted to catch 'King Lear' but tickets were already sold out by the time we made up our minds about going, which was a pity because we met a lady today who happened to watch 'King Lear' last night, and apparently it was darn good, and Sir Ian was on stage 98% of the time, working his magic.
But oh well, we had to settle for 2nd best. But at least he did have quite a meaty role in 'Seagull', so we did get a chance to watch quite a lot of his magic.

The play was good. But it was so awfully dark.
I think the 3 of us were quite confused initially, because there were so many characters and so many events happening that it was all very disorientating.
But after awhile, we managed to sorta keep up with events and followed the proceedings quite carefully.
It was a thought provoking plan, very dark and disturbing, very melancholic, but always humorous and funny (quite a feat considering the dark nature of the storyline).
The acting was the most captivating thing about the play. The RSC has a great ensemble, everyone was perfect and quite convincing in their roles. But of course, my personal favourite was Sir Ian, who's portrayal of the eccentric old man Sorin was so endearing that I just couldn't help thinking that he was just a Dumbledore in Muggle clothing.

Funny thing happened at the end of the play. Eileen didn't hear the last lines of the play because she was focusing on the wrong thing.
Instead of listening to the actors speaking out the last two lines of the play (which sorta revealed the fate of the protagonist), she was too caught up with a candle props being extinguished and one of the actresses laughing, so much so that she didn't realise that the play had ended.
As such, she left the theatre totally oblivious to what had just happened, and how the story ended.
Xinhui and I were totally amused, and spent the whole journey back to the MRT station trying to explain what she had missed and what the ending was about.
It was hilarious - I really don't think you should spend 172 dollars on a play and not understand the ending of it. *Chuckle*

I still think it was a pity that we couldn't catch Sir Ian in his full glory in 'King Lear'. What a waste.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:37   0 comments
Sunday 22 July 2007
concerning Deathly Hallows
'The dedication of this book is split seven ways: to Neil, to Jessica, to David, to Kenzie, to Di, to Anne, and to you, if you have stuck with Harry until the very end.'

I've been stuck with Harry for the pass 8 years of my life. I've got to admit, I only noticed Harry when he started to gain popularity right around the release of book 3/4.
But since then, I've been stuck with him as he made his journey through increasingly dark days.
And now, it has come to an end.

"Harry Potter and The Deathy Hallows" is quite an ending.
There are deaths, there are tragedies; there are ironies, there are relevations; there are twists and turns of the most sudden, drastic forms.
And I think we are truly given answers. Answers about everything. About Dumbledore, about Snape, about Lily, even about Voldemort and Harry himself.

I like the way this book seems to be about figuring out Dumbledore's past and motives, just like how book six seems to be about figuring out Voldemort's past and motives.
It isn't just a singular quest to destroy the Horcruxes, its also about the quest to find out about the Hallows. And that's about all the spoilers I'm gonna place here.

Despite it being an exciting and entertaining read, the ending sorta left me feeling slightly cheated. It felt slightly anticlimatic, cliche even.
And while I had been right about certain things, Rowling once again pulls the stops and creates situations at the end that I had not expected. Its like she gives you the satisfaction of guessing only half the story, and leaves the other half as a surprise.
Still, you can't really fault her in the way she ended it. Its really the only way out (considering the way the story had progressed in the book).

So its goodbye Harry. I feel like I've just lost an old friend or something.
But yes. Its time to say goodbye.
To you and Jo, thank you so much for bringing so much joy and delight to the past 8 years of my life.


posted by voldemort33 @ 00:04   0 comments
Saturday 21 July 2007
the magic hour
So this is it.
This is going to be the last you hear/see/read of me before I go into hiding.
In just approximately 7 hours time, the 7th book will be my hands and I'll be rushing to finish it in time before people can spoil it for me.
So it'll be absolutely no contact with the outside world. No handphone, no laptop, no internet, no stepping out of my house (except to collect the book of course.)

No one is going to stop me this time. I WILL BE, VICTORIOUS!

Let the countdown begin.


posted by voldemort33 @ 00:09   0 comments
Friday 20 July 2007
when you're gone

When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah

Right. Cheesy song, cheesy lyrics, but it works fine for me.
That's the good thing about Avril Lavigne. She's no Genius song-writer, her lyrics are elementary and her songs are brainless. You don't have to look too deeply for hidden meanings and what-nots.
You just put the record on and let your mind float along with the sheer cheesiness of the songs. Jolly good rollicking time.

Oh and don't ask me why I have sudden emo moments and mood swings. It just happens, especially when I'm very tired and a particular sad song comes to mind, then its *WHAM* and I'm hit by the emo bug for the rest of the day.

Anyway, Medicamp '07 has officially come to an end. (And thank god for that.)
Was telling Sara that I am very sick of taking photos already. Thankfully, she felt that way too. She was telling me that every night she felt so tired just looking through the photos she took over the day, she seriously considered not taking more photos over the next few days.
So reassuring. Its good to know that I wasn't the only one who felt like slacking and not take photos anymore. Now that my 'boss' feels that way too, I feel like I can slack without feeling overly guilty. Woo-hoo.

Now that Medicamp '07 has come to a close, I hope everyone can just go back to our pre-camp happiness and live in harmony with one another.
Although I sincerely doubt that all the unhappiness that has happened will ever be completely swept under the carpet (I've come to learn that humans NEVER ever really forgive and forget), I hope that some effort would be made to maintain cordial ties with one another, despite all the crap that people may have experienced.

If there was anything worth noting from Medicamp, it would be the fact that the M1s this year are very exhibitionistic. (trust me, I have the photos to prove it)
And surprisingly, I actually know at least 3 juniors who made it into Medicine. Wow, and here I was hoping that no one in M1 would know me.
And that boys will always be boys, and that girls will always be girls. (Again, I have the photos to prove it)
I shall see if I can post any photos here or not. After all, bulk of the better shots have to go to the CD that Jonk's creating, so yeah, we'll see.

I'm really quite tired from all the late nights and voyeurism photo-taking.
Damn. I feel so old right now.

UPDATE @ 1118:
I've come to a conclusion that exhaustion is the main key to all the tempers flaring during Medicamp (before, during and after). Or rather, it becomes the main trigger for igniting all the smothering tempers which are just raring to burst into flames and burn the house down.
So you are stuck in a situation where everyone is on a very short leash and any small insignificant matter or disagreement just gets magnified and blown out of proportion.
Accumulated anger just blows over. All safety controls and filters just lose their function. And explosions, just happen.

It sucks when you are stuck in the middle - when people on both sides are your friends. I am seriously freaked out by this.
I hate internal strife. I seriously hate it. I just hope everything will go back to normal ASAP, because I cannot imagine life in Med school without all the happy moments I had with my new friends there and I really don't want to end up in a situation where friends end up hating or drawing away from each other all over again.
Once bitten, twice shy. I don't want a replay of what happened in secondary school where the people I was close to just sort of broke apart because people just started getting annoyed with one another and cause others to take sides.
I don't ever want to go through that again because quite simply, it sucks and affects friendships and everyone and stuff, and in the end, no one is going to be the winner or 'ULTIMATE SURVIVOR' and win amazing prizes or something.
Because we all need one another. We seriously do. Because its going to be an utterly long road, and we need all the support and comradeship that we can get in order to make it.

So far, its been quite a bad week. I hope tomorrow's Potter Mania would help me forget all that has happened - at least for a day or something. Let me have a day away from all the troubles of reality.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 02:19   0 comments
Tuesday 17 July 2007
i shouldn't be here
I'm here even though I'm supposed to be at medicamp. I decided to not stay over the first night, and thanks to a lift provided by Peishan's friend Kenneth, I'm back home at an unearthly hour, preparing to go to sleep so I can rush down in time tomorrow morning.

I'm feeling quite troubled over Medicamp right now, mainly because I'm feeling quite sad for all my friends who are involved in it and who have somehow or another, experienced some form of grievance or unhappiness in the course of preparation work and running it. (even though it has only been day 1, a lot of trouble seem to have cropped up...)
I think that that's just the nature of such huge orientation camps, and also when really bright and capable people are trying to manage equally bright and capable people. Misunderstandings are bound to arise.
Its been hard trying to tell my friends who have been affected to not think so much about it and just not treat it as such a big deal, and when so many friends are saying and telling me what seems to be the same problems over and over again, its really hard not to be tempted to take their side.
But seriously, I'm just some photographer's assistant. I'm just some minor player that's really there to just do my job. I'm not here to take sides or say who's wrong. All I hope is that my friends will cheer up and not let it affect them and that this rather troublesome nightmare ends quickly, with no more complications and trouble.

On an entirely different note, I think my estate looks like Privet Drive at night. But then I may be seriously obsessed with Harry Potter so maybe its just my imagination and all the lightings, coupled with the dead night.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 02:41   0 comments
Sunday 15 July 2007
show us the signs
You know you are going mad, when you wake up in the middle of the night, horrified that you are having a dream (or rather, nightmare) where you are in the midst of a wedding - YOUR OWN wedding.

You know you are REALLY going mad, when you have the same bloody nightmare three times in a row, over the course of three nights. Somebody save me!

Unfortunately, the wedding looks to be awfully lavish and expensive. But thankfully, my bride doesn't look like an Ang Ku Kueh or something. From what I can roughly remember, she's slim, shorter than me, looks like an Asian version of tennis female world no.1 Justine Henin, complete with sharp nose and narrow, twinkling eyes. Oh and she loves to have her hair tied up in a ponytail (which I kind of dig really). I hope she's intelligent and caring and sweet though. And I really hope she exists.

Still, for someone who has sworn all his JC life to NEVER get married, this series of recurrent dreams is really, quite alarming. Let's hope he makes it through tonight.


posted by voldemort33 @ 00:04   0 comments
Thursday 12 July 2007
because the dark lord has returned!
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (hereby abbreviated as 'OTP') - aka the one where Harry snogs the Asian flower-pot girl, Dumbledore and Voldemort collaborate to put on a pyrotechnic spectacle and a really pudgy, squeaky bitch in pink runs the school.

There are many different versions of the poster for OTP, but I just had to use this particular one. Isn't the Dark Lord so DAMN cool? Evil characters are so interesting, they bring so much life into the show, unlike the boring old righteous good guys who always saves the day and gets the girl and blah blah blah.
Just look at Voldie and Death Eater Inc. They are the height of cool - Voldemort, Snape (Severus oh Severus! I must learn to speak with his scowl.), Bellatrix, even Lucius; all so sinister and sadistic and slimy! They kick ass! And they usually are more complex than the good people... Oh the things I would do to be evil!

ANYWAY! If you haven't noticed, I caught OTP last night, at some Medicine charity premiere screening or something.
I think the movie was okay. It wasn't as bad as the first two movies, which was all kiddish and innocent and so boring. It continued the style that was brought out in movies 3 and 4 - darker, edgier, more intense, which definitely made it more interesting, and also more in line with the way I viewed the world of Harry Potter.
Except OTP lacked something than movies 3 and 4 had. I felt it lacked I dunno, something for people to hold on to, like it lacked a heart or some sort of focus. It felt very condensed and things just happened so quickly, so suddenly, that, most of the time, you sorta get thrown off center by the rapid flow of events.
So I came out of it feeling slightly disappointed. But I couldn't really point out what went wrong, because seriously, it was quite well made. It just lacked a certain element to it, of what, I don't really know.

Of course, with regards to staying completely truthful to the book, we all know that there is no way the movie makers are able to retain every little tidbit and scrap of information that we hard core fans relish in the books.
As a hard core fan, I still get peeved when certain facts and events deviate from those found in the novel, or when certain favourite lines get cut off or passed on to another character, because every little detail counts in Harry Potter. J.K Rowling loves her details, and even the slightest throw away line in the Novel can have a huge impact on the way the series progresses.
I guess I sorta got used to the way the movie makers butcher the original text, but it still pains me to see that movie viewers who have not read the books would not truly appreciate the intricacies of the world that Rowling had created; the way every single word, phrase or line connects all 7 books together into one massive tale; the way every single plot detail hints to something that has happened, or will happened in the series.
Still, one cannot wish for everything to turn out the way they desire it to be. I guess we have to be thankful that the movie makers did not deviate too much from the novels and commit heinous crimes like making Snape a blonde or Harry a gun wielding action hero.

One major thing to nitpick - I wish the Battle at the Ministry could be more epic. They over simplified it. Over over simplified it.
Sure the visual effects were cool, and I really like the way they depicted the fighting and dueling partners, but there just isn't the sense of mystery and utmost fear and excitement you get when you read about it in the Novel.
They left out like half the rooms in the Department of Mysteries, they over simplified the threat posed by the Death Eaters - I mean, the Death Eaters didn't even really put on a serious fight! They made it seem so easy honestly, which is stupid because this is simply not the case in the Novel.
For all the weaknesses they possess, the Death Eaters are still a powerful force to be reckoned with - they are Voldemort's personal strike force, his inner circle, his SS stormtroopers so to speak. They don't get so easily defeated by a half a dozen members of the Order (let alone half a dozen kids!) Only Dumbledore can own them.

And speaking of Dumbledore... why the heck is he so weak!
His duel with Voldemort, while certainly visually stunning, was just... anti-climatic, more like a pyrotechnic show than the epic clash of the titans that I envisioned it to be. Dumbledore was made to struggle through it. Which doesn't do justice to Dumbledore.
Yes I know, he is old and stuff, but still, this is the only man that Voldemort ever feared. This is the most powerful wizard of the age. The movie made him more fragile than the way he is depicted in the book, like he was genuinely scared and worried about how things were proceeding... which is SIMPLY NOT what Dumbledore does.
Dumbledore's cool and calm under pressure, and reacts to danger with wit, humour and a kind of whimsical air about him. He infuriates his enemies, while never becoming affected himself. That's why he is so cool. But movie Dumbledore is so so weak and reminds me of some bumbling fool.

And his duel with Voldemort... I think it would have been cooler if they just stuck to the way it was described in the novel, with Dumbledore bringing the statues of the fountain to life, and Fawkes the Phoenix joining in the Battle. And the two of them apparating here and there, shooting spells at each other. Some of the ideas they used in the novel, are just so cliche, they look as if they were incorporated into the movie just to have a chance to create some major CGI effect or something.
But oh well. I just being anal about this. Doesn't really matter to anyone else but me, because I'm in love with both Voldemort and Dumbledore and their duel in the Ministry, is to me, one of the highlights of the whole series, so I'm kinda miffed that it turned out to be so tame and over simplified; completely different from what I imagined it to be.
I mean, you have two titanic enemies meeting each other after so long - you'll think they'll want to have more fun and put in more creativity and effort in trying to fry each other's guts won't you? Rather than re-using some old ideas from the 'Manual of 100 Cliche Magical Attacks' or something.

Oh I must say, Luna Lovegood's hot! Bellatrix and Umbridge are both so well played out. Severus Snape is once again, so perfectly portrayed by Alan Rickman. Sirius was wiser than I expected him to be. And there's too little scenes of Voldemort! GIVE ME MORE VOLDEMORT! ROARRRRRR!!!
Oh and the movie has so many hints of Ron and Hermione wanting to get together. I tell you, there was this scene where they were like giving each other the eye, implying that they should leave Harry alone with Cho. I bet they were like thinking that they should take the opportunity to go make out themselves! Oh those naughty, frisky, kinky little kids!

Now that movie 5 is out, I seriously can't wait for Book 7. Just 10 more days folks!
Time to go all Potty over Potter.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:28   0 comments
Monday 9 July 2007
wimbledon 2007: federer vs nadal
It was a nail biting, nerve wrecking race to the finish.
But in the end, history was made. Roger Federer wins his 5th consecutive Wimbledon title, becoming the first man to do so since Bjorn Borg in 1980.

I have never watched such an exciting tennis final in my life. It was a real roller coaster ride, with each player making spectacular attacks and saves.
Control of the match, just kept swinging from player to player - from Feddy to Nadal, back to Feddy and then to Nadal again, before Federer managed to make use of Nadal's mistakes in the final set to clinch an awe inspiring victory.
But I've got to admit, Federer didn't play his best game in the finals; Nadal looked to be in better spirits and shape, and I sincerely thought that Feddy might not win the match. But thank God that, in the end, Feddy managed to pull through.

I've never been that riled up over a sports match for quite some time now, (since perhaps the World Cup). During the last set, I was screaming 'YES YES YES!' and 'GO FEDDY!' so loudly that my mom had to come down to tell me to shut up and that it was 0100 in the morning and that people were actually sleeping.
But once Feddy broke Nadal's serve to pull through with an advantage of 4-2, I knew that Feddy was safe and really gunning for the victory here, and so I couldn't stop yelling in excitement. And when he scored a series of perfect aces to pull the lead forward 5-2, I was even more fanatical. From then on, it was merely a matter of who had the ability to calm his nerves: Nadal lost his and kept making lots of mistakes, eventually giving Federer two Championship points, before Feddy manage to convert the 2nd with a winning crosscourt smack that was just, amazing.

Here's a video of the winning shot:

What can I say? Fantastic.

It was an amazing final moment - he leap up, took a split second to take careful aim and lobbed the ball down into the court. And when the ball finally hit the ground, his feet touched down and he just collapsed into a heap of emotions - all the pressure, all the expectation, all the joy and happiness, all the emotional and physical turmoil over the past 3 and a half hours just seeping through. So incredibly touching and such amazing poetry really.
And then he just lay there, hands over his eyes, and just sobbed. Sobbed and sobbed. Although I don't play an awful lot of sports, I do love watching major sporting event and I do have my fair share of sporting idols. Its one thing to see one of your sporting idols win a championship or a title, its another to see them express such intense emotions upon clinching it.
Its a scene that never fails to touch my heart, that these Giants in their respective fields still feel the same way as we do when we do well in something that we have put in so much effort to achieve. All the blood, sweat, tears. I guess it just serves to establish a greater connection with these amazing heroes - that its something we all can relate to.
And probably something that reminds us that whatever athletic prowess they possess, these sporting legends are still, ultimately people like us, with real emotions and all.

5th time's a charm. Well done Feddy! I dunno if he can make it 6 in row next year (Nadal was really good this year) but whether or not he does achieve it, he has already booked a place for himself in tennis history.
Let's just concentrate on getting a French Open and achieving a Grand slam, or equaling Pete Sampras' record of 14 Grand slam victories.
But for now, I think its enough to just bask in the glory of his 5th Wimbledon victory. =)

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posted by voldemort33 @ 11:28   0 comments
Saturday 7 July 2007
this and that
Okay, today's Earth Day! I hope you guys wore green (like I did!) to show your support for the call to prevent global warming!
Anyway Live Earth is currently on, but don't think I'm gonna watch it. Too long a concert, and it'll probably bore me to sleep.

I'm gonna update about the week I had. Apart from Transformers (which was a big highlight of my week!) I did other things as well.

Monday and Tuesday was spent mainly at my Anatomy group's sleep-over at Huipei's Dad's place at Emerald Green. Its a nice little shop-house apartment thingy that her Dad's renting out, so we took the opportunity to camp there before its being occupied.
We played quite alot of games, like Mahjong, Poker, Bridge and some character analysis game that Huipei brought.
We also went drinking at Balcony - I must say that the anti-smoking legislation is probably one of the best things to ever happen to Singapore - pubs and bars and clubs are so smoke free now, making it all so bearable.
The rest of the lot slept quite early on Monday, but Huipei, Gerard and me managed to stay up til like 5, watching 'Mind Your Language' on Gerard's laptop. It was hilarious, good old British comedy that's very very cheeky.
Unfortunately, I basically died when I tried to sleep after that - it was so darn cold, I ended up going out of the room to sleep. I was pretty knocked out for the rest of the morning. I only woke up at around 11 when the rest of the guys bought McDonalds back.

After that, it was a whole afternoon of Poker, while we waited for Yusrina to arrive. I had really rotten luck that day, lost all my money!
Peishan kept winning and winning, eventually, the guys named her as Martha Steward, and starting concentrating our efforts to destroy her wealth.
It only worked when Gerard kicked her Coffee over the floor, and when Zhiyong came back from lunch to erm, void. After that, she started losing money due to the apparent change in Feng Shui, and Zhenwei and Matthew managed to acquire some wealth to significantly challenge her position.
In the end, we managed to take away quite alot of her wealth, but Yusrina's arrival brought back some of the luck for Peishan, and she managed to stay in the game.
So in the end, we decided to have a show hand round, a winner take all challenge.
It was really quite exciting - all of us thought that Zhenwei managed to trounce Peishan because he had a bigger Ace or something, but then, Yus suddenly announced that she had two pairs and all of us fell into a shocked silence - Yusrina, the newcomer to the game, had just won all our money! The horror!

After that, we went to Taka for some late lunch/early dinner. Then we decided to call it a day cause all of us were really quite shagged.

On Friday night, my brother and cousin organised a supper gathering at Pasir Panjang food centre to eat at my family's favourite seafood place.
There are two things that I would only do when either my brother or cousin is back - supper and sports. Last Saturday, it was to eat Bak Chor Mee at Bedok. On Friday, it was to eat assorted seafood like cockles, mussels, dogshells, barbecue stingray, barbecue squid etc.
So my family, along with my other cousins and uncles and aunts, went down to Pasir Panjang and ate lots of seafood. I love the dogshells and the barbecue squid! But I think I had too much fresh bloody cockles that day - I was living in mortal fear that I would get Hepatitis or something.
But it was nice chatting with my cousins over a nice meal. It was also the first time in ages that my family actually had a happy mealtime together - I guess, with the whole business of the house FINALLY settled, we can finally stop quarreling and bickering for awhile.

Today, I went bowling at Raffles Town Club, again, something initiated by my brother.
I went with him to bowl with my Aunt and three of our younger cousins. One of them is in her school's bowling team, so she sorta challenged my brother to a tournament.
I guess I was just there to play a supporting row - after all, my skills in sports are quite non-existent so I guess I'm there more for the leisure of it really.
But bowling's fun! Its one of the few sports that I actually have an interest in and there's something therapeutic about flinging the ball at pins with the intent of knocking them all off.

One of my cousins is really very very amusing. She bowls by actually throwing the bowl onto the lane, and needless to say that the ball always enters the drain. She's so adorable really.
She's the one who is quite earnest in pronouncing words, but has a weird ability in turning the words into really really strange sounding forms.
For example, she pronounces 'Spongebob Squarepants' as 'SpongeBOOB Squarepants', and when my cousin (Astee) and I first heard it, we couldn't stop laughing. But she didn't know what was wrong with it, and just kept calling him 'SpongeBOOB'. I tried to tell her the difference between Spongebob and Spongeboob, but decided to not tell her what Spongeboob really entails, lest her 8 year old mind gets tainted.
Its quite hard to find 8 year old as innocent as her these days, so really, lets not ruin her.

Been watching the Wimbledon championships on TV these days.
The Ladies finals was just over and Venus Williams won this year's Grand Slam. It was quite an unexpected victory because I thought World No.1 Justine Henin had a chance in winning it, but she unexpectedly got kicked out of the Semis by some French upstart called Marion Bartoli, who is honestly, quite fat.
And the two most beautiful tennis players - Maria Sharapova and Ana Ivanovic (I've got to admit, she is stunning! Gerard has got high class taste!) got kicked out as well, Maria in the earlier rounds and Ana by Venus in the Semis.
So it was a Venus versus Bartoli final. Not quite surprised that Venus won - she's been playing marvelously this season.

The Men's semis are now underway. I'm a Roger Federer fan, so I hope he gets into the finals and eventually wins the trophy. He is such a master class player and is such an all rounded one. He has a kind of flair, a kind of gentlemanly air to him when he plays tennis, which I think, is what tennis is all about.
Tennis is such a gentlemanly, civilized game, and its really like watching a nicely produced drama. But anyway, I hope Federer (world no.1) wins his semis against Richard Gasquet, while Novak Djokovic (world no.4) defeats Rafael Nadal (world no.2).
I don't like Nadal, he reminds me of a troll. No offence, but I think he is a player that tends to rely on brute strength.
And I think I've become a new fan of Djokovic, who's quite an all rounded player, just that he's still quite new and inexperienced. Plus he has shown lots of grit and determination to fight his way into the semis, which was very very impressive.
So really. I don't think Djokovic can defeat Nadal, but if he does, then its better for Federer, cause I think ultimately, it'll be much easier for Federer to face Djokovic then Nadal in the finals.
Oh well. But tennis is a very fractional and unpredictable game. Lets just see how everything goes. I should quickly finish this entry now and rush down to follow the game!

UPDATE: The semis just ended and its going to be a Federer/Nadal Final. Djokovic had to retire and concede the semi due to injury. I think its going to be a titanic battle and I can hardly wait! I hope I'll be able to catch it though, I've got to be at my Granddad's for dinner tomorrow and I'm quite certain that they don't have SCV...

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:24   0 comments
Friday 6 July 2007
my own transformer
Okay, because I'm Transformer crazy here, I thought that it'll be cool to create my very own Transformer Guardian, sorta like my own Bumblebee or something, so I decided to create my own fictional Transformer based on certain aspects of my personality and likes and stuff.

So ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to my friend, Nightstalker!

As you can see, I only have his vehicular form set out. I need to actually draw out his robot form before I can actually place it on here, but don't you think that that'll be an interesting holiday project? We'll see if I actually have the mood and time to do that.

Some statistics about Nightstalker:
Alternate mode: Black Jaguar XKR sports convertible (incidentally, this is my dream car!)
Fraction: Ambivalent, mostly with Autobots - formerly with the Decepticons but betrayed them for the Autobot cause, but has been known to occasionally leak Autobot secrets to Decepticons. Occasionally works as a double agent.
Rank: 8, serves mainly as special ops agent, saboteur, spy, interceptor, strategist
Weapons: A pair of twin sabres, a pair of plasma blasters, single slow load Energon cannon, shoulder missle launchers
Motto: "Seriously?", "This is stupid.", "Why are we doing this? Are we seriously gonna do this?"

Strength: 6/10 (can only take on smaller robots head on)
Speed: 9/10
Firepower: 7/10 (prefers not to use firearms in battle)
Skill: 8/10 (mainly in hit and run tactics and wielding of his twin sabres)
Intelligence: 9/10

Nightstalker is a robot with anti-establishment tendencies, a cynical outlook of life and a tendency to be moody and eccentric. Having betrayed his former fraction, the Decepticons, Nightstalker is part of the Autobot team, though he only answers to Optimus Prime himself.
Due to his extreme moodiness and inert rebellious nature, he has been known to directly disobey any orders sent out to him and would sometimes simply not appear when needed.
Nightstalker is also intelligent, wise, opinionated and stubborn when it comes to defending whatever cause he might adopt. He suffers no fools, has been known to occasionally question authority, and is always eager for an intellectual debate. However, he is usually easily convinced by reasonable arguments, and if convinced, will set his focus and mind on performing the job at hand to utmost perfection.
It has been acknowledge that he would actually make a good leader of small squads/teams. However, due mainly to his anti-establishment tendencies, he has no interest whatsoever in taking up such responsibilities and actively shuns any opportunity to be a leader, preferring to take up a more carefree advisory and supportive role in teams.

Nightstalker cares little about the war and who emerges victorious at the end - as long as the victors give him room to do his own thing from time to time, he really has no qualms about helping them (unfortunately, due to Megatron's authoritative style of governance, this has tended to be on the side of the Autobots)
His real aim in life is to drive around the world and take in as many sights as possible, as well as to occasionally cause a little bit of havoc and car accidents from time to time. (being a former Decepticon, Nightstalker does enjoy his fair share of chaos and pranks!)

Nightstalker is a stalker in battle. He rarely charges head on into a confrontation without first weighing the odds, preferring to play an advisory or support role in any major battle. He is calculative, strategic and can be cunning if he wants to.
If the need to be in battle arises, Nightstalker prefers to use hit and run tactics rather than outright confrontation, using his speed to get close to his opponents and slicing them with his twin sabres, before slipping away unnoticed by his quarry.

Nightstalker is light built, and one of the smaller robots, as such, what he has in terms of speed and agility is matched by an utter lack in brute strength. This is a key weakness that he himself acknowledges, and thus, covers by never staying in a battle for too long a time lest his lack of stamina and strength start to show.
However, if he is ever restrained by stronger robots, Nightstalker has his means of breaking free by utilizing missile launchers on his shoulders, or his powerful slow load Energon Cannon that morphs out of his right arm.
But other than that, Nightstalkers greatest weapons are his own skill at keeping himself own of his enemies clutches, skirting in and out of danger, and striking them in the chaos that ensures.

Special attacks:
Chaos strike - Nightstalker transforms into his alternate form, speeds into the heart of battle, transforms into Robot form, and slashes anything in his path (the unfortunate side effect of this is that he tends to, in his bloodlust and frenzy, strike allies as well.)

Chaos irritant - Nightstalker starts skirting around the enemy at top speed, distracting him while continuous talking and bombarding him with irritating questions, missles and bullets. The purpose is to disorientate the enemy while someone else takes aim and knocks the enemy out with a single devastating blow.

Chaos theory - Nightstalker slams into the enemy, latches on, and attempts to take his enemy out with a single blow from his powerful slow load Energon cannon. (This move is not performed regularly as it usually entails that Nightstalker has to risk his neck to do so, which is something that he is not particularly keen to take up.)

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posted by voldemort33 @ 12:14   0 comments
Thursday 5 July 2007
of cars and autobots
I woke up on the wrong side of bed today - when I opened my eyes to check the clock on my bedside table, it told me that the time was 1145.
It took me a while to register how much shit I was in, but anyway, I was in danger of missing my driving lesson at 1305.
So I woke up with a start, rushed to get washed up, have a shower, ate breakfast (which had to double up as my lunch) and went off in a frenzy to the driving centre, feeling quite happy that I would still be on time.

Unfortunately, upon entering the centre, I realised that I couldn't find my name anywhere on the list of students up for lessons today, so with a mounting sense of dread, I went to check my bookings at the internet kiosk stationed there.
It was then that I discovered that I had made a rather stupid mistake in bookings - I mixed up the date 3rd and 5th, so I ended up canceling the lesson on the 5th (which is today) and keeping the lesson on the 3rd, which was really the OPPOSITE of what I had intended to do.
So feeling slightly angry with myself, I walked out of the centre with absolutely no idea how to spend the free time I had suddenly acquired - I was quite pissed at the fact that I had just wasted 70 dollars in booking the wrong lesson.

So in the end, I decided to not waste the time I had and head down to Junction 8 to watch 'Transformers' - which was a movie I had been dying to catch! (all the rave reviews I've been getting from everyone just served to make me more hyped up about catching it.)
So yeah, I bought a ticket for the earliest show and a 'Transformers' popcorn combo to enjoy during the movie.

The movie ROCKED! I think it was such a great movie! It certainly didn't disappoint me and I think I can see why so many of my friends keep recommending it to me.
I came out of it hoping I was a Transformer as well, or hoping that I could be in Sam's shoes and you know, buy a car that turned out to be an alien robot, and get sucked into this whole saving the world business!
But anyway, it was such a good movie! I think its the best movie I've watch this blockbuster season, much better than stuffy 'Pirates' and 'Ocean's 13', much better than kiddish 'Shrek3' and much much better than utterly crappy 'Fantastic 4'. Heck, I think it was almost as good as 'Spider-man 3' which was a little too long and draggy compared to the almost non-stop action of 'Transformers'.
It had everything really - it had loads of action, superb special effects (I love the way the robots are so realisitc!), lovable characters (I love the Autobots!), lots of humour, and ultimately, a heart.
I like the way the story sorta focused on telling the story about the bond between a boy and his car - because I think its something every boy is going to have to go through when he starts buying his car. (I hope to be in that position soon, so yeah, I see lots of resonance there people!)

My favourite scenes where when all the Autobots where assembled and having team meetings and stuff like that! I get an amazing upsurge of emotion when I watch the Autobots work together or when they have those sweeping shots of the Autobots in their vehicle forms, just speeding along the highway and roads in a convoy formation!
I love the way they fight together as a team, as oppose to the Decepticons, who seem to be programmed to just go into battle and destroy whatever they see, without thinking about strategy and all that.
The Autobots however, work as a team, and you can really sense the camaraderie between the Autobots, plus the way they fight together is quite exhilarating, though I think its slightly unfair that Megatron is way over-powered and ends up really owning most of the competition.
But other than that, yeah, the Autobots are the heart of this movie... they are the undisputed stars of the show. (though credit must be given to Shia LeBouf for putting up quite an amazing performance as boy hero Sam, though in light of the size of his co-stars, there really isn't any doubt who the real stars are.)

I love Bumblebee, he's just adorable! The way he communicates with the radio is quite well done honestly! I seriously want to have my own Bumblebee, it'll be so cool to have a car as your own personal guardian.
And Ironhide's persona as a grumpy, rough and tumble man is so apt! The way he gets annoyed with the little dog and the humans, asking Optimus for permission to shoot them is just so amusing.
And Jazz, the way he hip-hops around is quite funny, like some sort of hyperactive, overgrown teenager or something. And he actually refers to the Decepticons as 'Bitches'! I wouldn't call my enemies that but I guess that's quite okay!
And Ratchet has some of the best lines - I like the line where he says that Sam's pheromone levels indicate that he wants to mate with Mikaela! I was laughing my head off when he said that line.
And Optimus Prime! WOO HOO! He is also quite funny - he tries to be serious, but some of the things that he says are just so hilarious, that it doesn't go with his serious tone of voice.

Well. As you can see, I'm now obsessed with Transformers. I came out of the theatre with a whole new level of respect for motor vehicles now.
While I was waiting at the side of the road for my mom to come pick me up for dinner, I was observing all the cars that drove by in a whole new light, and I must admit, half the time, I was hoping that the next car that drove by me would suddenly morph into an amazing, fully functional robot and start shaking hands with me and informing me that my glasses house the key to saving the world!
But of course, no car did that. I guess some things are just better left to day dreaming.

Read that two more sequels are officially being made! Can't wait for them!
And if you haven't watched it already, go catch it! I can only hope that HP5 will be half as good as this...

'Autobots, transform and roll out!'

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:55   0 comments

Your Score: Gust

~ 48% Water ~ 77% Wind ~ 55% Earth ~ 51% Fire ~

I want to live where the sky is big
Simple and free...
Let�s see... your personality reminds me of the...

...cool Sapphire, the non-red corundum, or its little brother, the Blue Topaz. Your colours are azure, indigo, and a bright yellow or gold.


Out of the seven chakras, the Throat Chakra, which is associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate, seems to be predominant in you. Though this means you are probably the smartest one among your friends, it may result in feeling stressed or nervous or becoming too much of a perfectionist.

You can balance it by wearing a Rose Quartz; its soothing attributes help unwind, enable you to "love thyself", and accept limitations.

Link: The Elemental Balance Test written by Nitsuki on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Quite true, quite true.

Your Score: Cary Grant

You scored 9% Tough, 19% Roguish, 28% Friendly, and 42% Charming!

You are the epitome of charm and style, the smooth operator who steals the show with your sophisticated wit and quiet confidence. You are able to catch any woman you want just by flashing that disarming smile. When you walk into a room, the women are instantly intrigued and even the men are impressed. When you find yourself in trouble, you are easily able to charm your way out of it, or convince others to help you. You're seen as dashing, suave and romantic. Your co-stars include Katharine Hepburn, Irene Dunne, and Joan Fontaine, stylish women who know a class act when they see it.

Link: The Classic Leading Man Test written by gidgetgoes on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

This is very very amusing.

Your Score: Thoth

Indeed, you are 70% erudite, 58% sensual, 62% martial, and 58% saturnine.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of secret wisdom, intellect, geometry and other forms of higher mathematics, was also the God of books and learning, of writing and numbers. And above all, he was the God of Magic. Indeed, he was the first and greatest of all magicians, said to create miracles from nothing by the mere vibrations of his voice alone.

Within his main temple were said to be stored his books of magic which were open for the edification of all, providing those absorbing this magic understood its sacred content. Over the centuries, these books were said to have been carefully translated by various priests of secret orders until finally, the Greeks compiled them as the works of Hermes Trismegistus.

One book most everyone is familiar with which is attributed to the mysteries of the God Thoth is the Tarot, considered to be an unbound book of symbols that may be read in an endless variety of sequences imitating the random nature of existence itself.

Link: The Mythological God Test written by Nitsuki on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Why do most of the results I get make me look like I'm some sort of wise old fool?

Your Score: Milk chocolate heart

You scored 40% Dark, 29% Crunch, and 60% Chewy!

You are a Godiva milk chocolate heart: a milk chocolate cream in a milk chocolate heart-shaped shell

Ah, the simple, classic milk chocolate cream heart. No one can really have a problem with this piece, but they're usually looking for something a little more interesting. You are an observant person, but tend to hang back from the action. What will really move you is something you truly love- in that case, you can be brought to action, but most of the time, you�re quite willing to sit back and relax. You�re laid back...a type B personality by all means, but it's not as if you don't care because you do. You don�t prefer petty gossip and would rather sit with your nose in a book than go to a raucous party. You take things as they come or simply watch them go by...don�t forget to be a part of things of you�re going to miss out.

Link: The Box of Chocolates Test written by weerediii on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

I think the description's, in certain aspects, quite true.

Your Score: Bugs Bunny!

You scored 14 Aggression, 85 Sophistication, and 57 Optimism!

You have all the sophistication and charm one would expect from such a high-class hare. Very upbeat and generally laid-back, you are remarkably calm and peaceful even in the midst of the most stressful of situations. On those rare occasions that your anger is aroused, your retaliation usually results in embarrassing the aggressor and laying-bare how foolish he or she really is -- rather than doing any real harm. You likely have many friends and more than a few admirers and would make an excellent leader, if you had any interest in being one. But, being a leader would require hard work and attention to detail, both qualities you are lacking in. In fact, if you are not careful, your laid-back attitude will often lead you to drift through life completely oblivious to the changes happening around you. You also tend to have a horrible sense of direction.

Link: The Which Looney Tune Are You Test written by coolguy3000 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Oooo, I always wanted to be Bugs Bunny!


posted by voldemort33 @ 00:29   0 comments
Monday 2 July 2007
where do you go when...
I feeling very shagged. Very exhausted right now.
Sleeping at a relatively early time of 1230 last night has done nothing to elevate the exhaustion that I had accumulated due to sleeping for only 3 hours the previous night.
And when you are so tired, you just lose all the will power and strength to keep the unhappy thoughts out of your head. I had a rough two days - It was hell, trying to get things out of your head.
Even a temporary sugar rush from a massive chocolate intake didn't do much to elevate the situation, in fact, I think I felt more down after the effects of the chocolate-induced euphoria ebbed away.

I know I'm trying very consciously to put up appearances. When I'm feeling down around people, I try my best to pull my frown into a smile. But its becoming increasingly difficult to do so - its so tiring, and sometimes you just wish you could just give up and let it all crumble.
But I'm not that kind of person. Something in me just forbids me from being that kind of person. Call it an ego, call it pride. But certain experiences in my childhood just turned me into such a person.

Gilyn once said that I was actually like Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series. I disagreed with her opinions then, but now, I sorta realise what she meant when she said I was like Draco Malfoy.
And you know what? She's right. I'm really quite similar to him.

Its just that while walking alone to the bus stop yesterday, I felt a sudden upsurge of unbelievable loneliness. I guess its been around the whole day - despite being surrounded by friends, and whatever appearance I may have been presenting, there's this feeling that I'm still very much alone.
And while waiting at the bus stop, I had this sudden feeling that I really have no place to go.
I had this sudden urge not to go back home because its filled with so much unhappiness right now, due to the situation of the house and my brother being ill.
But if you don't go home, where else can you go?
Go camp at a friend's house? No friend of mine is willing to do that. Go hang out in town til like the early hours of the morn? What's there to do but booze and more booze?
Get friends to keep you company? I can't possibly impose on them, and honestly, I don't know if I want company or not - when you are alone, you feel like you need company, but when you are with people, you just want to be alone.

So where do you go when you are looking for some place to hide from yourself? I seriously dunno.


posted by voldemort33 @ 10:51   0 comments
yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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