let's see how far we've come
Sunday 30 September 2007
the thing called Facebook
I think its high time I talked about the web phenomenon called Facebook.

NOOoooooooOOOoooo! I have not joined the online social networking program and I must say I must be one of the few people that I know who have yet to join this... thing that's been controlling the lives of SO MANY people. That said, DO NOT try to convert me into joining Facebook! I will not waver in my determination to not get ensnared by this insidious, brain washing virus that has plagued the world! I WILL NOT SURRENDER MY INDIVIDUALITY, FREEDOM AND SANITY TO IT! DUMBLEDORE RULES!

I wanted to blog about Facebook (and its corrupting influence on society) on Monday, when my study session at Gladys' place fell to pieces because we were partly too lazy to do any mugging, and also because the girls were trying to lure me into joining Facebook by showing me all the 'wonderfully fun' things that you could do on it.
From throwing chickens and sheep at people (why, on earth would you want to do that in the first place? Why?!?!), to casting spells like Aguamenti and watching your friends respond in similar fashion; from joining groups with weird names and even weirder contents, to meeting people over the pages of history (and from all walks of life!)
It is obvious that I wasn't impressed with their little sales pitch, although I must admit, the Harry Potter Application does have some amount of pulling power, only because I am really interested to see which House the 'Sorting Hat' would place me in. (If the Harry Potter application allowed me to cast 'Avada Kedavra' at people - and therefore effectively ban them from using Facebook ever again - I would join the group immediately, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.)
I must say Facebook burns the time of University students, causing them to leave their books untouched and unread. It is EVIL and therefore, must be eradicated!

Worrying though it may be, I had only expected University Students to be enraptured by this insidious threat to humanity. To my utter amazement, I have discovered that NSFs are also victims of this horrible mind-controlling disease as well!
Today, while eating dinner with 4 of my army friends, I have come across worrying evidence, that my army friends are also being BRAIN-WASHED and CONTROLLED by FACEBOOK AS WELL! THE HORROR!
Threats of "leaving messages on each others' walls", of "superpoking each other" and of "throwing sheep" at each other peppered their otherwise sane conversations. I immediately expressed my concern for this worrying fixation with a computer program that seems to have no real purpose at all - apart from throwing animals at your friends and laughing your hearts out after doing it.
It is an ADDICTION that must be stopped, or else, the nation will be reduced to a population of mindless zombies who look forward to nothing in life but superpoking each other to oblivion!
Productivity will fall! Economic growth will crumble! Our defences laid bare! Our roads and highways will be devoid of cars! Our society bland and activity-less! Our city empty and abandoned! SINGAPORE WILL BE DOOMED!


And now, to kill some Protoss and feast on Terran blood. Excuse me while I waste my brain away on Starcraft. Hehe.


posted by voldemort33 @ 22:06   0 comments
Saturday 29 September 2007
turn a blind eye and the soup train's yours!

THIS IS MCFREAKIN' FUNNY! Sneak of next week's episode of Grey's! Practical Cristina, Desperate Izzie, Ruthless Mark and Bitchy Bailey ALL CRACK ME UP! WOO-HOO!

Sandra Oh is so damn talented! The industry doesn't give her enough credit!


posted by voldemort33 @ 21:21   0 comments
A Change Is Gonna Come
Grey's Anatomy is back! Woohoo! And I am McFreakin' Happy!

I can't describe my happiness now that Season 4 has started and I can have weekly episodes of Grey's to look forward to. In some ways, its kinda pathetic to have the highlight of your week being an episode of a television drama, but lets face it, I don't have that exciting a life in the first place! And staying home to watch Mer and Gang do some nasty nasty makes me happy, so really, I have absolutely nothing to complain about!

My favourite parts of the new episode:
1. The newly minted residents bullying their interns! The prep speeches were hilarious, followed by a scene where the four of them started bitching about the interns, and chasing them away when they tried to sit with them at their favourite corner - Cristina: 'Oh no no, this area is for RESIDENTS ONLY, NO STINKING BABY INTERNS!', Meredith: 'YEAH!', Alex: 'GET LOST YOU BABIES! 007s in training!', Izzie: 'GUYS!'
Oh and Cristina calling them by numbers! Even in surgery! I was cracking with laughter when she called Lexie,"Number 3" when she needed her help to hold the patient still!

2. Bailey snubbing both the Chief and Callie after she lost out on Chief Resident. The Nazi is back this season! She's back to her old feisty, I-HATE-YOU-ALL kind of mood. I love it when she told the Chief that she's not going to thank him for not choosing her as Chief Resident, at least 'NOT TODAY.' And when Callie came to complain about the residents not responding fast enough to her page, she drily noted to both the Chief and Callie that when SHE paged for her former interns, they always came running. And the end where Callie dared Bailey to tell her how terrible she is at her job - all Bailey said was 'Hope tomorrow is better.' SO BITCHY!

3. Mark's confession to Derek, "I didn't come to Seattle to be chief or to get Addison, I came to Seattle to get YOU back!". WHICH SOUNDED SO WRONG. Haha. And Derek expression of 'Huhhhhhhhhh? Did you seriously just say that?' after the whole outburst, and Mark's awkward look and 'I wish I could take that back, but I've said it, so there.' And their light hearted banter after that. I like the fact that these two former best friends and brothers are on their way to burying the hatchet and becoming friends again - cause they must have had a great friendship and excellent teamwork in the past. It'll be very interesting to see a McDreamy and McSteamy double tag team in surgery (and maybe in irritating people).

4. The new residents having their usual gossip sessions! I love it when they just sit around and do nothing but gossip and bitch about things.
Whether it be interns (Cristina: 'I hate them already!', Meredith: 'And they hate you.')
Or Callie (Alex: 'Callie's a bitch!', Izzie:'WORD!')
Or Bailey (Cristina: 'But Callie's OVER Bailey!', Meredith: 'Spiritually, Bailey's over EVERYONE!')
Or Lexie (Alex: *directed at Meredith* 'That girl with black hair... Lexie? She's hot!', Meredith: *stares* 'Get away before I kill you!', Cristina: *snorts with laughter).
Their gossip sessions are what makes me happy! GOSSIP GOSSIP GOSSIP!

5. Alex confides to Cristina that he misses Rebecca, and Cristina admitting she misses Burke. These two don't usually confide things to each other (Mer appears to be the one they tell dark and twisty things to) but they did it in this episode, which is good because it sorta reflects how much their friendship has matured - from hating each other's guts to a mutual respect for each other's cut throat attitudes.

6. Izzie saves a deer. Which IS SO IZZIE. I love her expression when it leaps to its feet after shocking it - "Oh my god! I did it! Its alive! Its alright! ITS ALIVE!" oh and how she handles her interns who think she is a dud, where in the end she sorta slaps them in the face with a nice little hope filled Izzie styled speech. I think her interns ARE rude - they come to their first day of internship expecting to scrub in on surgeries? And pouting and whining and moaning when they don't? LIKE SERIOUSLY?!? The 5 of them under Bailey had to do rectal exams and labs on their first day, so seriously, I think they were lucky that Izzie's so cheerful and floppy compared to Bailey. What a bunch of duds.

Things I do not like include Lexie being overly eager, confident and friendly, like she's trying so HARD to be liked by her new bosses and fellow interns, and most importantly, HER SISTER. Stop being so perky because it makes me want to shove an endoscope up your rear end.

And also George being a pain in the ass - yes you failed your intern test, yes you had to repeat your internship year, yes you have to do it while seeing your fellow batchmates become residents, yes you are doing things you have done all over again, yes that you must be in hell right now BUT STOP WHINING. SUCK IT UP AND BE A MAN! Hold your head high and stop acting like a indecisive baby! And stop snapping at everyone! Stop feeling that everyone's betrayed you and stop blaming them for your failure! I'm sorry George fans out there, but he has become so irritating, a far cry from his season 1 and 2 self that I seriously can't stand him. GROW UP BAMBI and stop being so nice and so lovable to everyone, only to become so TORTURED and TORMENTED later - DECIDE ON WHAT YOU WANT TO DO, WHO YOU WANT TO BE (and to be with!) and STICK TO IT!

Oh and George loves Izzie. Again, I'm sorry fans of the Gizzie coupling, but I am fundamentally opposed to this union of best friends (yuck!), especially since George is married and Izzie... she was supposed to have fallen head over heels for Denny. How could she fall in love with another man so quickly! I still have no idea why Shonda allowed this plot line to develop the way it did. Someone kill it already! Please!!!!

That said, Addison is sorely missed. I love her long flowing hair and spunkiness. She just spells bling-bling richness and class. Sigh. As for Burke... Not so much. I dislike him for ditching Yang at the altar. No one does that to my CRISTINA. Hope he falls down into a drain and has to go for brachio-plastic surgery - and get the tremors ALL OVER AGAIN! I'll like to see how you are going to get through that without Cristina around to support you! HUMPH.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 12:53   0 comments
Thursday 27 September 2007
i'll give you mine if you give me yours
I'm sitting in front of my laptop, eating left-over noodles from my Grandpa's birthday dinner last night. The noodles were delicious then, which is a far cry from the muck I'm eating right now... soggy, messy noodles. Sigh.
Dinner was somewhat excruciating, because I ended up sitting next to my Grandpa, at a table where the average age of everyone seated there was 52. A whole night of forced smiling and keeping my mouth shut.
To make matters worse, there was definite tension in the air because my dad and uncle from Australia were sitting at the same table. The last time they were at dinner together, they ended up quarreling and falling out. At least they didn't go down that road this time round, but still, they aren't speaking to each other, which is a pity because they used to get along so well.
But oh well, when it comes to adults, there's lots of pride at stake, and very often no one wants to take the first step to reconciliation. And as we age and grow older, I think we find that really occurring in our daily lives too.
At least that's over and done with. I don't have to be in such a situation until next year! WOO HOO!

Anyway, I came upon this song from the 881 soundtrack. And no... unlike the millions of Singaporeans who have seen the movie and gone gaga over it, I HAVE NOT seen the movie, and I don't intend to. I'm sure its nice and all, because I've seen some of Royston Tan's short films and I do think that he really is a talented director, but I'm just not into watching 881, for reasons that even I do not know of.
However, I've heard some of the songs from the soundtrack, and I've got to say they are really nice. Very simple, moving songs. I love the title track 'One Half 一人一半' best... but there are many many versions of it - 伍家辉's solo version, a duet version (which he sang with YANZI! once), and another female version that I heard once on 93.3 FM.

Jiahui's version. The original I think...

The duet version, with another girl.

The duet between Jiahui and Yanzi. I love the fact that its unplugged! I think this is the best version I've heard so far (but that's because there's Stefanie in it!)

My mom is a BIG fan of 881. She keeps telling me about the jokes in Hokkien, but of course, I did't really appreciate them because 我的 Hokkien 没有很好. I think I shall buy her the OST because she loves the songs. Which should be a good surprise gift because I haven't given her a surprise gift in ages. I hope it doesn't cost much - at any rate, it should cost less than my Grey's Anatomy soundtracks so yeah, I shouldn't complain.

《一人一半》- 伍加輝
一人一半 感情不散
一人一素故 感情才會久
時光累計 安靜的淚滴
一心去追 愛那么可貴

這樣的人 這樣地等
為愛翻滾 不計傷痕

這樣的人 別笑我蠢
傻傻的 心痛也不覺疼
就算天冷 就算殘忍

一人一半 感情不散
已經找到愛 為何要離開
時光累計 安靜的淚滴
一心去追 愛那么可貴

一人一半 感情不散
已經找到愛 為何要離開
已經找到愛 為何先離開


I like the lyrics though.
Sometime along the rough lines of: you get one half, I get the other, and our friendship will not splinter; we each get equal quarters, and our friendship will last.
Okay, bad translation, I apologize but my Hokkien really isn't that good! But yeah, the lyrics are very very good. Meaningful really. Any relationship you build with someone - family, friend, lover - depends on equal contribution from both parties. You share your troubles, your worries, your joy, your success with each other. No other way. *nods*

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posted by voldemort33 @ 13:08   0 comments
Wednesday 26 September 2007
we push and pull
I realised I haven't been blogging for the past 5 days or so. So here I am! Been rather busy lately. Saturday was spent going to Medical Notes, and Sunday was spent going to the airport to send my cousin (and Ailin!) off. Monday was spent at Gladys' house with GAG - a whole afternoon of random sound bites, pointless stoning and sipping tea. Tuesday and Friday - Tuition. And today's my Grandpa's birthday. Ah, life.

Its recess week people! I'm abit sad that its now Wednesday, the midpoint of Recess Week. Time passes too quickly - we have so little time to attempt to accomplish so much. There's loads of reading left to do, and I'm trying very hard to NOT freak out about it and to keep up some level of consistently reading. I realize its very hard to juggle work and play this year, but I don't really have a choice - I think I'm more inclined to being a hermit for now, to just hibernate at home and catch up with reading; which is probably why I'm keeping outings to a bare minimum this week.

That said, I am thankful for the golden opportunity to wake up at 0930 everyday. I think it makes a difference being able to wake up late, when the sun's already up, instead of waking up in the wee hours of the morning where everything's still dark and dreary. Someone should make it a crime to wake up earlier than 8. In fact, waking up later than 8 should be considered a basic right of humans! Its time to petition to the UN man!

On another note, my gigantic ulcers are FINALLY healing. They aren't painful anymore, which means I can finally enjoy my food without suppressing the urge to spew vulgarities each time I attempt to chew and swallow them. I conclude that tongue ulcers are the most torturous forms of ulcers. You really can't speak properly, can't eat properly, can't sleep properly - its just hell. If I've learnt anything from the experience, it'll be the fact that the tongue is actually an important organ - you don't realize how important it is until you can't use it properly (and you really need your tongue to do lots of stuff actually - you don't realize that you actually use it for THAT many things!). ANYWAY, I've learnt my lesson well, and I'm never going to underestimate the usefulness and importance of my tongue again. So Mr. Tongue, I respect you!

And to those who have been claiming that my ulcers are cause by an outbreak of latent Herpes Simplex 1 virus (HSV-1), I must insist that my ulcers ARE stress ulcers, not Herpes ulcers. Sigh. That's the thing about medical school, your friends are far from sympathetic when you get painful ulcers sprouting everywhere in your mouth - instead, they start speculating about how you had the ulcers, and the reasons they come up with are often ludicrous. Apart from HSV-1, other conditions that friends have insisted that I've been afflicted with include Foot-Hand-Mouth disease, Oral cancer and even AIDS. And they sure are having a hell of a good time mimicking my new 'muffled accent' and inability to pronounce the letters 's' and 'c'! What wonderful friends I have! Thank God I have a sense of humour! =p

Oh and before I go, I would like to introduce a series of hilariously cute Microbe Plushies to all my friends out there who are studying Medicine, Life Sciences or Biology. Credit to Geraldine for discovering the link! GAG and I had an amazing good time waxing lyrical about the dolls - there's lots of different versions: Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Influenza, Corona viruses, even HIV! And THEY ARE ALL SO DARN CUTE!

Follow this link to get to the site!
And here are some of my favourites!

Corona Virus: So cute! I feel like pinching it man!

Rabies: IT HAS BLOOD SHOT EYES! So adorable! Reminds me of the 'Rage' virus from 28 weeks later.

Gonorrhea: SO DARN CUTE! I love its innocent stare! It really is infectious.

Because everyone says I have Herpes, I really am considering getting a Herpes doll!

Pity they don't deliver to S'pore! I think every Medical and Life Science student should get at least one! I shall consider ordering it and sending it to my uncle in the US or friends in US/UK to get them to bring it back for me.

I think its time I go and catch up with reading!


posted by voldemort33 @ 11:50   0 comments
Friday 21 September 2007
[msn conversation]

geraldineeeeeeee says:
oh well
geraldineeeeeeee says:
i hope someday u'd look at this and laugh
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
i don't think so
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
i'm sorry
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
but i can be very unforgiving at times
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
geraldineeeeeeee says:
from what i see
geraldineeeeeeee says:
you eat your words too
geraldineeeeeeee says:
and u have a soft spot for your friends
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:

[/msn conversation]

I was ranting to Geraldine last night about certain issues, and how I'm not so forgiving all the time, when she said those words above.
I dunno why, but the part on me having a soft spot for my friends just rendered me speechless for quite sometime.
I guess I never really saw that in me. I always thought I was someone who was emotionally independent and was good at being emotionally independent, but I guess the reason why it struck me dumb was that I sort of realised that she isn't entirely off tangent either.
But yeah, I think I have soft spot for those I call friends - so much so I let them get away with things, I go all out to help them when I think they need my help - even if it means just sitting beside them in silence as a show of support, or provide a listening ear to their troubles.
I think I'm really too idealistic, but then I see no other way for me to live my life out. Its just simply who I am. I seriously can't see myself being any less idealistic than I already am, or having less optimism that some good in this world still remains.

[msn conversation]

[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
i'm actually more like harry potter than i dare admit.
geraldineeeeeeee says:
geraldineeeeeeee says:
voldemort is pure evil
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
yeah, and i'm not
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
geraldineeeeeeee says:
ur human
geraldineeeeeeee says:
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
like harry
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
my friend was telling me that i'm actually like harry
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
i was like 'WTF? NOOOOOo i'm voldemort!'
geraldineeeeeeee says:
geraldineeeeeeee says:
voldie is insulted
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
he was like 'yeah.... right. voldemort doesn't wish he could do volunteer work in cambodia'
[lamb to the slaughter] - life is beautiful, but it's complicated says:
geraldineeeeeeee says:
*smiley of some laughing cat*

[/msn conversation]

OMFG! I'm starting to think that I'm really like Harry.

Okay, this entry really didn't turn out the way I intended it to be. But I'm at a lost of words. I just think that I'm actually more of a better person than I ever expected myself to be. At least I hope so.

Oh what rubbish.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 22:18   0 comments
Thursday 20 September 2007
Let The Angels Commit
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Life Is Beautiful - Vega 4
Life is beautiful
We live until we die
When you run into my arms
We steal a perfect moment
Let the monsters see you smile
Let them see you smiling

Do I hold you too tightly?
When will the hurt kick in?

Life is beautiful
But it's complicated
We barely make it
We don't need
To understand
There are miracles

Yeah, life is beautiful
Our hearts
They beat and break

When you run away from harm
Will you run back into my arms?
Like you did when you were young
Will you come back to me?

And I will hold you tightly
When the hurting kicks in

Life is beautiful
But it's complicated
We barely make it
We don't need
To understand
There are miracles

Where you are
We let all these moments
Pass us by

It's amazing where I'm standing
There's a lot that we can give
This is ours just for the moment
There's a lot that we can can give

It's amazing where I'm standing
There's a lot that we can give
This is ours just for the moment
There's a lot that we can give


Commitment is always hard. We may want to do something, to take up a stand, but when faced by the overwhelming odds, unfamiliarity of the situation, or just complete illogicality of the matter at hands, we find ourselves completely beaten down by our own insecurities and fears. And we let everything slip, we let every single bit of commitment go.

I was watching Grey's just now. Today's episode featured the patient who burnt herself to get herself out of taking her Bar exams, because she was afraid of failing it again. Something about that patient endeared herself to me, because she was so real. I'm sure we'll see real life cases of such patients in the future, but yes, the point is that the fear can really overcome all rationality sometimes, and then you put your hand to the burner, let your hand become charred meat so as to let the pain distract you.

But at the end of the day, its important to know that everyone fails. Everyone feels alone all the time. What matters most is that you know that you aren't alone, that you won't shun away from help given to you, because sometimes, everyone needs some amount of help to make it through, someone to make sure you are ready, someone to make sure you don't slip up. And that someone out there will eventually depend on you to help them too.

If you think about it, you realise that Life, isn't as terrifying as people put it to be. And that though complicated it may be, its great to take a break once in a while, to smell the roses, and make a mental note of all the little, beautiful miracles that you see.

I like the song above. Featured in Grey's as the said patient finally accepts Izzie and Meredith's offer of help.

P.S: I bought the soundtrack for Grey's season 3 at a freaking ex price of 30 dollars. I must be crazy, but then, what's new? Next up, season one's soundtrack at a grand price of 41 bucks! HMV should award me with a 'most valuable customer' award or something.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:03   0 comments
Tuesday 18 September 2007

You are a Creator

Your imagination, confidence, willingness to explore, and appreciation of beauty make you a CREATOR.

You are independent, and you enjoy your self-sufficiency.

Defying convention, you are very innovative, and you have a vivid imagination.

The look of things is important to you, and you have a keen eye for aesthetic beauty in multiple arenas.

You have a strong interest in what is new and exciting—and that includes forging ahead with new ideas, not simply discovering what is already out there.

Your eagerness to seek new and varied experiences leads you into many different situations.

You're not set on one way of doing things, and you are creative when it comes to finding novel solutions to complex problems.

You trust yourself to be innovative and resourceful.

Your confidence allows you to take your general awareness and channel it into creativity.

If you want to be different:

Appreciate the earthly, practical elements of things—there is beauty in form as well.

While you are good at thinking abstractly, focusing on details a bit more may help you discover things about the world.

You are Generous

Your awareness of those around you, along with your nuanced perceptions of the world at large, makes you the GENEROUS person that you are.

You value time to yourself and understand how rich your private world can be—you know that you don't have to go wild to have a good time.

You are excited and energized by ideas and often enjoy things more through observation than through experience.

This tendency gives you an appreciation for different perspectives and opinions about the world.

Being as aware of others as you are doesn't mean you find it easy to trust them immediately—this is something that happens more slowly for you.

Despite this, you are aware of the complexities of many situations and are reluctant to pass judgments on others.

Although you have fewer friendships than some people, those that you have are meaningful and are important to you.

You value spending time alone—it is while reflecting on the world around you that you often learn something new about yourself or begin to understand something that's been bothering you.

If you want to be different:

Given how attuned you are to others' thoughts and feelings, you might find that trusting people more is a way to broaden your perspective even further.

While you know how much can be learned from observing the world around you, remember that much of life can be lived by experiencing it, not just by understanding it.

I actually did this quiz before, but the results are different. Interesting though.

Geraldine made me do this quiz!

What City Should You Live In?

You should live in New York City. America's largest city will ensure that you will blend into the crowd. You are the brooding type--introspective, creative, and eccentric--and NYC's cutting-edge, individualistic culture and ambience will appeal to you.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

I think New York really suits me. My mom and brother are going there at the end of this year, and I was scheduled to go as well. But in the end, I decided to shelf my plans and not go on holiday for the rest of the year. So they'll be in New York without me! Sigh.

I think I've been living a lie by telling myself that I love rural areas. While yes, rural, scenic places will always hold a special place in my heart, I am ultimately a city person. I think deep down inside me, I really love the dazzling bright lights and hustle and bustle that city life brings. No matter how much I try to deny it or kid myself, I feel most at home in a city full of life - and people! Yes, I never expected it, but its true... I was made for cities sardine-packed with freaking people. So throw down the claustrophobia! Its time to embrace city life!


posted by voldemort33 @ 00:25   0 comments
Sunday 16 September 2007
in deep shit
Alright, this is going to be an entry where I start whining and whining about not being able to keep up with school work, so readers beware! I will not be responsible for any panic (or non-panic) it induces.

ANYWAY, I think I'm really in deep shit with regards to keeping up with readings! Dear me! I woke up at 11 o'clock, which is considered later than normal. I usually wake up at 9 o'clock and that timing is perfect because it gives me ample time in the morning to slack and accumulate enough guilt over not doing anything constructive, which would then galvanize me to actually start on some work.
BUT I WOKE UP AT 11 TODAY! WHICH resulted in my whole cycle being totally screwed up! I blame it on not being able to sleep in yesterday, because I decided to be a filial son and accompany my mom to the market. Sigh. So I slept in today to account for the sleep debt incurred yesterday. At look where it has gotten me to? Total disruption of my normal schedule. =/

I ended up eating brunch - two slices of bread with bacon, and leftovers from the dinner that my mom cooked for the whole extended family last night. (One of the dishes happen to be fried pig's heart! YUM YUM!)
And before I could convince myself to go up and do some work, I ended up watching some documentary on Channel U, about the rise of great nations. So from 12 to 1, I was watching some show about the rise of the Dutch, how they created the first banking system, stock market, yada yada yada.

After that, it was 2 hours of blog & internet surfing. And then a game of Starcraft which ended up becoming a 2 and a half hour titanic battle because my Protoss opponent was quite good. I had to use all my Zerg ingenuity to beat his sorry ass man. But at the cost of my whole AFTERNOON being burnt away.
And now I just found out that we have to go to the architect's house tonight - apparently he has finished the designs for our house and wants to have the final approval tonight so that we can at least start work on it... I feel kinda guilty about the house actually, I must admit I have been too cooped up with my own world and work to actually take notice of what my parents have been doing. And so much for promising to take a more active role in its planning and conception!

So I have no time to do any reading today! Which brings the weekend to a close... plus the fact that I have done absolutely zero reading this weekend! Yesterday was just spending time playing Starcraft and going to MAF, today's also spent on playing Starcraft and doing other crap matters.
I hardly have time to do work on week days, with tuition and all, and if I don't do some work on weekends, where am I going to find the time to do it then? BLOODY HELL.
I need to catch up with work during the recess week... but I've got a nasty feeling people would be eager to organise outings then!
And though I seriously want to catch up with work and do my readings, I DO NOT WANT TO DEVOLVE into a MUGGER who spends every single waking (and sleeping) moment of his life thinking about school work! HOW HOW HOW! SUCH CONFLICTING VALUES! I am in such deep shit!

The sheer amount of work to read up for COFM, pathology and immunology is seriously freaking me out. I ABSOLUTELY DETEST COFM. MY GOD. THANKS FOR MAKING MY LIFE MISERABLE, with you theoretical nonsense and statistical what-nots! DIE COFM LECTURERS! I hope rotten eggs fall down from the sky and smash onto your heads and give you a foul stench for the rest of your sorry lives! OR EVEN BETTER, DEMENTORS COME AND KISS YOU AND SUCK YOUR NO GOOD SOULS LIKE JELLY OUT OF A STRAW! BLEAHHHHHHHHH!


Okay. I need to calm down. Calm down, calm down, calm down.
*Damian is in his happy place, doing happy things, thinking about happy thoughts! Weeeeeee~!*

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posted by voldemort33 @ 17:50   0 comments
Saturday 15 September 2007
solidarity of spirit & sincerity of friendship
HCJC MAF '07 was held on the 15th of September. It was a night filled with the same old feelings of nostalgia. I sorta think MAF is just one big excuse for HC alumnus to just keep reminiscing of the good old times that are now long gone. HC is the only JC institution that has such an event, which strengthens the whole image of everyone of us being part of this huge family. But its good! Good excuse to just temporarily forget about the present and to live in the past.
(just make sure you don't get stuck living in the past for too long. =p)

I miss 71. I really do. My favourite photo is that of the label on my classbench - they haven't changed it yet! It's as if 04s71's spirit still lives on in that wooden bench that we were so proud to call ours. Sigh.

I think I speak for all 71-ians out there when I say that our CT, Mr Wong totally made our day when he sent us a SMS that night. Here's the message; its too hilarious to NOT post it here:

"It was really nice seeing so many members of the class today. What I shall remember most about 71 is the solidarity of spirit shown and the sincerity of friendship shared. What impresses me too is the admirable humility of so many of you who are indisputably high achievers on your own terms. Wanted to catch up with all of you on a one-to-one basis, but think we were somewhat pressed for time today.. We'll meet again end of the year outside of college. Should be a nice change. Can meet for dinner at say, Marche or something."

Its such a typical Mr Wong kind of message. I was laughing my hearts out when I was reading it out to a few of the girls whom I was having supper with. But even though we thought it was funny, I guess we all felt that it was also darn true. All Mr Wong did was just use his awesome command of English and express what all of us couldn't. What he was describing was just that bond that my class had. It was a unique bond, and one that I can PROUDLY say NO OTHER CLASS in HCJC HAD. We were mad when we wanted to be mad, we were hard-working when we had to be hard-working; we had loads of fun all the time, but at the end of the day, we made sure all of us produced the results that was needed. And most importantly, we tried to do everything without anyone being left behind. It was a great class to be in, filled with genuine, good-natured, good-hearted people and I love everyone of them for being that just.

Geraldine and I are trying to get all 71-ians to change their MSN personal messages to "solidarity of spirit shown and the sincerity of friendship shared." That'll be so darn cool.

Photos galore! Credit for the light up photo goes to Shinwei, wasn't around at the light up because the guys + suan went off to watch Lileng's dance concert.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:59   0 comments
Friday 14 September 2007
new interns!

I found these two videos while in school today. I can't believe Grey's is starting in like... TWO WEEKS! Its like someone reached into my heart and ignited my dying heart with passion all over again.
Yup, when the passion's gone and the mind is willing but the flesh is weak, all you need is some amount of TV or gaming cheer to lift your heart out of Dementor infested waters known as DEPRESSION.

Don't you love the whole idea of the interns giving their interns the same 'I have 5 rules' routine! I had thought, due to previous promos, that Cristina's the only one who adopts that whole routine speech (and also the ONLY one feisty enough to pull it off actually) but it turns out everyone gets to deliver it! Even slightly loony Izzie.
Oh and isn't it an amazing parallel that is Lexie Grey asking Cristina the same exact question that Meredith poses to Bailey? The whole 'That was four rules... you said five.' thing. HOW COOL IS THAT?

ANYWAY, I started reading Samantha's blog today. Her blog IS FREAKING HILARIOUS!
Its been awhile since I've read something so funny on the whole blogosphere and its like a breath of fresh air!
Minty fresh, and I meant that as a good thing, even though I don't eat mint.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 23:34   0 comments
Wednesday 12 September 2007
Starcraft II

I've waited over 10 years for this day. STARCRAFT II is going to be released next year! WOO HOO!
I miss the days where I commanded hordes of Zerg to slaughter the Terrans and Protoss.
Its scary to think that I first played Starcraft when I was in Primary School, but it was (and still is) one of my favourite games ever. Great storyline, great characters, great game play, great effects.
Its about time they released a sequel man!

Take a look at the previews of new units for the Protoss and Terren right here. They have yet to release any sneak peeks of the Zerg though, and I can hardly wait. I love the Zerg... and all the classic units. Sigh.

Thanks to Chong Keat for telling me about the latest developments in the game!
I feel like replaying the original now!

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posted by voldemort33 @ 10:30   0 comments
Monday 10 September 2007

ARGH! WHAT A BLOODY NICE MOVIE! Just finished watching it actually and I must say it didn't turn out as cheesy or as bad as I thought it would be... still abit strange, but the film was so well made! I love the cinematography... the scenery is so picturesque.

I haven't really figured out the ending though, but I thought the love story between the characters was SO SWEET. Its not the kind that is mind-numbingly sweet, but you know, the realistic kind, they were doing things that I personally would do on a date, kinda reminded me of what I did with her back then but that's why its so realistically sweet! Oh my, I'm going through neurotic hyperdrive here!
But I'm in love with the female lead 小雨! She's not exactly pretty or beautiful, but I love the fact that she has character and that she's got style! She so eccentric and kooky! I love my girls eccentric and kooky! OMG! I WANT A GIRLFRIEND LIKE HER! WHERE DO I GET A FREAKING PIANO THAT CAN SEND ME INTO THE FUTURE/PAST TO MEET SOMEONE LIKE HER! ARGH!


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不能说的秘密 - 周杰伦

在荡着秋千 梦开始不甜

你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远
又何必去改变 你走过的世界
你用你的指尖 阻止我说再见
想象你在身边 在完全失去之前

你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远
或许命运的签 只让我们遇见
只让我们相恋 这一季的秋天
飘落后才发现 这幸福的碎片


Dunno why, but this song is stuck in my head right now.
Oh and thanks to Sara, I finally found out the whole SECRET behind the movie! And oh my god, it sounds so cheesy. I'm really put off from watching it... even if its going to be like free on crunchyroll.com!

Today's kinda weird. But what Gerard said is true - perfectly morose and morbid.
Grey skies in the morning, like its heralding an imminent Dementor invasion. I think I'm feeling the effects of burnt-out. I dunno, but yeah, its hard to feel happy in light of stuff and events that's been going on.

PBL tomorrow. Bleah. Work work work.
But then if it were for Prof. Loke, I wouldn't mind slogging my ass off, but our new PBL tutor's this anal-retentive person that seriously can't keep his opinions to himself and just simply won't shut up.
Which is why I finally understand how PBL can be such a pain and why so many of my friends were complaining about it in the previous year.

Oh and on another entirely different note, I experienced a prophetic dream/deja vu moment today. I should have read the signs and prepared or prevented what was coming... but at that time the dream was so ludicrous that I wouldn't have believed that it would come true.
Which is something that you'll expect someone to learn from considering that this is like his 8th time having such prophetic dreams. But oh well, I never learn.
And anyway, its so hard to decide which dream would come true and which wouldn't. Sometimes they do come true, other times, they just fall flat. So you can't blame me for not trying. At that time, the situation was deemed highly unlikely to ever happen, so I didn't really pay much attention to it in the first place.

Come to think of it, having prior knowledge about it might not have prevented the situation from happening in the first place.
I guess things happen for a reason - best to leave it be.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 18:03   0 comments
Saturday 8 September 2007
what am i doing here?
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I suddenly got reminded of this song by John Mayer, which he released way back, before he became a troll and started hooking up with Jessica Simpson.
Sounds a bit too happy to reflect my morose mood right now, but hey, I guess it'll do.

"Yes I'm grounded
Got my wings clipped
I'm surrounded by all this pavement
Guess I'll circle
While I'm waiting for my fuse to dry"
- "Bigger Than My Body", John Mayer

I was on my way home from Tan Tock Seng Hospital today when I had one of those moments where I just completely, and rather mysteriously descended into a depression.
I was walking through the underpass towards Ang Mo Kio hub/bus interchange, squeezing through the massive crowds of commuters who were trying to head home as well, when all of a sudden, a feeling of utter helplessness just came onto me - it was as if someone just emptied a whole pail of ice cold water all over me, like I can never ever be happy again.

And at that moment in time, I started asking myself why I'm in Medicine. It feels as if all the previous ideals and reasons I had for entering Medicine doesn't even exist in this real world.
I don't know why, but its so so disheartening, so so disappointing even, to realize that I've sort of lost my reason for studying Medicine. That everything I've wanted and hoped to achieve seem to be, with each passing day, more like an idyllic fantasy that can never achieve.
Doctors aren't as selfless and great as I thought them to be, Medicine is much more darker and political than I thought it to be, and Hospitals aren't the places of healing I picture them to be.

I feel like people in Singapore don't deserve to be healed, don't deserved to be helped, because somehow or another, we have squandered all our heart, hopes and basic humility and humanity for something more material, for something like wealth, and money; for booze and partying; for debauchery and hypocritical politeness.
It irritates me, even pisses me off, when I see youngsters acting like gangsters, smoking and spewing vulgarities; children being spoilt brats who won't shut up when their parents ask them to do so; peers being irresponsible people who just party and squander their lives away, without any attempt at restraint at all; adults being uncaring, self-centered individuals who simply don't give a damn about the fate of the rest of society.
And it makes me sad to think that the whole reason why I wanted to be a doctor in the first place was to do some good for society - but the society I'm working to serve and help has ended up in such a sorry, sordid state, I feel like they don't deserve any help I want to and hope to give.
All my hopes and ideals were for absolutely nothing.

Maybe its because of the fact that I'm still recovering from illness, or that I'm exhausted from a long week. Or maybe its just because I'm feeling blue.
But I feel like I need some reassurance that there's still some good in this world to fight for, which is being overly idealistic, but hey, that's just me.
(And if you could stop all the unhappiness, that'll be great too.)


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posted by voldemort33 @ 00:06   0 comments
Tuesday 4 September 2007
how to save a life.
If someone's heart is flat-lining, you give him a shot of atropine to kick start his heart and get it going again.
If someone is having an epileptic fit, you give him a shot of diazepam to stop his seizures.
If someone is suffering from anaphylaxis, you give him a shot of epinephrine to counteract the action of histamine being released.

But when someone's feeling down, what course of treatment do you use?

Sometimes, having a conversation, is all you need to save a life. Show that you care, show that they matter, show that they aren't alone.

Just two more months before ORD folks! Hang in there!
But if ever you need someone to talk to again, this doc is always available. Just dial the number and he'll be there, serving as your toll-free counseling service. =)

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posted by voldemort33 @ 22:07   0 comments
Monday 3 September 2007
Crashing Down
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Crashing Down - Mat Kearney
These back steps are steeper to the ground
The brightest stars are falling down
I'm walking the edge, walking the tightest rope
We can be frank, reality rips on through, rolling like a hurricane
I'm over the bridge and under the rain

If everything's falling, if everything's changed
If I'm in the open, if I'm in the way

What am I doing here
If you're not with me?
What have I got to live for, if it's just my own dream
Take it back to the beginning, back to the start
When gravity's pulling, you're still holding my heart
You come crashing down
Crashing down

These four walls are closing in on me
The talk is louder than I'll sing
I want to be there, want to be where you are
But you know it all, every look and smile that aren't meant to break
I'm over the bridge and under the rain

If everything's falling, if everything's changed
If I'm in the open, if I'm in the way

What am I doing here
If you're not with me?
What have I got to live for, if it's just my own dream
Take it back to the beginning, back to the start
When gravity's pulling, you're still holding my heart
You come crashing down
Crashing down

And you say that everything is differant, why don't we just hold on
And you say everything is differant, why don't we just hold on
Crashing down


Damian is bloody shagged today.
Unfortunately, he can't get this song out of his head.

Damian feels sad that he is trying to read Katzung when all he really wants to do is to recover from the sleep debt he incurred from sleeping at 2 am (because he was reading Harry Potter) this morning. Bleah.


posted by voldemort33 @ 22:28   0 comments
Sunday 2 September 2007
Grey's season 4!

27th September!


posted by voldemort33 @ 14:52   0 comments
LDMR, market theory, paradox of thrift
I met up with my classmates/fellow economics 'S' students, Ailin, Eesuan and Huilin last night. Weishu was supposed to join us and make it a full Econs 'S' outing (so geeky!) but unfortunately, something cropped up back home and he couldn't make it.
So it was just me and the 3 girls. I brought them to the MINT cafe (and so, indirectly contributed to Huipei's pocket money) mainly to escape the crowds that was flooding the city on a Saturday night, and also to use all the coupons that I accumulated from DnD. (Huilin, if you are reading this, I WANT PHOTOS!)

It was great to meet up with them. Actually, I had already met up with them on separate occasions prior to that, but not as a group. So what was great this time round was the group dynamics of our Thursday lessons after school, staying back and lazing at the class bench all over again.
I kinda miss studying Economics with them. I miss the days where I was dealing something that was ambiguous, where you could just argue or debate your way through, without needing that much fact to substantiate your views. Medicine's all about facts, which is so memory intensive that it causes memory burn. I miss my LDMR, market theory, fiscal and monetary policies etc.

It was interesting to hear the girls talk about their community service stints in China. All three of them went to China to do community service, quite a coincidence really.
The fact that they all took the plunge and just gamely went on OCIP trips really impressed me, because I'm always deliberating over going to OCIPs (see my previous entry dated 27/08/07). But I've always felt the girls from 71 were all very unique and impressive individuals, and I've learnt so much from befriending them. Inspiring people.

2 years on and it appears we have all become slightly jaded. The girls saw my matriculation photo taken during prom, and they were commenting that I looked so 'youthful' in it, and that I look 'old' now.
'Old' is such a wrong word though! I guess its just time exhibiting its effects on all of us. I do feel slightly jaded with life actually. You learn things about life - about dealing with people, dealing with work, dealing with society. At least I know now that not everything is as simple as ABC, and not everything is as idealistic as how I want it to be.
Also, I seem to be talking less these days, which is a good thing because I sometimes talk too much. I find that I have nothing much to share or talk about. The problems and experiences I have these days are so trivial compared to the problems that they have been facing, it makes me feel ashamed of myself.

Ailin said I've changed. Its interesting to note that change seems to be a constant in my life, because its not the first time someone told me that I've change. But hey, at least they all say that I've always been constantly changing for the better.
Besides being thinner, more adult looking, apparently I've become more sociable and more sure of the way the world is and more sure of my place in it.
Whether I've really changed or not, I don't really know. Maybe its a subtle thing, but I would like to think that if I've changed, its not for the sake of change alone, but rather change for a reason, from within.

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posted by voldemort33 @ 11:21   0 comments
yours truly

Name: voldemort33
XY, 01/06/1987, s'porean
typical geminian
moody & eccentric
thinks far too much for his own good
med student (be afraid. be very afraid!)
crazy craves
music (jazz, rock and lounge)
drawing & photography
animals (sheep!)
chocolate and tea!
seafood, noodles and soup!
pet peeves
noisy crowds
over-possessive, insecure, whiny people
two-faced hypocrites
housework and homework
being called 'rich'
rushing to do stuff
crying, pesky kids
deepest darkest desires! (aka wishlist!)
to be a doctor (with a heart of gold!)
a dog
my own condo apartment
a driving license and my own four wheel drive
my own comic line
someone to hug
musings and inklings
other worlds
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