let's see how far we've come
Thursday 30 August 2007
my brain is GAY!

Your Brain is Purple

Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.

You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.

Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.

MY BRAIN IS ALL PURPLY AND GAY! How sad is that? =/
That said, I laughed out loud when I read the last bit of description - 'you tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places'.
Haha, the thing is, just merely thinking about such characters isn't nearly enough for me. I need to get my fix by being them. And waving wands and reciting lines and acting like a wizard or a hobbit or something like that.

But really, this quiz is pretty accurate! I'm impressed.


posted by voldemort33 @ 23:36   0 comments
Wednesday 29 August 2007
"there's still room for a little more..."

Today's a day where I feel like Frodo.
(Actually, everyday's a day where I feel like Frodo.)
With a whole day free from lessons, and heavy morning showers, today's a perfect day to wake up to. Lazing around at home, watching a documentary from my ROTK DVD, writing and doodling stuff in my study... I feel like Frodo in his most constructive mood.

I like the fact that Frodo writes, and Frodo leaves Middle Earth shortly after completing his book, because he finally had enough of Middle Earth and all the bitter and painful memories it brings to him.
Maybe one day I could pull off something like what he did. Achieve something and then leave everything behind and flee to some other place and live a quiet life. Maybe write some stuff, draw some stuff.
That'll be cool.

Okay. I think I've rambled long enough.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 11:38   0 comments
Tuesday 28 August 2007
waste the night away
From Huilin's blog.

() smoked a cigarette
() smoked a cigar
() done weed
() kissed a member of the same sex
(/) drank alcohol - who hasn't?

(/) liked someone - again, who HASN'T?
(/) been dumped - yeah. sorta.
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(/) been in a fist fight - secondary 2, knocked a friend's glasses off his face cause of something he said that pissed me off.

(/) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back - ahhh, the good old days of unrequited love.
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
( ) gone out on a blind date

( ) had a crush on an older person.
(/) skipped school - seriously, who hasn't?
( ) slept with a co-worker - *SNORT*
(/) seen someone/something die

()had/have a crush on your FRIENDSTER friends - I don't have a FRIENDSTER account, and that is something that I take pride in.
(/) been to Paris - and climbed the Eiffel Tower, explored Notre Dam and visited the Louvre.
() been to Spain
(/) been on a plane
(/) thrown up from drinking - not a pleasant experience!
SO FAR: 10

(/) eaten Sushi - yummy yum yum!
(/) been snowboarding - in Korea. Pain on the ass though.
() met someone BECAUSE of myspace - purrrrleeeaaase. I am BEYOND crap like myspace.
() been mosh pitting - what's that?
SO FAR: 12

( ) been in an abusive relationship
(/) taken pain killers
( ) love/like someone right now
(/) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - something I love to do when I'm in a mood for skipping school!
( ) made a snow angel
SO FAR: 14

( ) had a tea party
(/) flown a kite
(/) built a sand castle
(/) gone puddle jumping
(/) played dress up - where I imagine I'm a wizard or something.
SO FAR: 18

(/) jumped into a pile of leaves
() gone sledding
(/) cheated while playing a game
(/) been lonely
(/) fallen asleep at work/school - Back in JC, I used to take pride in the fact that I was never afraid to fall asleep during Math tutorials, even if I were sitting in the first row.
SO FAR: 22

( ) used a fake/someone else's ID - surprisingly... no.
(/) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
( ) killed a snake - I've seen others kill snakes before though.
SO FAR: 23

(/) been tickled
(/) been robbed/vandalized - I lost my CD player once to thieves. Curse you theives!
( ) robbed someone
(/) been misunderstood
( ) pet a reindeer.
SO FAR: 26

(/) won a contest - usually economics related.
() been suspended from school
(/) had detention - in Secondary school, for failing math tests.
() been in a car/motorcycle accident
SO FAR: 28

() had/have braces
(/) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night - I was depressed okay! Plus it was Haagen Daz ice cream! Too good to be true!
(/) had deja vu - ALL THE TIME. I'm like, a conduit for Deja Vu visions or something.
() danced in the moonlight
SO FAR: 30

(/) hated the way you look - especially when I just step out of the barber.
() witnessed a crime
() pole danced
(/) questioned your heart - I question my brain all the time too.
() been obsessed with post-it notes
SO FAR: 32

(/) squished barefoot through the mud - Army?
(/) been lost
(/) been to the opposite side of the world
(/) swam in the ocean - the Atlantic, while in Nice, France. The water was FREEZING cold.
(/) felt like you were dying - when I get hypoglycemic or migraine attacks. Then I really wish I was dead.
SO FAR: 37

(/) cried yourself to sleep
(/) played cops and robbers
() recently got coloured withcrayons/colored, pencils/markers.
(/) sang karaoke
() paid for a meal with only coins - Oh I get so embarrassed when people do that.
SO FAR: 40

(/) done something you told yourself you wouldn't - think so, but can't really think of specific examples right now.
( ) made prank phone calls
(/) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose - mouth also. Again, not a pleasant feeling.
( ) kissed in the rain
SO FAR: 42

() written a letter to Santa Claus - I learnt from a very young age that the bloody fat man didn't exist.
() been kissed under a mistletoe
(/) watched the sun set with someone you care/cared about - with friends! AWWWW!
(/) blown bubbles
(/)made a bonfire on the beach - some camp I think... otherwise it was some family camping trip to Ubin ages ago.
SO FAR: 45

(/) crashed a party
( ) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
(/)gone roller skating/ blading
(/) had a wish come true - getting into Med School's one!
( ) humped a monkey
SO FAR: 48

( ) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
( ) screamed "penis" at a sport game. - WTF?
( ) swimming with dolphins
SO FAR: 48

(/) got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube - it can be quite fun!
( ) kissed a fish
(/) worn the opposite sex clothes
(/) Sat on a roof top
SO FAR: 51

( ) screamed at the top of your lungs
( ) can do a one-handed cartwheel
(/) talked on the phone for more than 3 hours - again, in Secondary School, when I still bothered to listen to people rattle on and on about their problems
(/)stayed up all night - I find myself being less able to do so as I age
SO FAR: 53

( ) picked and ate a fruit right off the tree
( ) climbed a tree
(/) had/been in a tree house - I love tree houses! They are fun!
(/) aren't scared to watch scary movies alone. - though I would most probably freak myself out after that.
SO FAR: 55

(/) believe in ghosts
( ) have/had more than 30 pairs of shoes
( ) gone streaking
( ) been in jail, remand counted?
SO FAR: 56

Just something to waste the night away.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:17   0 comments
Monday 27 August 2007
Imagine all the people...
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one"
- "Imagine", John Lennon

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Right, so in school today, Christopher was introducing Project Lokun to us all, and trying to get people to join the project.
For the uninitiated, Project Lokun is an overseas CIP project to Cambodia spearheaded by Med Soc, where they go down every year and try to make a difference to the lives of the people there - like setting up mobile clinics, teaching them proper health care and safety habits, bringing them medicine, equipment etc.
But anyway, I was struck by a sudden desire to go. I dunno why, but I feel like my life's been so sheltered that I really ought to go, that I really should and want to do something different, to do something for others instead.
I know I don't want to spend another holiday like the previous one, where it was all just morbid enjoyment of pleasure and lazing around. I think I really should go make a difference and help change somebody's life, and play my part in changing the world, instead of just thinking about doing it and NEVER getting down to doing it.

But the problem is, once I've almost made up my mind about volunteering, some voice in the back of my head would just keep whispering doubts, doubts that grow stronger and stronger with each passing second.
I keep wondering if I can really do anything, if I can really commit, if I'm not just being willful or fickle or flaky again. I keep telling myself that I shouldn't be impulsive, that I've got to think this through, that I've got to take a step back and just pause to see the big picture... that going may not be such a good idea after all.
So in the end, I didn't go down. Its not too late to register for it, because registration closes on Friday, but I don't know if I would ever find the courage and impulse to go do it again.
I think the biggest hurdle for me is meeting new people. Whether I want to admit it or not, meeting new people has always been the a challenge for me, as an individual. I fear the awkwardness of meeting strangers and trying to get to know them, to talk to them etc. But I have to get over it, because its going to hinder my future growth and development as a human being.
And I guess that's the main reason why I'm hesitating to volunteer in the first place. Cause I'm afraid of meeting a whole bunch of strangers involved in the project. If someone I knew was interested to join with me, I wouldn't be hesitating to go for it and my name would probably be on the list right now.

Whatever the outcome is, I really hope to do some overseas CIP in my lifetime.
I don't want to just be a dreamer, I want to actually attempt to see the dream through.
Because maybe, just maybe, the key to realizing Mr Lennon's Utopian vision, is for everyone of us who dream out there, to summon a little bit of courage and just step out and attempt to try it.
And then we wouldn't have to imagine - it'll simply be reality.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 13:46   0 comments
Sunday 26 August 2007
Rockstar Supernova

Hoho! Its ALL OVER!
Currently very tired right now, even though I've been taking long naps since 2.
Woke up at 5 and realized with a thrill of horror that I left my shoe bag and shoes in the hotel! Don't know if anyone saw it or anything, but PLEASE return it to me! Thanks!

ANYWAY - that's a photo of the DnD committee taken right after DnD itself. I think we are all VERY happy that the whole thing's just over. I must say I had a fun time working with all the wonderful people - tiring, yes, but ulitmately fun!
It was a whirlwind of emotions and stress but ultimately, we somehow managed to pull it off. Things proceeded the best way it could possibly have proceeded. At least there weren't like, horrific accidents and hiccups. The crowd this year was out of control and that added an element of chaos to the whole proceedings that made it quite terrifying.
But I am glad its all over, and now we can all continue on with our normal lives and not worry too much about other matters except probably like passing our tests and mugging.

Photos will be posted up later, when I manage to really sort them out.
Think I might do a collage or something, I dunno... so many photos, it'll be so unfair to just post up photos of some and not others.

I feel like retiring to bed right now, but I'm getting paranoid about PBL on tuesday!
We really should get down to doing some work on it! Argh!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 21:56   0 comments
Friday 24 August 2007
that same familiar jitter
Medicine's DnD is going to start in less than 24 hours... in fact, official set up is in around 12 hours time and quite amazingly, I'm feeling the jitters right now.
I haven't felt so nervous about something in a long time. Its a different kind of jitter from the exam strand. The former's more hard to pin down, the latter's more stress related and in a way, more manageable.
I hope that everything's going to be fine tomorrow - with minimal errors happening. All I can say that we've put in quite alot of effort over the pass few weeks and the least the fates can do to help us is to have the event go as smoothly as possible.
With ZERO hiccups. That'll be such a sweet reward.

On top of that, I hope I'll have a blast tomorrow.
One last day and night of absolute fun.
Only then, will I accept that the holidays are really over, and school's in.
And then I will have no regrets whatsoever in reverting back to the same old routine, all over again.


posted by voldemort33 @ 23:37   0 comments
Wednesday 22 August 2007
Time Has Come Today
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All I Need - Mat Kearney
Here it comes it's all blowing in tonight
I woke up this morning to a blood red sky
They're burning on the bridge turning off the lights
We're on the run I can see it in your eyes
If nothing is safe then I don't understand
You call me your boy but I'm trying to be the man
One more day and it's all slipping with the sand
You touch my lips and grab the back of my hand
The back of my hand

Guess we both know we're in over our heads
We got nowhere to go and no home that's left
The water is rising on a river turning red
It all might be OK or we might be dead
If everything we've got is slipping away
I meant what I said when I said until my dying day
I'm holding on to you, holding on to me
Maybe it's all gone black but you're all I see
You're all I see

The walls are shaking, I hear them sound the alarm
Glass is breaking so don't let go of my arm
Grab your bags and a picture of where we met
All that we'll leave behind and all that's left
If everything we've got is blowing away
We've got a rock and a rock till our dying day
I'm holding on to you, holding on to me
Maybe it's all we got but it's all I need
You're all I need

And if all we've got, is what no one can break,
I know I love you, if that's all we can take,
the tears are coming down, they're mixing with the rain,
I know I love you, if that's all we can take.

A pool is running for miles on the concrete ground
We're eight feet deep and the rain is still coming down
The TV's playing it all out of town
We're grabbing at the fray for something that won't drown

I just caught the first episode of the third season of Grey's Anatomy on channel 5! I never realised how much I missed the show until I watched it again today. Sigh. I miss all the wacky characters... especially Cristina and Meredith.
It was such a coincidence that I just happened to mention to Huipei and Peishan earlier today, that Samantha and Amanda are like Meredith and Cristina.
Its so freaking amusing when TV shows parallel real life... but yeah, throughout the course of the episode, I just couldn't help but notice that the parallels are really true: Sam's really like Meredith in some ways, and Mandy's really like Cristina as well, its hard not to transpose their faces over the actresses who play the two characters.

I forgot how much I love Grey's Anatomy and its soundtrack! The song above is the closing song for the first Episode, "Time Has Come Today". Its a nice emo-song by Mat Kearney called 'All I Need'. I think Mat Kearney is quite a talented singer, cause alot of his other songs got featured on the Grey's Season 3 soundtrack as well.
That said, I can't wait for Season 4 to start in September. I miss Seattle Grace and the laughter it brings me.

I was in a pensive mood on my home from tuition today. Don't think I'm particular sad or emo or anything, but I think its all arising from a serious lack of sleep and inability to adjust to the fact that school's started already.
Which kinda sucks, because I think its worse to be extremely exhausted and yet have no ability to get more of the sleep so sorely needed, than being sad and angsty (which is a problem that you can at least deal with using various methods).
There is however no cure for exhaustion except simply getting more sleep, which is of course, completely out of the question right now.

Oh before I forget - the boiler above my toilet blew and has been leaking water, like a mini shower all day. Its horrendous. My dad's says that he's going to ask people to remove it tomorrow, but the problem is he's leaving for Taiwan tomorrow as well.
Oh god. I dunno if we are going to replace it because we are going to move out of this place in another 5 to 7 months time, so it really makes no sense to install another boiler to replace the current exploded one.
On the other hand, I cannot survive without hot baths. I NEED HOT WATER. So I really hope they do get a new heater to replace the spoilt one. If that doesn't happen, I'm pretty much doomed.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:38   0 comments
Monday 20 August 2007
listen to my inner slytherin hiss!
University students should never believe their Professors, especially when said Professors are looking for subjects to conduct some sick survey/dry run of tutorial methods... and when they are desperate for subjects to lay their dirty hands upon, they will use whatever means possible to get the numbers that they need, even if they go against their professional morals and lie through their teeth.

On the other hand, today is a day where I really should have followed my instincts, and listened to my inner Slytherin. It was practically hissing at me to run and get out of school and skip all the unnecessary lessons/talks.
I could have skipped the stupid Physio feedback session (which turned out to be some sick CA revision for Physio, which I ended up failing spectacularly) and also the Perm Sect talk held at 1900 at night.
But somehow or another, my inner Slytherin was silenced, partly due to the Gryffindor-ish element that's dormat in my heart, but mostly because of the words and persuasions put forth by my OG-mates... many of whom possess Gryffindor and Hufflepuff type characters.

Oh yes. My OG mates are so so so so SOOOOOOO Gryffindor-ish. Sigh. Its times like these that make me realize why Draco Malfoy was always so exasperated with Harry Potter.
But its good I suppose that they are more Gryffindor-ish. So keep it up my friends! Just don't over do it all the time! =p

That said... I bet half the Physio Professors are Slytherins. Grrrr.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 22:36   0 comments
Friday 17 August 2007
the 1st week of school
10 things I've learnt over the past week in school

1. I have very very dirty hands, which are probably dirtier than the inside of my nostrils! In fact, I have dirty killer hands! Yup, you heard me right people! Over the course of my first two microbiology lab sessions, I found out that my hands are home to beta-hemolytic bacteria, that have the ability to break down human red blood cells. So the next time you actually come into contact with my bare hands, BEWARE! YOU MIGHT JUST UNDERGO SPONTANEOUS DEGENERATION AND END UP AS MUSH! MUAHAHAHAHA!

2. My mother's car isn't a good place to practice Yoga - or for that matter, any stretching exercises. I got stuck in an awkward position today, while trying to stretch in the back seat of my mom's car when my dad was filling up the fuel tank. It took me around 5 minutes to extricate myself out of the mess I had gotten myself in, but not before being caught by the fuel attendant and making a total fool of myself.

3. It is foolish to think that rolling your eyes at your tutor will not get you into trouble. I learnt the hard way today that tutors actually do notice if you roll your eyes in response to them - and that they will not hesitate to call upon eye-rollers to answer any questions that they might pose.

4. COFM lectures ... are just rubbish. Nuff' said.

5. "The lamb cannot lie down next to the lion unless frequently replaced." -
Martin Luther.
How true, how true. Especially if the lamb is one that is particularly juicy and cute too.

6. Juniors always have the ability to mortify you. 1st of all, they appear out of nowhere and turn out to be taller and larger built than you. 2nd of all, are never on time, much less early. Lastly, they tell you, with gusto (as if hoping to be praised by you), that they were late because they have been spending the last hour or so in the Science library mugging... even though its only the 2nd day of school. *shakes head*

7. It is very very hard to play daidee (or any other card games for that matter) in the lecture hall without seeing each others' cards, or without being caught by the lecturer. Also, any attempt to play a game at hyperspeed, to avoid being caught by the lecturer, usually ends up in the complete abolishment of logical game play and usually ends up in the total abandonment of future attempts to continue the game.

8. Mr Men and Little Miss characters... can be very very kinky. Hehehe.

9. I am apparently very weird as I have an extreme obsession for Harry Potter. Apparently, my friends are amused by my determination to collect all the wands, the sorting hat, the sword of Gryffindor and all the horcruxes and the deathly hallows (when they get released). Not to mention my habit of casting spells and doing wand work in sporadic frequencies throughout the day. Apparently, I'm the only one in S'pore who is that obsessed with Harry Potter! (which is a LIE! FELLOW POTTERITES, SHOW YOURSELF AND TOGETHER WE CAN CONQUER THE MUGGLES! FOR THE GREATER GOOD!) But I must insist that I am not weird! I'm merely just being passionate. Yeah.

10. It is very weird to tuition students on science chapters regarding sex related issues. Especially if they start asking you about certain vocabulary that makes you go 'hmmmmm....'.

I miss doing such summary lists!
Looks like I had a really productive first week! I feel so much smarter already!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:28   0 comments
Tuesday 14 August 2007

Oh wow, the picture finally got uploaded!
Anyway, that's a piece of fan art drawn by Gladys, of GAG+D in Hogwarts. I think its amazing that someone like Gladys, who's so skeptical about Harry Potter, has ended up drawing fan art of the Harry Potter universe. How the world has changed.

And in case you couldn't figure it out, I'm the scrawny one in the far corner, who is conjuring a patronus. I like the way Gladys paid attention to detail, like the fact that my hair's actually tainted brown.
So Gladys, if you are reading this, you go girl! Such an incredibly perceptive individual! (that's why she's in Ravenclaw!)

And in case you didn't know, this picture was supposed to be our birthday gift to Alex. (Gladys drew & painted, I was in charge of adding the comments and Geraldine... approved everything. *snicker*)
Which is kinda cheapskate considering the fact that Alex had been giving us treats and buying us expensive gifts. So girls, I think we really can't ignore the facts this time round - we need to get him something ON top of our little picture!

School's in session right now.
I hate the fact that I'm schooling again - early mornings, god-forsaken lecturers, hidden lecture notes.
I feel like M2 is horribly hard to go through. I think I'm quite lost right now, though I'm sure I will find my bearings soon. I know at least I'm NOT as lost as the beginning of M1, so I think I'll try to be a very good councillor to my councilee and hope that she doesn't feel as lost as I did.
Though I'm quite startled (and slightly disappointed) by the fact that she's taller (and also bulkier) than me. It was quite intimidating to pass her my notes...
But anyway, I think I will start settling in after I buy my books this weekend, and also when my councillor passes me her stuff for M2. My councillor promised to pass me stuff next week! So hopefully I won't be as lost by then!

Off to sleep now. Tata~!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:52   0 comments
Sunday 12 August 2007
inconvenient truth
I was pondering over what was said yesterday before, during and after the Sodagreen concert and the more I pondered, the more convinced I am of my conclusion that we aren't exactly as close as people thought us to be.
We are friends, yes, but I think I have to admit that we don't really know each other very well, and even though we (or rather I) try to convince myself otherwise, the truth has actually been lying in front of me for like what, 3 years?

I'm fine with that actually. I think I've long gotten over the fact that old friends just drift apart.
But what I really can't stand is the way other people just assume we are awfully close, and just keep assuming that I know everything about you, and when I tell them that I seriously don't know what you are thinking, they express surprise, sometimes even shock.
Honestly, what's there to be surprised about? You are such a hard person to get to know, I don't even know why I bothered to even try so hard in the first place.

This is NOT a rant. I'm not angry or anything, just a bit tired and annoyed at the way common friends that we have just keep assuming that after knowing each other for such a long time, I know him very well. Well, I don't.
Even more annoying is when people start comparing me against him.
It is FREAKING irritating. I am not one who likes to be compared with other people, much less with my friends who I've seen, both in the positive and negative light.
I hate it when other people just keep going on and on about how nice, how caring, how patient you are while I'm like a total opposite - impatient, uncaring, nasty; someone who doesn't care about my friends, which just pisses me off, because if you truly know me, friends are very high up on my list of important things.
Okay, maybe I'm not so high on the material side of friendship, like remembering birthdays and buying fancy gifts, but to me that's not the essential part of friendship.
To me, what's more important in friendship is the whole being-there-for-friends-when-they-have-troubles-thing, listening to them, talking to them, understanding them; and people who have had any idea of the amount of effort I have placed into helping others in the past, would understand why I'm so pissed that people can actually claim that I don't care about my friends.

All I can say is that, before you actually do any comparison, please please please get your facts right before starting on anything. No one is perfect, and before you even attempt to compare me against him, please consider if you know him at all, if you truly know him at all.
Before you attempt to even say who's good or bad, who's right or wrong, just consider the fact the only reason why he's so perfect in all your eyes, is because you haven't seen the other darker, not-so-perfect side of him, which incidentally, is something that I've seen and have gotten quite exasperated over, loads and loads of times before.
People just have aspects that they show and they don't show to others. Its not justifiable to just scratch the surface and just come to conclusions based on that.

So to all of you who actually have an inkling of the fact that you are involved in this, please, stop comparing air with earth, because we are totally different individuals.
In the end of the day, if you still want to judge me as a bad friend compared to him (or others for that matter) then fine. I won't protest.
Just know that no matter what, I'm still proud of the way I've ended up as an individual. At least I dare to speak and face the not-so-convenient-truths and to confront them - and no one is able to take that away from me.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 09:50   0 comments
rag and sodagreen
I went down to the Padang on Saturday to watch RAG, but mainly to show some moral support for the Raggers, which incidentally consisted of quite a number of people that I do know.
Anyway, I completely overlooked the need to bring a cap, and also the fact that you actually needed a ticket to enter the stands.
But either way, I managed to slip in unnoticed, and spent the whole afternoon under the hot blazing sun with Amanda, sitting with the main bulk of the Med contingent, and making comments about the various floats and dances.

RAG's an NUS tradition. Unfortunately, I've never actually taken a significant interest in RAG. In year 1, I simply avoided it altogether.
In year 2, I simply decided not to be so involved in it, choosing instead to be more involved with DnD. I've only been down to help out at RAG two separate times, so I decided that I should at least make the effort to go down to the Padang on Saturday and support my friends and fellow meddies, and at least acknowledge that their hard work and effort had not gone down unnoticed.

I thought our dance this year was quite good. Our float just wasn't the most impressive - Science and School of Design had such impressive floats, they were just hard to beat.
But our dance was quite neat and good. I didn't stay for the results though, but I just heard that we didn't win.
But still, I think the Raggers did the best they could, and it was still a job well done! So kudos to them!

After RAG, I went off to meet Xinhui and her friend, Michelle. We went for dinner together, before heading off to Republic Polytechnic to catch Sodagreen's concert.

Sodagreen was great. They were very friendly, and I like the fact that they had no airs and were very genuine.
They were very natural people, and their on-stage banter was just hilarious. It felt like there wasn't a boundary or gap between us and them, that they weren't all the more different from us. I think this is what every musician should aim to achieve, and its amazing really, for both the artiste and the audience.
Their music was good. Qingfeng sounds amazing unplugged. And the band is amazingly talented.

The Concert itself last around 2 and a half hours, while the encore lasted like what at least 45 minutes? Yeah, the encore was in fact a mini concert.
They were so obliging and sporting enough to just keep singing and singing songs that we, the audience requested, which is something quite unheard of in Chinese pop-dom.
Plus I like the way Qingfeng is so upfront. He just keeps blurting out the funniest and most startlingly truthful comments and some of the things he says are so inspiring; simple yes, but inspiring.
All about being sure of your place in the world; about having the courage to be yourself; about never giving up and always persevering to the end. Simple words, but so true.

I think the one thing that impressed me most was not the amazing singing and music, but more of the fact that I was able to leave the concert, feeling like I've just met up with a bunch of old school buddies that I've known for ages.
They were that friendly. I simply adore them.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:49   0 comments
Friday 10 August 2007
alas, earwax!
"It is my earnest hope that pondering upon the past may give guidance in days to come, enable a new generation to repair some of the errors of former years, and thus govern, in accordance with the needs and glory of man, the awful unfolding scene of the future." - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

And that my friends, is an extract from the preface of the book 'The Gathering Storm' which is the first volume of a series of six books chronicling the Second World War, which incidentally, is written by the famous man himself.
I find it a fitting start to this entry, a quote by my most idolised Historical figure, a great man, a great source of inspiration for this lamented soul.

Alas, with 16 demerit points and 1 immediate failure, I have not succeeded in attaining my driver's license!
But today's failure would be tomorrow's success, and heed Churchill's words I shall, and I shall endeavor to learn from my unfortunate mistakes, so that when the time comes for me to meet the testers again, I shall do so with vengeance!
And it shall be I! Not them! Who draws first blood in our next battle! And they shall learn to fear me! To cry out in pain and despair! So cry my lamented souls!

I shall not bother to recount my misadventure on the driving circuit, because it brings me great pain, and annoyance to relive it. But I am sure many of you have heard tidings of it by now, so pray, do not pity the dead! Pity the living instead!
And let us forget the unfortunate event, for it does us no good to dwell on thoughts of the dead and memories of the long forsaken past! Let us instead, unite our thoughts and soul, to forge better days ahead.

I am currently in the midst of reading 'The Second World War' by Sir Winston Churchill, which is a behemoth of a book, but incidentally, something I have always wanted to read.
I must also take the opportunity here to thank my dear friend Alex for his sudden new found generosity, for it is by virtue of his generous spirit (and sudden burgeoning wealth!) that I am able to receive this amazing book as a belated birthday gift.

(AND NOW, to revert out of my Dumbledore-ish/insane wizard mode back into normal mode!)

Sir Winston Churchill, is my hero.

There's no doubt about it. He has been, and will always be, the one Historical figure that I so constantly look up to.
He is the embodiment of sheer grit and determination, of rousing oratory and literary skill, of utmost chivalry and courage, of boldness, daring and audacity. He was a Giant among statesmen, a legend of our time.
He is the man that I've always dreamed and hoped to be, the man that represents so much, a kind of ideal, of what it is to be a Brit (what can I say? I've been an Anglophile all my bloody life!).
There's something Gryffindor-ish about him, and I think, inwardly, I've always lamented the fact that I don't have that much boldness and courage in me.
Sometimes I feel there's too much Ravenclaw rationality in my head; life would be so much easier if I didn't have to always think and consider this and that before doing something, compared to just identifying the problem and taking the plunge, head on.

'The Second World War' is over a thousand pages long. I'm only at page 10, but so far, it has proven to be such a fascinating read. Churchill's narrative skills and mastery of the English language is awe-inspiring.
Its amazing how something like recounting History, which in the hands of a lesser writer, could have turned long and dull, have ended up becoming so rich, dramatic and exhilarating. His words are thought-provoking and image-invoking. Its such a pleasure to read it.
I feel like I'm this close to the man. And feeling the weight of his wisdom and words bearing down on me.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:13   0 comments
Thursday 9 August 2007
and so my soul slides away
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"And so, Sally can wait
She knows its too late as she's walking on by
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger

Don't look back in anger
I heard you say
At least not today"
- Don't Look Back In Anger, Oasis

I have no idea who the hell Sally is, but hey, I've got to thank her for being the inspiration to this song. There's no knowing if Oasis would ever have written this song if dear old Sally didn't exist!
So kudos for her existence, because I'm absolutely gaga over this song right now.

And so people, its now the 9th of August, the day Singapore celebrates!
I "celebrated" my National Day by sleeping and sleeping and going grocery shopping in a horribly packed AMK hub. Quite sad considering the fact that I ended up in such a state because all my previous appointments got canceled.
But oh well, I had a fun time bumming around today. I think its the first time in 2 weeks where I actually had nothing on my schedule, a much needed break from a busy busy 2 weeks.
It would have been better if it wasn't for the fact that today's actually the last day of my holidays.
Yes folks, school starts tomorrow, though of course I'm not actually going to school tomorrow because I have driving test in the morning... but we'll see.
I have to go down to do some stuff, plus I have an appointment with GAG at like 1500, tuition at like 1930, so I'm basically in for a roller coaster ride of a day.
BUT! It'll be all worthed while if I manage to get my license tomorrow!

Well. Let's hope I have good news tomorrow!
Better not keep Sally waiting! I'm off for dinner and the obligatory viewing of the Parade!

I wanted to leave this entry as it is, but after watching the parade, I just have to say a few words...

Am I the ONLY one out there who finds this year's parade simply excruciating to watch?
It was such a painful show to watch, there wasn't just one horrific segment, there were COUNTLESS horrific segments! Let's do a quick recap shall we?

1. The Spongebob Square Pants - style display by the bunch of Primary School kids in mind numbingly cute rubber costumes. It sure looked like there was a bunch of Patricks and Squidwards running about on the stage, without a single clue as to what they were supposed to do.

2. The utterly lame name that this year's NDP committee chose for the show - 'Possibicity'. As in 'Possibility' and 'City', thus a 'City of Possibilities' equals "Possibicity"! Get it? (Argh!)

3. The super extra 'central' character of the show, called 'Sing'. His lame name notwithstanding, this character has contributed almost nothing to the show at all, unless you count him being comic relief. What's up with his costume? And why the heck is he skating round and round in between segments? I mean, what's the POINT of skating round and round and waving your hands out wide? And did you hear the lines he was speaking? Is he trying to emulate Shakespeare or something, to perhaps show the world that S'poreans are capable of speaking arty farty English? Because if that was really his intent, I must say that he failed rather miserably.

4. The segment where little girls were supposed to be little "Garden Fairies", prancing around on the floating platform, while Kit Chan was singing some song about Broadway, The Thames and LA. "GARDEN FAIRIES"? Like seriously? GARDEN FAIRIES at NDP? WTF!?!

5. The segment where animal props where being carried around. The props, are like rip offs of the props found on the West-End Musical, The Lion King. And according to the commentary, the animal forms where supposed to represent the other nations of S.E.Asia... while Singapore's represented by some green laser lion. Singapore, the lion, King of the Jungle of S.E.Asia. What a nice way to co-exist in harmony with your neighbours, by sending out subtle messages of superiority!

6. The segment where hundreds of senior citizens (and non-senior citizens) were doing Tai Chi. Seriously. Tai Chi is not for events like NDP. Tai Chi is for places like Community Centres/Clubs and parks. Not some 'live' television programme that's taking up prime time slots on TV. If I wanna watch people do Tai Chi, I would have gone to Bishan Park and watch the real experts do it, and not waste 2 hours of my bloody life watching some screwed up display of Tai Chi by a bunch of amateurs. ARGH.

Thankfully, the scene where the Ministers all gamely put on the rather ridiculous Lion Shaped hat sort of made up for the horror that was this year's NDP.

Right. Enough ranting.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 17:43   0 comments
Monday 6 August 2007
lets take it to a higher level
One question I like to ask myself: If I were a wizard in the world of Harry Potter, what kind of wizard would I be?

So to take the obsession to a higher level, I've created a bio-data sheet about me, Harry Potter Lexicon style.

Basic Information
Name: Damian "Danny" Darmacus Yeo - because I've always wanted to be called 'Danny' and I thought Darmacus sounds weird and creepy enough to be wizardry.
Alias: Baron Bigsheepy, Da Mian Yang
Birthdate: 1st June 1987

Ancestry: Half-Blood - since my mom claims that she's descended from Molly Weasley and my Dad's about as Magical as a toaster.
Siblings: 1 elder brother - who's either a Squib or Muggle because he doesn't believe in Magic.
Location of childhood home: The village of Green Meadows - which is so so appropriate for someone who's alias is that of a sheep.
Pet: Oscar the Raven - because I love the name 'Oscar' and I love Ravens as well.

Attended: 2000 - 2006
House: Ravenclaw - Oh yeah! For more information about this, read entry dated 28/07/07!
Earned 9 OWLS (9 Attempted): Charms (E), Transfiguration (A), Potions (O), History of Magic (O), Arithmancy (O), Divination (O), Ancient Runes (O), Herbology (O), DADA (O), Care of Magical Creatures (O) - Based on my O'levels. Try and guess which subjects are which!
Earned 6 NEwTS (6 Attempted): Charms (O), Potions (O), Care of Magical Creatures (E), Arithmancy (O), DADA (O), Ancient Runes (O) - Based on my A levels!
Awards: Special Award for Services to the School (5th Year), published papers in Challenges in Charming and Defence Against the Dark Force League Journal

Skills, Magical Devices, Etc
Wand: Hazel wood, Phoenix feather core, 10 3/4 inches - because Hazel's associated with my star sign Gemini and I personally love Hazel Nut Cappuccino Frappe from TCC. Plus, my favourite wand core from Ollivanders is still Phoenix feather, so yeah.
Other Devices: Pensieve - because it reminds me of a wizarding laptop
Organisations & Affiliations: Order of the Phoenix, St Mungo's Hospital For Magical Maladies and Injuries - in the end, I ultimately think I'll be in the Order instead of Voldie's gang of Death Eaters. I could be like their medic or something.
Career: Trainee Healer at St Mungo's - I really am still in training.
Languages: Mermish and a smattering of Gobbledegook, French and Japanese - in the real world, it'll be Mandarin and Theochew dialect.
Skills: Charms, some level of Legilimency, not very good at Occlumency though, Prescient Dreams, experimental Alchemy/Charms

Patronus: Sliver ram/sheep - very fat and fluffy, doesn't like to charge, has a tendency to trot and 'Bah' at Dementors.
Boggart: My own corpse being mutilated by blood sucking leeches - I fear both death and blood sucking leeches. Argh.
Amortentia (love potion) smells: freshly mowed grass, refreshing smell of rain, light flowery smell of someone's hair.
Worst fear/memory: Being publicly humiliated for being a wizard when he was 10 - Last time I cried in public.
Mirror of Erised: Being the most celebrated Healer of the time, discovering cures for new diseases

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posted by voldemort33 @ 19:58   1 comments
Saturday 4 August 2007

A BIG SHOUT OUT to Geraldine for recommending me this youtube video! ITS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! If you find Communist propaganda videos amusing (like I do!) watch it for have some pretty good laughs!
In fact, everyone should watch it! And if you do watch it, YOU HAVE TO WATCH the whole thing! I promise you that you won't regret it! (it doesn't last very long, just roughly 5 mins or so!)

Its a recorded performance of the "Yellow River" Piano Concerto done in the 1970s, and the way the film is cut and filmed, is classic Communist propaganda, which makes it so funny, I was left in stitches after watching it!

Favourite moments:
1. The way the hair of the pianist bounces along with his body movements - I think it almost manages to steal the show away from the pianist's amazing bouncing hands!
2. The whole orchestra's body language - if I didn't know better, I would have thought that this was a piece performed by some cyborg orchestra or something! FREAKY the way they move in unison!
3. The sudden close up on the Pipa-ist for his solo! He was playing with so much passion and enthusiasm you could really almost feel his heart bursting in praise of his Motherland's greatness! (I also love the fact that he is literally pouring his heart and soul into his solo, which only lasts like what? One line?!)

4. The conductor - first of all, he looks like a male version of Miss Piggy from the Muppets. Secondly, his movements are hilarious, the way he swings his arms with so much gusto, the way he sticks out his massive spare tire, the way he looks imperiously around like his some Emperor or something. But best of all is his expression near the end, his look of sheer reverence for the something hanging upon the wall, which incidentally turns out to be item no.5 on this list!
5. The close up of the portrait of Mao Zedong hanging upon the wall! OH MY FREAKING GOD! THIS IS THE SINGLE MOST HILARIOUS PART OF THE VIDEO! I love the way the conductor first puts on this look of reverence before the video suddenly zooms in on the portrait! And kudos to Geraldine for spotting that cause I didn't catch that in my first view!

6. The way they zoomed out to capture the whole orchestra performing the climax of the concerto, with Mao's portrait hanging high above them, overlooking his beloved subjects, who are so obviously filled with love, passion and respect for the Motherland, so much so that they are willing to channel all their heart-felt emotions into every single fibre of muscle to perform such beautiful music! ALL IN PRAISE OF MAO'S EXTRAORINARY VISION and CHINA'S AMAZING MIGHT! LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA! WOO HOO!

I sincerely hope the Chinese authorities do not stumble upon this entry.
But I've got to admit though - the music is AMAZINGLY GOOD. Just that well, the hilarity of the communist undertones sorta makes it hard to focus on the music. *Chuckles*

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:25   0 comments
Thursday 2 August 2007
take a step back
My week's been mix.

It started of on a really bad note, with the whole fiasco of me deleting my whole DnD folder on my laptop.
I really lost it and for ten whole solid minutes, I just swore and swore, trying to use any means possible to retrieve it.
But once I realised that it was a done deal, I flew online to make sure Sam kept the files that I once sent her. And thank God she had.
Nonetheless, it was a major scare and I still lost like 60% of my files, which included the banner design that I had just completed and had not sent to anyone.
I think I was more angry with my own stupidity really.

On Monday, I went down to The Oriental with the DnD committee. But before I met them, I took the opportunity to go CD shopping.
Spent a total of 80 bucks buying four albums, which I sorta regret really because I am currently in an extreme financial state right now.
I HAVE NO MONEY, and yet I owe people lots and lots of money. Which is so ironic because now that I'm giving tuition, you would have expected me to have more income and thus more money. But I guess the illusion of you having more income just spurs you on to spend more, so there you are.
Anyway, I met the committee after that and then we all went down to The Oriental hotel to meet the programme manager, the host and the representative from the hotel itself.
It was quite a fun meeting. I think we managed to settle lots of stuff and there was an air of achievement in the air, a kind of finality to the fact that DnD was really going to happen. One think I just gotta say though, I think the chandeliers of The Oriental hotel are SO BLOODY OBIANG. Disgusting. How to make the place rockstar-ish with those ugly things hanging from the celling?

Random note: Currently listening to Oasis' Greatest Hits album.

On Tuesday, it was the usual old routine.
Driving in the morning. I met Xiaoyan at the driving centre after that which was wonderful because I haven't had the chance to meet her all holiday despite the fact that she had been back from the US for like 4 months already.
Had a nice chat for the 15 minutes that she was there, waiting for her mom to pick her up for a medical check up. She offered me a lift to my house, which is so freaking near hers anyway. It was nice talking to her, even though it was only for a short while. 71 really should meet up soon, but sigh! I'm just experiencing too much inertia to initiate anything really.

After that it was Simpsons with Anat group peeps and Starscream in the the afternoon.
Simpsons is really funny. I think Homer is so idiotic though. But that is what makes him funny.
Never laughed so much in a movie, except maybe Shrek. Good stuff though. Brainless, irrelevant humour.
Then I left after the show for Pasir Ris to give tution.

Wednesday was another busy day. I went down to school in the morning to celebrate Yinxia's birthday. Goldilocks gave her a small birthday celebration at the Science canteen, after which I went to help out with a bit with RAG.
Had a really good time catching up with Shihui while pasting and cutting some colourful cube like thing and she was making her pig. Haha. I really should take a more active role in RAG... but if you ask me, DnD's more fun.
I guess I might just go down for another day or two, but considering my messy and tight schedule for next week, it looks like I'm in for hell.
But anyway, after that, I went with Starscream to Haagen Dazs@Holland Village where they were using their vouchers won from medicamp. Of course we were nice seniors and insisted on paying for our own purchases. Haha.

Interesting thing at Holland Village - I met three of my Chinese High teachers: Ms Yeo, Ms Koe and Mr Lim. all in Holland Village, in ONE DAY. I was quite freaked out because when I went back, Mr Lim immediately started to chat with me on MSN, which was so so freaky.
I also met Amanda from 71! She was conducting some survey for Campus Crusade, so I sorta volunteered to do it for her and she gave me an interesting note pad. And as always, she was asking me to organise a 71 outing, but I seriously have no idea what to do about that. Too much inertia.

At night, I discovered lots of sad stuff from some of my friends.
I hope they cheer up soon. Its so strange to hear some of the problems my friends are going true right now, and sounds so empty and hollow to tell them to cheer up, but I guess I'm not too sure how to deal with such things (because they have never occurred to me before) except to be a listening ear for them.
The world should really be a better place than it is today.

Today's another day of routine.
Driving in the morning, tuition at night. I'm starting to feel exhaustion creeping up on me!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 08:08   0 comments
yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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